Agreement Effective Dates. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect from December 1, 2018 to and including November 30, 2021, and thereafter from year to year unless terminated by either party in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of this Article.
Agreement Effective Dates. This agreement has an effective date, located on the signature page, which shall remain in effect until terminated or amended by either party.
Agreement Effective Dates. This agreement has an effective date, located on the signature page, and the agreement shall remain in effect until terminated in whole or in part by any party. This Agreement, upon execution, supersedes and replaces any prior Central Finance Office Service Provider/Payee Agreement previously executed by the Provider. By signing this agreement, the Provider has represented to DESE the ability to provide specific service(s) as defined in federal and state regulations. The Provider is an independent contractor who is not eligible for any state benefits and for whom no Federal or State Income Tax will be deducted from payments.
Agreement Effective Dates. Enter first day of work on an incident. The ending date is the day of demobilization.
Agreement Effective Dates. Beginning Date : Ending Date: This is an incident only Agreement; expiring at demobilization from the incident listed above. Reassigned resources need a new agreement.
Agreement Effective Dates. For initial, original enrollment, the agreement effective date is the date of the actual enrollment. For renewal agreements, the effective date will be the signature date. This Agreement, and any incorporated Rider, constitutes the sole agreement between the parties. No representation oral or written not incorporated herein shall be binding upon the parties. This Agreement, upon execution, supersedes and replaces any prior Central Reimbursement Office (CRO) Service Provider Agreement previously executed by the Provider. Unless otherwise terminated by DDRS, this agreement shall remain in effect for a period of two (2) years from the effective date, at which time the agreement may be renewed by DDRS or terminated by either party.
Agreement Effective Dates. This Agreement shall be effective from May 1, 2017 to April 30, 2021 and shall continue in effect from year to year thereafter unless either party gives the other party notice in writing within ninety (90) days prior to the expiry of this Agreement of its desire to terminate or amend this Agreement. All terms take effect upon ratification save and except wage increases which are applied retroactively. This Benefit Summary provides information about the specific benefits supplied by Manulife Financial that are part of your Group Plan.
Agreement Effective Dates. This agreement has an effective date, located on the signature page, which shall remain in effect until terminated in whole or in part by any party. For DESE only, this effective date is not to exceed 60 days prior to execution date and does not xxx xxxxxx enforcement of any provisions of this Agreement.
Agreement Effective Dates. This agreement shall remain in effect until either Lessee leaves from the above property and Lessor has received payment in full for his daily parking on the premises.
Agreement Effective Dates. Avril1. 2019 through March 31, 2022 GameDesiml 1, B.S.- Game Desliln &DeveloDment f2638l Course tfame Cr Course# Course tfame C r Structure and Object Oriented Problem 3 CITA152 Computer Logic 3 Pr11- Calculus or College Mathematics II 3 -4 MATH 121 College Algebra (GER1) 4