Agreement Negotiation Protocol Sample Clauses

Agreement Negotiation Protocol. The schema adopted in the definition of agreements is shown on the left hand side in Figure 8, an agreement is an XML document with Agreement, Resource, URLNotification, Timestamp, Negotiation, ListObligations, and IfViolated elements. Agreements are used to bind a list of obligations between two parts, a UCPF and a third-party service, and allow for their negotiation. The use of agreements allows the personalization of general obligations and with that, the use of a limited number of predefined obligations, which are “reused” in each agreement, instead of creating new instances.
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Agreement Negotiation Protocol. AN P In order to preserve or revise privacy agreement, a web service needs protocols that govern and structure interac- tions between signing parties. The features of the Agree- ment Negotiation Protocol presented here includes a negotiation language defined previously, and an interac- tion mechanism that the parties must follow to come to an accord. Such mechanism is based on Xxxxxxxxxx’x Alter- nating Offers Protocol [12], where two parties A1 and A2 participate in the negotiation process and make offers and counteroffers. In our framework, we modify such model in order to assume that the protocol is not an alternating offer model, in the sense that the customer does not make any counter offer to the agreement proposal received from the provider. It is only the provider that makes an offer and waits for the acceptance or refusal of the customer. Also we assume that the players never opt out the negotiation during a time period of the negotiation µn that both parties must be defined in the agreement, otherwise the penalties will be fired. AN P The protocol ∈ During the negotiation session each party uses suitable ac- tions when communicating with each other. The service provider should notify service customer when an event e ∈ AC E happens at time point t and needs a negotiation in or- der to activate some actions ac updating the privacy agreement data term, then he suggests a privacy agreement proposition to the service customer that contains revised terms in privacy data term (proposal). The service customer must reply by sending decision about the received agree- ment privacy proposition. Service costumer has the right to accept or reject the proposition and in this case he must send some additional information about negative decision (justify). Such justification may help the provider to make a new proposal. Finally, the negotiation will end successfully otherwise if the time period of the negotiation is over, then the penalties are fired. { } The parties can act in the negotiation only at discrete time point in the set T = 0, 1, 2, At each instant t (t = 0) in the negotiation, if the negotiation has not yet terminated, the service customer, whose turn is to respond, may send accept or reject. If a proposition made by service provider at time instant t is accepted by service customer then the negotiation terminates. P We express the bilateral protocol by a state machine (STM), where the states represent the different phases in which the negotiation of...

Related to Agreement Negotiation Protocol

  • Contract Negotiations Where operational requirements permit, and on reasonable notice, the Employer shall grant special leave with pay for not more than two (2) representatives of each bargaining unit for the purpose of attending contract negotiation meetings with the Employer on behalf of the Union. Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld.

  • Management Negotiations (a) The Parties will attempt in good faith to resolve any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or any related agreements by prompt negotiations between each Party’s Authorized Representative, or such other person designated in writing as a representative of the Party (each a “Manager”). Either Manager may request a meeting (in person or telephonically) to initiate negotiations to be held within ten (10) Business Days of the other Party’s receipt of such request, at a mutually agreed time and place. If the matter is not resolved within fifteen (15) Business Days of their first meeting (“Initial Negotiation End Date”), the Managers shall refer the matter to the designated senior officers of their respective companies (“Executive(s)”), who shall have authority to settle the dispute. Within five (5) Business Days of the Initial Negotiation End Date (“Referral Date”), each Party shall provide one another written Notice confirming the referral and identifying the name and title of the Executive who will represent the Party.

  • NEGOTIATION PROCEDURE A. The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations over a successor Agreement in accordance with Chapter 303, Public Laws of 1968, and its amendments under Chapter 123, Public Laws of 1974, in a good faith effort to reach an agreement on matters concerning terms and conditions of employment for all employees covered by this Agreement. Such negotiations shall begin in accordance with PERC rules. Any Agreement so negotiated shall not be effective unless reduced to writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Board and the Association.

