ALLERGAN'S RIGHT TO DERIVATIVES. Allergan and its Affiliates shall have a worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable (except for uncured material breach by Allergan) right to synthesize and use Derivatives for [ * ].
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  • Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Xxx 0000 No term of this Agreement is enforceable under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Xxx 0000 by a person who is not a party to this Agreement.

  • Data Subjects Rights The Participant may have a number of rights under the data privacy laws in the Participant’s country of residence. For example, the Participant’s rights may include the right to (i) request access or copies of personal data the Company processes, (ii) request rectification of incorrect data, (iii) request deletion of data, (iv) place restrictions on processing, (v) lodge complaints with competent authorities in the Participant’s country of residence, and/or (vi) request a list with the names and addresses of any potential recipients of the Participant’s personal data. To receive clarification regarding the Participant’s rights or to exercise his or her rights, the Participant should contact his or her local human resources representative.

  • LESSOR'S RIGHT TO CURE If the Lessee shall fail to make any payment, or to perform any act required to be made or performed under this Lease and to cure the same within the relevant time periods provided in Section 16.1, the Lessor, after five (5) Business Days' prior notice to the Lessee (except in an emergency when such shorter notice shall be given as is reasonable under the circumstances), and without waiving or releasing any obligation or Event of Default, may (but shall be under no obligation to) at any time thereafter make such payment or perform such act for the account and at the expense of the Lessee, and may, to the extent permitted by law, enter upon the Leased Property for such purpose and take all such action thereon as, in the Lessor's opinion, may be necessary or appropriate therefor. No such entry shall be deemed an eviction of the Lessee. All sums so paid by the Lessor and all costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, in each case, to the extent permitted by law) so incurred shall be paid by the Lessee to the Lessor on demand as an Additional Charge. The obligations of the Lessee and rights of the Lessor contained in this Article shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease.

  • Access Rights (a) Without limiting any rights the ABL Agent or any other ABL Secured Party may otherwise have under applicable law or by agreement, (i) in the event of any liquidation of the ABL Collateral (or any other Exercise Any Secured Creditor Remedies by the ABL Agent) and whether or not the Authorized Shared Collateral Agent or any other Shared Collateral Secured Party has commenced and is continuing to Exercise Any Secured Creditor Remedies of the Shared Collateral Agents, and (ii) if the Shared Collateral Agents have obtained a first priority Lien on or control of any Real Property where any ABL Collateral is located, then the ABL Agent or any other Person (including any Loan Party) acting with the consent, or on behalf, of the ABL Agent, shall have the right to access such Real Property in order to assemble, inspect, copy or download information stored on, take actions to perfect its Lien on, complete a production run of Inventory involving, take possession of, move, prepare and advertise for sale, sell (by public auction, private sale or a “store closing”, “going out of business” or similar sale, whether in bulk, in lots or to customers in the ordinary course of business or otherwise and which sale may include augmented Inventory of the same type sold in the Borrowers’ and Guarantors’ business), store or otherwise deal with the ABL Collateral, in each case without notice to, the involvement of or interference by any Shared Collateral Secured Party or liability to any Shared Collateral Secured Party for a period not to exceed the Access Period. Prior to the Discharge of ABL Obligations, the Shared Collateral Agents agree not sell, assign or otherwise transfer such Real Property prior to the Access Period, unless the purchaser, assignee or transferee thereof agrees to be bound by the provisions of this Section 3.7. Subject only to the foregoing provisions of this Section 3.7, nothing in this Agreement shall impair the Shared Collateral Agents’ and the Shared Collateral Secured Parties’ rights and Liens on such Real Property.

