Adjustments Must Be Prospective Only Sample Clauses

Adjustments Must Be Prospective Only. If the Arbitrator determines that a Party has received or will receive more or less, or has paid or will pay more or less, than provided for in the Settlement Agreement, any recovery of under- or over-payment of Total Settlement Benefits, and any corresponding adjustments to reflect amounts that should or should not have been included in COU Parties’ Tier 1 PF Rates, must be implemented solely through prospective adjustments to (i) IOUs’ payments of REP Settlement Benefits (or, if after the Payment Period, REP benefits), and (ii) COU Parties’ power bills, in either case as necessary to place the Parties in the positions they would have been in had the Settlement Agreement been performed in accordance with its terms. The Arbitrator must specifically state any amounts of such prospective adjustments, including any applicable interest, and such adjustments must be made over a time period comparable to the time period during which the over- or under-payment determined by the Arbitrator occurred. With respect to the COU Parties, any adjustments to their power bills must be proportionate to their contributions to the under- or over-payment.
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  • Xxxxxx Prospecting Pty Ltd. of the other part, a copy of which agreement is set out in the Schedule to the Iron Ore (Hanwright) Agreement Xxx 0000. SECONDLY The agreement under seal of even date herewith between the said the Honourable Xxxxx Xxxxx, M.L.A. of the first part, Xxxxxxx Prospecting Pty. Ltd. and Xxxxxx Prospecting Pty. Ltd. of the second part and Mount Xxxxx Mining Pty. Limited of the third part amending and adding to the agreement firstly referred to in this Schedule. SECOND SCHEDULE WESTERN AUSTRALIA Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Xxx 0000 MINERAL LEASE Lease No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Goldfield(s) XXXXXXXXX THE SECOND by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Australia and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith: TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS shall come GREETINGS: KNOW YE that WHEREAS by an Agreement made the day of 1968 between the State of Western Australia of the one part and HAMERSLEY IRON PTY. LIMITED (hereinafter called “the Company” which expression will include the successors and assigns of the company including where the context so admits the assignees of the Company under the said Agreement) of the other part the said State agreed to grant to the Company a mineral lease of portion or portions of the lands referred to in the said Agreement as “the mining areas” AND WHEREAS the said Agreement was ratified by the Act 196 which said Act (inter alia) authorized the grant of a mineral lease to the Company NOW WE in consideration of the rents and royalties reserved by and of the provisions of the said Agreement and in pursuance of the said Act DO BY THESE PRESENTS GRANT AND DEMISE unto the Company subject to the said provisions ALL THOSE pieces and parcels of land situated in the Goldfield(s) containing approximately acres and (subject to such corrections as may be necessary to accord with survey when made) being the land shaded pink on the plan in the Schedule hereto and all those mines, veins, seams, lodes and deposits of iron ore in on or under the said land (hereinafter called “the said mine”) together with all rights, liberties, easements, advantages and appurtenances thereto belonging or appertaining to a lessee of a mineral lease under the Mining Xxx 0000 including all amendments thereof for the time being in force and all regulations made thereunder for the time being in force (which Act and regulations are hereinafter referred to as “the Mining Act”) or to which the Company is entitled under the said Agreement TO HOLD the said land and mine and all and singular the premises hereby demised for the full term of twenty‑one years from the day of 19 with the right to renew the same from time to time for further periods each of twenty‑one years as provided in but subject to the said Agreement for the purposes but upon and subject to the terms covenants and conditions set out in the said Agreement and to the Mining Act (as modified by the said Agreement) YIELDING and paying therefor the rent and royalties as set out in the said Agreement. AND WE do hereby declare that this lease is subject to the observance and performance by the Company of the following covenants and conditions, that is to say: —

  • Market Adjustments 22. Neither this Article nor any other in this Collective Agreement prevents the Employer from using other funds to increase a Member’s salary in response to offers received from other employers or to accommodate other market forces.

  • Adjustments to Exercise Price; Number of Rights The Exercise Price, the number and kind of securities subject to purchase upon exercise of each Right and the number of Rights outstanding are subject to adjustment from time to time as provided in this Section 2.3.

  • Reallocation to a Class with a Lower Salary Range Maximum 1. If the employee meets the skills and abilities requirements of the position and chooses to remain in the reallocated position, the employee retains existing appointment status and has the right to be placed on the Employer’s internal layoff list for the classification occupied prior to the reallocation.

  • Carry Forward to a Subsequent Year If you do not withdraw the excess contribution, you may carry forward the contribution for a subsequent tax year. To do so, you under-contribute for that tax year and carry the excess contribution amount forward to that year on your tax return. The six percent excess contribution penalty tax will be imposed on the excess amount for each year that it remains as an excess contribution at the end of the year. You must file IRS Form 5329 along with your income tax return to report and remit any additional taxes to the IRS.

  • QUANTITY CHANGES PRIOR TO AWARD The Commissioner reserves the right, at any time prior to the award of a specific quantity Contract, to alter in good faith the quantities listed in the Bid Specifications. In the event such right is exercised, the lowest responsible Bidder meeting Bid Specifications will be advised of the revised quantities and afforded an opportunity to extend or reduce its Bid price in relation to the changed quantities. Refusal by the low Bidder to so extend or reduce its Bid price may result in the rejection of its Bid and the award of such Contract to the lowest responsible Bidder who accepts the revised qualifications.

  • Adjustments to Purchase Price The Purchase Price shall be adjusted as follows:

  • CONTRACT PRICE/PRICE LIMITATION/ PAYMENT 5.1 The contract price, method of payment, and terms of payment are identified and more particularly described in EXHIBIT C which is incorporated herein by reference.

  • REPORT OF CONTRACT USAGE All fields of information shall be accurate and complete. The report is to be submitted electronically via electronic mail utilizing the template provided in Microsoft Excel 2003, or newer (or as otherwise directed by OGS), to the attention of the individual shown on the front page of the Contract Award Notification and shall reference the Group Number, Award Number, Contract Number, Sales Period, and Contractor's (or other authorized agent) Name, and all other fields required. OGS reserves the right to amend the report template without acquiring the approval of the Office of the State Comptroller or the Attorney General.

  • Xxxxxxx to Meet Timelines Failure by the Union to comply with the timelines will result in the automatic withdrawal of the grievance. Failure by the Employer to comply with the timelines will entitle the Union to move the grievance to the next step of the procedure.

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