  • Promotion Procedure The rate of pay of an employee promoted shall be established in the new pay range at the nearest step which exceeds the existing rate by at least five (5) percent, but shall not exceed the maximum of that pay range except that whenever the rate of pay prior to promotion is above the maximum of the pay range established for the position to which the employee is being promoted, the present rate shall be retained.

  • NEGOTIATION PROCEDURES A. It is contemplated that matters not specifically covered by this agreement but of common concern to the parties shall be subject to professional negotiations between them from time to time during the period of this agreement, upon request by either party to the other. The parties undertake to cooperate in arranging meetings within 30 days of receipt of notice, setting forth generally the subject not specifically covered, selecting representatives for such discussions, furnishing necessary information and otherwise constructively considering and resolving any such matters.

  • MUTUAL AGREEMENT PROCEDURE 1. Where a person considers that the actions of one or both of the Contracting States result or will result for him in taxation not in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, he may, irrespective of the remedies provided by the domestic law of those States, present his case to the competent authority of the Contracting State of which he is a resident or, if his case comes under paragraph 1 of Article 24, to that of the Contracting State of which he is a national. The case must be presented within three years from the first notification of the action resulting in taxation not in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement.

  • Annual Negotiations Negotiations will be conducted each year according to the ground rules as mutually agreed upon prior to negotiations. Ground Rules (see APPENDIX F - GROUND RULES) used at the previous year's sessions will serve as the basis for discussing any changes before adopting ground rules for the current negotiating sessions. Such ground rules mutually agreed upon shall assist in the orderly process for negotiations.


  • Development Agreement As soon as reasonably practicable following the ISO’s selection of a transmission Generator Deactivation Solution, the ISO shall tender to the Developer that proposed the selected transmission Generator Deactivation Solution a draft Development Agreement, with draft appendices completed by the ISO to the extent practicable, for review and completion by the Developer. The draft Development Agreement shall be in the form of the ISO’s Commission-approved Development Agreement for its reliability planning process, which is in Appendix C in Section 31.7 of Attachment Y of the ISO OATT, as amended by the ISO to reflect the Generator Deactivation Process. The ISO and the Developer shall finalize the Development Agreement and appendices as soon as reasonably practicable after the ISO’s tendering of the draft Development Agreement. For purposes of finalizing the Development Agreement, the ISO and Developer shall develop the description and dates for the milestones necessary to develop and construct the selected project by the required in-service date identified in the Generator Deactivation Assessment, including the milestones for obtaining all necessary authorizations. Any milestone that requires action by a Connecting Transmission Owner or Affected System Operator identified pursuant to Attachment P of the ISO OATT to complete must be included as an Advisory Milestone, as that term is defined in the Development Agreement. If the ISO or the Developer determines that negotiations are at an impasse, the ISO may file the Development Agreement in unexecuted form with the Commission on its own, or following the Developer’s request in writing that the agreement be filed unexecuted. If the Development Agreement is executed by both parties, the ISO shall file the agreement with the Commission for its acceptance within ten (10) Business Days after the execution of the Development Agreement by both parties. If the Developer requests that the Development Agreement be filed unexecuted, the ISO shall file the agreement at the Commission within ten (10) Business Days of receipt of the request from the Developer. The ISO will draft, to the extent practicable, the portions of the Development Agreement and appendices that are in dispute and will provide an explanation to the Commission of any matters as to which the parties disagree. The Developer will provide in a separate filing any comments that it has on the unexecuted agreement, including any alternative positions it may have with respect to the disputed provisions. Upon the ISO’s and the Developer’s execution of the Development Agreement or the ISO’s filing of an unexecuted Development Agreement with the Commission, the ISO and the Developer shall perform their respective obligations in accordance with the terms of the Development Agreement that are not in dispute, subject to modification by the Commission. The Connecting Transmission Owner(s) and Affected System Operator(s) that are identified in Attachment P of the ISO OATT in connection with the selected transmission Generator Deactivation Solution shall act in good faith in timely performing their obligations that are required for the Developer to satisfy its obligations under the Development Agreement.

  • Contract Negotiations Meetings Where operational requirements permit, the Employer will grant leave without pay to an employee for the purpose of attending contract negotiations meetings on behalf of the Institute.

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