Alliance Manger Sample Clauses

Alliance Manger. Each Party shall, as soon as possible after the Effective Date, appoint a single individual to coordinate all daily, ordinary course of business interactions between the Parties that may be necessary to administer this Agreement effectively and carry out the intent and objectives of the Parties (for each Party, an “Alliance Manager”). Each Alliance Manager shall be experienced in project management, be knowledgeable about the marketing and sale of branded pharmaceutical dosage products in general and may also serve as one of his/her Party’s representatives on the JMC. Each Party may change its Alliance Manager effective upon written notice to the other Party.
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Related to Alliance Manger

  • Alliance Manager Each Party shall appoint a person(s) who shall oversee contact between the Parties for all matters between meetings of each Joint Committee and shall have such other responsibilities as the Parties may agree in writing after the Effective Date (each, an “Alliance Manager”). Each Party may replace its Alliance Manager at any time by notice in writing to the other Party.

  • Alliance Managers In addition to the foregoing governance provisions, each of the Parties shall appoint a single individual to serve as that Party’s alliance manager (“Alliance Manager”). The role of each Alliance Manager will be to participate and otherwise facilitate the relationship between the Parties as established by this Agreement. A Party may replace its Alliance Manager from time to time upon written notice to the other Party.

  • Project Leaders Within [**] Business Days after the Effective Date, each Party will appoint (and provide written notice to the other Party of the identity of) a senior representative having a general understanding of biopharmaceutical discovery and development issues to act as its project leader under this Agreement (each, a “Project Leader”). The Project Leaders will serve as the contact point between the Parties with respect to the Research Program, and will be primarily responsible for: (a) facilitating the flow of information and otherwise promoting communication, coordination of the day-to-day work and collaboration between the Parties; (b) providing single point communication for seeking consensus internally within the respective Party’s organization; and (c) raising cross-Party or cross-functional disputes in a timely manner. The Project Leaders shall conduct regular telephone conferences as deemed necessary or appropriate, to exchange informal information regarding the progress of the Research Program. Each Party may change its designated Project Leader from time to time upon prior written notice to the other Party. Each Project Leader may designate a substitute to temporarily perform the functions of that Project Leader by prior written notice to the other Party.

  • Collaboration Management Promptly after the Effective Date, each Party will appoint a person who will oversee day-to-day contact between the Parties for all matters related to the management of the Collaboration Activities in between meetings of the JSC and will have such other responsibilities as the Parties may agree in writing after the Effective Date. One person will be designated by Merck (the “Merck Program Director”) and one person will be designated by Moderna (the “Moderna Program Director,”) together will be the “Program Directors”. Each Party may replace its Program Director at any time by notice in writing to the other Party. Any Program Director may designate a substitute to temporarily perform the functions of that Program Director by written notice to the other Party. The initial Program Directors will be: For Moderna: [***] For Merck: [***]

  • Program Managers See Section 14.1.

  • Management Team Subject to any approval or consulting rights of the --------------- Joint Operations Committee, Manager shall engage or designate one or more individuals experienced in dental group management and direction, including, but not limited to, an administrator, who will be responsible for the overall administration of the Practice including day-to-day operations and strategic development activities.

  • Joint Development Committee The Parties shall form a joint development committee (the “Joint Development Committee” or “JDC”), made up of an equal number of representatives of Merck and BioLineRx, which shall have responsibility of coordinating all regulatory and other activities under, and pursuant to, this Agreement. Each Party shall designate a project manager (the “Project Manager”) who shall be responsible for implementing and coordinating activities, and facilitating the exchange of information between the Parties, with respect to the Study. Other JDC members will be agreed by both Parties. The JDC shall meet as soon as practicable after the Effective Date and then no less than twice yearly, and more often as reasonably considered necessary at the request of either Party, to provide an update on the progress of the Study. The JDC may meet in person or by means of teleconference, Internet conference, videoconference or other similar communications equipment. Prior to any such meeting, the BioLineRx Project Manager shall provide an update in writing to the Merck Project Manager, which update shall contain information about the overall progress of the Study, recruitment status, interim analysis (if results available), final analysis and other information relevant to the conduct of the Study. In addition to a Project Manager, each Party shall designate an alliance manager (the “Alliance Manager”), who shall endeavor to ensure clear and responsive communication between the Parties and the effective exchange of information, and shall serve as the primary point of contact for any issues arising under this Agreement. The Alliance Managers shall have the right to attend all JDC meetings and may bring to the attention of the JDC any matters or issues either of them reasonably believes should be discussed, and shall have such other responsibilities as the Parties may mutually agree in writing. In the event that an issue arises and the Alliance Managers cannot or do not, after good faith efforts, reach agreement on such issue, the issue shall be elevated to the Head of Clinical Oncology for Merck and the Vice President of Medical Affairs or Business Development for BioLineRx.

  • Relationship Managers Each party will appoint a Relationship Manager to act as the primary point of contact between the parties with respect to this Agreement, and will designate an alternate for its primary Relationship Manager to act in his or her absence or unavailability. No modification of the Specifications or the Schedule will be effective unless expressly approved by the primary or alternate Relationship Managers of both parties pursuant to Section 7. Each Relationship Manager will appoint Project Managers to manage specific projects under this Agreement. The Project Managers will serve as the primary interface points between the parties with respect to such projects.

  • Program Management (WBS 1.1) All components of the Project Management Plan as implemented for the Base Contract and Options 1-4 will be reviewed and amended to reflect specific needs for Option 5 and the outcome of continuous process improvement evaluations.

  • Project Managers Each party will designate a project manager (“Project Manager”) who will (a) serve as such party’s primary representative under this Agreement, (b) have overall responsibility for managing and coordinating the performance of such party’s obligations under this Agreement and be responsible for the day-to-day implementation of this Agreement, including attempted resolution of any issues that may arise during the performance of any party’s obligations hereunder for each of the Services, (c) be authorized to act for and on behalf of such party with respect to all matters relating to this Agreement and (d) will provide guidance on the steps the parties shall take to cooperate in the transition, separation and migration of the Services. Generally, requests by NewCo relevant to the Services will be made by NewCo’s Project Manager to MCK’s Project Manager; however, the foregoing provision will not limit either party’s ability to communicate with the other party’s relevant contact person(s) with respect to any particular Service. Either party’s Project Manager may from time to time designate a substitute of commensurate skills and experience by notice to the other party to fulfill such Project Manager’s responsibilities during any periods of unavailability.

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