ARTIFACTS AND FOSSILS. 4.5.1 Fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity, structures and other remains or things of scientific or historic interest discovered at the Place or Work shall, as between the Owner and the Contractor, be deemed to be the absolute property of the Owner. 4.5.2 The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent removal or damage to discoveries as identified in GC 4.5.1, and shall immediately notify the Contract Administrator upon discovery of such items and shall suspend the Work within any area identified by the Contract Administrator. Initial notification may be verbal provided that such notice is confirmed in writing by the Contractor within two (2) Calendar Days of discovery. 4.5.3 The Contract Administrator will investigate the impact on the Work of the discoveries identified in GC 4.5. 1. If conditions are found that would cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor’s cost or time to perform the Work, the Contract Administrator, with the Owner’s approval, will issue appropriate instructions for a change in the Work as provided in 7.2 - CHANGE ORDER or 7.3 - CHANGE DIRECTIVE.
ARTIFACTS AND FOSSILS. Fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity, structures and other remains or things of scientific or historic interest discovered at the Place of the Work shall, as between the Owner and the Contractor, be deemed to be the absolute property of the Owner.
ARTIFACTS AND FOSSILS. 9.3.1 Fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity, structures and other remains or things of scientific or historic interest discovered at the Place of the Work shall, as between the Owner and the Construction Manager, be deemed to be the absolute property of the Owner. 9.3.2 The Construction Manager shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent removal or damage to discoveries as identified in paragraph 9.3.1, and shall advise the Consultant upon discovery of such items 9.3.3 The Consultant will investigate the impact on the Work of the discoveries identified in paragraph 9. 3.1. If conditions are found that would change the Construction Manager’s Fee, the Guaranteed Maximum Price or the Construction Manager’s time to perform the Work, the Consultant, with the Owner’s approval, will issue appropriate instructions for a change in the Work as provided in GC 6.2 – CHANGE ORDER or GC 6.3 – CHANGE DIRECTIVE. CCDC 5B – 2010 35
ARTIFACTS AND FOSSILS. 3.1 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: 3.2 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: 3.3 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: 3.1. If conditions are found that would cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor’s cost or time to perform the Work, the Consultant, with the Owner’s approval, will issue appropriate instructions for a change in the Work as provided in GC6.2 – CHANGE ORDER or GC6.3 – CHANGE DIRECTIVE.
ARTIFACTS AND FOSSILS. 9.3.1 Fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity, structures and other remains or things of scientific or historic interest discovered at the Place or Work shall, as between the Owner and the Contractor, be deemed to be the absolute property of the Owner. 9.3.2 The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent removal or damage to discoveries as identified in paragraph 9.3.1, and shall advise the Consultant upon discovery of such items. 9.3.3 The Consultant will investigate the impact on the Work of the discoveries identified in paragraph 9. 3.1. If conditions are found that would cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor’s cost or time to perform the Work, the Consultant, with the Owner’s approval, will issue appropriate instructions for a change in the Work as provided in GC 6.2 - CHANGE ORDER or GC 6.3 CHANGE DIRECTIVE.
ARTIFACTS AND FOSSILS. Delete and replace with the following:
ARTIFACTS AND FOSSILS. 9.3.1 Fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity, structures and other remains or things of scientific or historic interest discovered at the Place of the Work shall, as between the Owner and the Construction Manager, be deemed to be the absolute property of the Owner. 9.3.2 The Construction Manager shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent removal or damage to discoveries as identified in paragraph 9.3.1, and shall advise the Consultant upon discovery of such items 9.3.3 The Consultant will investigate the impact on the Work of the discoveries identified in paragraph 9. 3.1. If conditions are found that would change the Construction Manager’s Fee, the Guaranteed Maximum Price or the Construction Manager’s time to perform the Work, the Consultant, with the Owner’s approval, will issue appropriate instructions for a change in the Work as provided in GC 6.2 – CHANGE ORDER or GC 6.3 – CHANGE DIRECTIVE. CCDC 5B – 2010 35 9.4.1 Subject to paragraph of GC 3.2 – CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR OTHER CONTRACTORS, the .1 construction health and safety at the Place of the Work in compliance with the rules, regulations and practices required by the applicable construction health and safety legislation, and .2 establishing, initiating, maintaining and supervising all health and safety precautions and programs in connection with the performance of the Work.
ARTIFACTS AND FOSSILS. 9.3.1 Fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity, structures and other remains or things of scientific or historic interest discovered at the Place of the Work shall, as between the Contractor and the Subcontractor, be deemed to be the absolute property of the Contractor. 9.3.2 The Subcontractor shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent removal or damage to discoveries as identified in paragraph 9.3.1, and shall advise the Contractor upon discovery of such items. 9.3.3 The Contractor shall investigate the impact on the Subcontract Work of the discoveries identified in paragraph 9. 3.1. If conditions are found that would cause an increase or decrease in the Subcontractor’s cost or time to perform the Subcontract Work, the Contractor shall issue appropriate instructions for a change in the Subcontract Work as provided in SCC 6.2 - CHANGE ORDER or SCC 6.3 CHANGE DIRECTIVE.
ARTIFACTS AND FOSSILS. Replace GC 9.3.1 with the following: 3.1 The following items, if discovered at the Place of the Work, shall be deemed to be the absolute property of the Owner: (a) fossils; (b) coins; (c) articles of value or antiquity; (d) structures; (e) remains or things of scientific or historic interest
ARTIFACTS AND FOSSILS. 1. Fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity, structures and other remains or things of scientific or historic interest discovered at the Place of the Work shall, as between the Client and the Contractor, be deemed to be the absolute property of the Client. 2. The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent removal or damage to discoveries as identified in paragraph 9.3.1 and shall advise the Client upon discovery of such items. 3. The Client will investigate the impact on the Work of the discoveries identified in paragraph 9. 3.1. If conditions are found that would cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor’s cost or time to perform the Work, the Client, will issue appropriate instructions for a change in the Work as provided in GC 6.2 – CHANGE ORDER or GC 6.3 – CHANGE DIRECTIVE.