  • Secured Party’s Rights and Remedies If at any time (1) an Event of Default or Specified Condition with respect to the Pledgor has occurred and is continuing or (2) an Early Termination Date has occurred or been designated as the result of an Event of Default or Specified Condition with respect to the Pledgor, then, unless the Pledgor has paid in full all of its Obligations that are then due, the Secured Party may exercise one or more of the following rights and remedies:

  • LESSOR'S RIGHT TO PERFORM If Lessee fails to make any payment required to be made by it hereunder or fails to perform or comply with any of its other agreements contained herein, Lessor may itself make such payment or perform or comply with such agreement, after giving not less than five Business Days' prior notice thereof to Lessee (except in the event that an Indenture Default resulting from a Lease Default or a Lease Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, in which event Lessor may effect such payment, performance or compliance to the extent necessary to cure such Indenture Default with notice given concurrently with such payment, performance or compliance), but shall not be obligated hereunder to do so, and the amount of such payment and of the reasonable expenses of Lessor incurred in connection with such payment or the performance of or compliance with such agreement, as the case may be, together with interest thereon at the Late Rate from such date of payment, to the extent permitted by applicable law, shad be deemed to be Supplemental Rent, payable by Lessee to Lessor on demand.

  • Lessor's Rights If Lessee fails to perform Lessee's obligations under this Paragraph 7, or under any other paragraph of this Lease, Lessor may at its option (but shall not be required to) enter upon the Premises after ten (10) days' prior written notice to Lessee (except in the case of an emergency, in which case no notice shall be required), perform such obligations on Lessee's behalf and put the same in good order, condition and repair, and the cost thereof together with interest thereon at the maximum rate then allowable by law shall become due and payable as additional rental to Lessor together with Lessee's next rental installment.

  • Right to Defend Upon receipt of notice of any matter for which indemnification might be claimed by an Indemnified Party, the Indemnifying Party shall be entitled to defend, contest or otherwise protect against any such matter at its own cost and expense, and the Indemnified Party must cooperate in any such defense or other action. The Indemnified Party shall have the right, but not the obligation, to participate at its own expense in defense thereof by counsel of its own choosing, but the Indemnifying Party be entitled to control the defense unless the Indemnified Party has relieved the Indemnifying Party from liability with respect to the particular matter or the Indemnifying Party fails to assume defense of the matter. In the event the Indemnifying Party shall fail to defend, contest or otherwise protect in a timely manner against any matter, the Indemnified Party shall have the right, but not the obligation, thereafter to defend, contest or otherwise protect against the same and make any compromise or settlement thereof and recover the reasonable cost thereof from the Indemnifying Party including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, disbursements and all amounts paid as a result of such suit, action, investigation, claim or proceeding or the compromise or settlement thereof; provided, however, that the Indemnified Party must send a written notice to the Indemnifying Party of any such proposed settlement or compromise, which settlement or compromise the Indemnifying Party may reject, in its reasonable judgment, within ten (10) days of receipt of such notice. Failure to reject such notice within such ten (10) day period shall be deemed an acceptance of such settlement or compromise. The Indemnified Party shall have the right to effect a settlement or compromise over the objection of the Indemnifying Party; provided, that if (i) the Indemnifying Party is contesting such claim in good faith or (ii) the Indemnifying Party has assumed the defense from the Indemnified Party, the Indemnified Party waives any right to indemnity therefor. If the Indemnifying Party undertakes the defense of such matters, the Indemnified Party shall not, so long as the Indemnifying Party does not abandon the defense thereof, be entitled to recover from the Indemnifying Party any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by the Indemnified Party in connection with the defense thereof other than the reasonable costs of investigation undertaken by the Indemnified Party with the prior written consent of the Indemnifying Party.

  • Contracts (Rights of Third Parties Act 1999 A person who is not a party to this Agreement has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any term of this Agreement unless expressly provided to the contrary in this Agreement. Notwithstanding any term of this Agreement, the consent of any person who is not a party to this Agreement is not required to rescind or vary this Agreement at any time.

  • Lessor’s Right to Inspect Lessee shall permit Lessor and its authorized representatives as frequently as reasonably requested by Lessor to inspect the Leased Property and Lessee’s accounts and records pertaining thereto and make copies thereof, during usual business hours upon reasonable advance Notice, subject only to any business confidentiality requirements reasonably requested by Lessee.

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