Data Practices Supplier and Sourcewell acknowledge Sourcewell is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13. As it applies to all data created and maintained in performance of this Agreement, Supplier may be subject to the requirements of this chapter.
SAFETY PRACTICES (a) i Employees requiring glasses must wear glasses, preferably with safety lenses instead of contact lenses while on the job site. ii W.C.B. approved safety footwear must be worn at all times while on the job site. iii Employee attire will be in conformance with W.C.B. Regulation and the Employer’s policy.
Notice of Privacy Practices Business Associate shall abide by the limitations of Covered Entity’s Notice of which it has knowledge. Any use or disclosure permitted by this Agreement may be amended by changes to Covered Entity’s Notice; provided, however, that the amended Notice shall not affect permitted uses and disclosures on which Business Associate relied prior to receiving notice of such amended Notice.