ANNUAL OR PERIODIC MEMBERSHIP FEE. If your Account has an Annual or Periodic Membership Fee, this amount is shown in Part 2. You agree that this fee will be charged to your Account while your Account is: • open; or • closed with a balance. If you have not used your Account and you close it within 90 days of when it was opened, the Annual or Periodic Membership Fee(s) will be refunded (if paid) or reversed. This Fee compensates Capital One, in part, for Cardmember services provided or made available to you throughout the membership year.
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  • Annual Membership Fee You agree to pay in advance a nonrefundable annual membership fee shown on page 1, whether or not you use your Card or Credit Card account. The fee will be charged on a periodic statement shortly after you open your Credit Card account and after that in the same month every year. We reserve the right to waive all or a portion of the annual fee.

  • Membership Fee Program Member agrees to and shall pay the Member Amenities Fee as provided in the Membership Agreement. Unless this Agreement is not renewed, as provided in Section 4 (above), subsequently, the Program Member will be billed for the Member Amenities Fee for each Renewal Year prior to the beginning of each Renewal Year, and the Program Member agrees to pay the invoiced Member Amenities Fee within 30 days after the date of the invoice. In order to facilitate the administration of the Personalized Care Practice and the Program Services, Personalized Care Practice hereby appoints Signature MD, Inc. to perform all billing and collections functions associated with the Member Amenities Fee (but not for medical services covered under any insurance contract, including Medicare). Accordingly, Program Member agrees to submit all payments of Member Amenities Fees to Signature MD, Inc., as follows: Signature MD, Inc., 0000 Xxxxxxxxx Xxx, Xxxxx 000 Xxxxxx xxx Xxx, XX 00000 / (000) 000-0000 / Any checks for payment of the Member Amenities Fees shall be made payable to, and any credit card payments shall be processed by, Signature MD, Inc.

  • Membership Fees 59.01 The Employer shall reimburse an employee for the payment of membership or registration fees to an organization or governing body when the payment of such fees is a requirement for the continuation of the performance of the duties of the employee’s position.

  • Rate Redetermination for Market Change In the event of delay or interruption, exceeding 90 days, under B8.33, Contracting Officer shall make an appraisal to determine for each species the difference between the appraised unit value of Included Timber immediately prior to the delay or interruption and the appraised unit value of Included Timber immediately after the delay or interruption. The appraisal shall be done after any rate redetermination done pursuant to B3.31, using remaining volumes. Tentative Rates and Flat Rates in effect at the time of delay or interruption or established pursuant to B3.31 will be reduced, if appraised rates declined during the delay or interruption, to become Current Contract Rates. Increases in rates will not be considered. Accordingly, Base Rates shall be adjusted to correspond to the redetermined rates if redetermined rates are less than the original Base Rates, subject to a new Base Rate limitation of the cost of essential reforestation or 25 cents per hundred cubic feet or equivalent, whichever is larger. However, existing Base Indices shall not be changed under this Subsection. Redetermined rates shall be considered established under B3.1 for timber Scaled subsequent to the delay or interruption.

  • Periodic Increases Periodic increases are provided as follows:

  • Annual Fees Tiered Fee Schedule for Premier Wealth Tactical, Premier Wealth Tactical Core, ETF Sector Rotation, Tactical Opportunity, Equity Growth and Value, Equity Growth Opportunity, Equity Dividend Income, and all Premier Wealth Tactical Core/ ETF Sector Rotation Strategies (also known as Xxxxxxxxx Moderate, Xxxxxxxxx Moderately Aggressive, or Xxxxxxxxx Aggressive):

  • DIRECTORS' FEES Directors' fees and other similar payments derived by a resident of a Contracting State in his capacity as a member of the board of directors of a company which is a resident of the other Contracting State may be taxed in that other State.

  • Increment Date for Salary Grid Placement Upon achieving one (1) year of experience, an increment shall be awarded on the first of the month following the month in which the experience accumulation is earned.

  • First Year Wage Adjustment Effective July 1, 2017, all salary ranges and rates shall be increased by two percent (2.0%), rounded to the nearest cent. The compensation grids for classes covered by this Agreement are contained in Appendix E-1. Employees shall convert to the new compensation grid as provided in Section 2.

  • Periodic Progress Payments The Owner shall make progress payments, less retainage, as set forth in Section 4 of the General Conditions.

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