ASILs in ISO 26262 Sample Clauses

ASILs in ISO 26262. ISO 26262 sets out a comprehensive methodological framework for the design and development of electronic engineering (EE) systems in the automotive domain. ASILs - and the associated acts of determining and upholding safety requirements - form a major part of this process as they are the mechanism by which the required levels of safety are represented and maintained throughout the design of the system. As such, ISO 26262 contains a considerable amount of information on ASILs and how they should be used. For detailed information, the reader should refer to ISO 26262 itself, but a general overview of the more relevant parts will be given here.
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Related to ASILs in ISO 26262

  • ETHICS IN PUBLIC CONTRACTING This Contract incorporates by reference Article 9 of the Arlington County Purchasing Resolution, as well as all state and federal laws related to ethics, conflicts of interest or bribery, including the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act (Code of Virginia § 2.2-3100 et seq.), the Virginia Governmental Frauds Act (Code of Virginia § 18.2-498.1 et seq.) and Articles 2 and 3 of Chapter 10 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia, as amended (§ 18.2-438 et seq.). The Contractor certifies that its proposal was made without collusion or fraud; that it has not offered or received any kickbacks or inducements from any other offeror, supplier, manufacturer or subcontractor; and that it has not conferred on any public employee having official responsibility for this procurement any payment, loan, subscription, advance, deposit of money, services or anything of more than nominal value, present or promised, unless consideration of substantially equal or greater value was exchanged.

  • Eindgebruikers binnen de Amerikaanse overheid De Apple software en de bijbehorende documentatie zijn “Commercial Items”, zoals omschreven in 48 C.F.R. §2.101, en bestaan uit “Commercial Computer Software” en “Commercial Computer Software Documentation”, zoals beschreven in 48 C.F.R. §12.212 of 48 C.F.R. §227.7202, afhankelijk xxx xxxxx paragraaf van toepassing is. Overeenkomstig 48 C.F.R. §12.212 of 48 C.F.R. §227.7202-1 tot en met 227.7202-4, afhankelijk xxx xxxxx paragraaf van toepassing is, xxxxxx de “Commercial Computer Software” en “Commercial Computer Software Documentation” aan eindgebruikers binnen de Amerikaanse overheid (a) alleen als “Commercial Items” in licentie gegeven en (b) alleen met de rechten die xxxxxx verleend aan alle andere eindgebruikers conform de voorwaarden die hierin xxxxxx genoemd. Ongepubliceerd: rechten voorbehouden krachtens de auteursrechtwetgeving van de Verenigde Staten.

  • NO HARDSTOP/PASSIVE LICENSE MONITORING Unless an Authorized User is otherwise specifically advised to the contrary in writing at the time of order and prior to purchase, Contractor hereby warrants and represents that the Product and all Upgrades do not and will not contain any computer code that would disable the Product or Upgrades or impair in any way its operation based on the elapsing of a period of time, exceeding an authorized number of copies, advancement to a particular date or other numeral, or other similar self-destruct mechanisms (sometimes referred to as “time bombs,” “time locks,” or “drop dead” devices) or that would permit Contractor to access the Product to cause such disablement or impairment (sometimes referred to as a “trap door” device). Contractor agrees that in the event of a breach or alleged breach of this provision that Authorized User shall not have an adequate remedy at law, including monetary damages, and that Authorized User shall consequently be entitled to seek a temporary restraining order, injunction, or other form of equitable relief against the continuance of such breach, in addition to any and all remedies to which Authorized User shall be entitled.

  • AT&T-12STATE acknowledges that CLEC may have an embedded base of one-way trunks ordered and installed prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement that were used for termination of CLEC’s Section 251(b)(5)/IntraLATA Toll Traffic to AT&T-12STATE (Embedded Base). To the extent that CLEC has such an Embedded Base, CLEC shall only augment trunk groups in the Embedded Base with the mutual agreement of the Parties. CLEC shall not order any new one-way trunk groups following the Effective Date of this Agreement. Moreover, the Parties agree that the Embedded Base will be converted to two-way trunk groups under the following circumstances:

  • Metode Penelitian Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah hukum normatif. Sumber data yang dipergunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang terdiri dari :

  • The Limited Liability Company The Members have created a limited liability company: [NAME OF THE LLC] ("Company") and formed on the date of [FORMATION DATE] in the State of Washington D.C. (“Governing Law”). The operations of the Company shall be governed by the laws located in the State of Governing Law and in accordance with this Agreement as follows:

  • Required Coverages For Generation Resources Of 20 Megawatts Or Less Each Constructing Entity shall maintain the types of insurance as described in section 11.1 paragraphs (a) through (e) above in an amount sufficient to insure against all reasonably foreseeable direct liabilities given the size and nature of the generating equipment being interconnected, the interconnection itself, and the characteristics of the system to which the interconnection is made. Additional insurance may be required by the Interconnection Customer, as a function of owning and operating a Generating Facility. All insurance shall be procured from insurance companies rated “A-,” VII or better by AM Best and authorized to do business in a state or states in which the Interconnection Facilities are located. Failure to maintain required insurance shall be a Breach of the Interconnection Construction Service Agreement.

  • Disclosure to FERC or its Staff Notwithstanding anything in this Section 17 to the contrary, and pursuant to 18 C.F.R. § 1b.20, if FERC or its staff, during the course of an investigation or otherwise, requests information from one of the Interconnection Parties that is otherwise required to be maintained in confidence pursuant to this Interconnection Service Agreement, the Interconnection Party, shall provide the requested information to FERC or its staff, within the time provided for in the request for information. In providing the information to FERC or its staff, the Interconnection Party must, consistent with 18 C.F.R. § 388.122, request that the information be treated as confidential and non-public by FERC and its staff and that the information be withheld from public disclosure. Interconnection Parties are prohibited from notifying the other Interconnection Parties prior to the release of the Confidential Information to the Commission or its staff. An Interconnection Party shall notify the other Interconnection Parties to the Interconnection Service Agreement when it is notified by FERC or its staff that a request to release Confidential Information has been received by FERC, at which time any of the Interconnection Parties may respond before such information would be made public, pursuant to 18 C.F.R. § 388.112.

  • Cooperation in international fora The Parties shall endeavour to cooperate in all international fora where issues relevant to this partnership are discussed.

  • SBC-12STATE 47.1.1 The terms contained in this Agreement and any Appendices, Attachments, Exhibits, Schedules, and Addenda constitute the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, superseding all prior understandings, proposals and other communications, oral or written between the Parties during the negotiations of this Agreement and through the execution and/or Effective Date of this Agreement. This Agreement shall not operate as or constitute a novation of any agreement or contract between the Parties that predates the execution and/or Effective Date of this Agreement.

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