Interview Period It is agreed that upon commencement of employment new employees will be advised by a representative of the Hospital of the existence of the Union and the conditions surrounding their employment as contained in the herein collective agreement and any rules that may be formulated under its terms. It is also agreed that a representative of the union will be given an opportunity to interview each employee once within the completing month of his/her probationary period for the purpose of ascertaining the wishes of the employee concerning membership in the Union. Such interview may take place on the day of orientation. The Hospital will notify the Union monthly of the names of those employees who are completing their probationary period and on request will arrange a time and place for such interview that time of which shall not exceed 15 minutes. Neither employee shall suffer loss of regular pay as a result of such interview.
Exit Interview Upon termination of Employee’s employment for any reason, Employee agrees, if requested, to participate in an exit interview with the Company and reaffirm in writing Employee’s post-employment obligations as set forth in this Agreement.
Interview A new employee will have the opportunity to meet with a representative of the Union in the employ of the Hospital for a period of up to minutes during the employee's orientation period without loss of regular earnings. The purpose of the meeting will be to acquaint the employee with such representative of the Union and the collective agreement. Such meetings may be arranged collectively or individually for employees by the Hospital as part of the orientation program." "No employee shall be required or permitted to make any written or verbal agreement with the Hospital or its which conflicts with the terms of this agreement. No individual employee or group of employees shall undertake to represent the union at meetings with the Hospital without proper authorization from the union."
Interviews An applicant for a posted position with the Employer who is not on a leave of absence without pay and who has been called for an interview shall suffer no loss of basic earnings to attend. Should an employee require a leave of absence from duties for the interview, their supervisor shall be notified as soon as the requirement to appear for an interview is made known.
Interviewing Opportunity A representative of the Union or Xxxxxxx shall be given an opportunity to interview each new Employee within regular working hours, without loss of pay, for a maximum of thirty (30) minutes during the first month of employment for the purpose of acquainting the new Employee with the benefits and duties of Union membership and its responsibilities and obligations to the Employer and the Union.
Interview Questions Explanation Why do you want to be a Board member? What specific skills would you bring to the Board? Please give specific examples of your ability in interpersonal relationships and teamwork. What do you see as the role of a Board member? What have you done to prepare yourself for the challenges of being a Board member? Interview questions are at the Board's sole discretion. This list is not exhaustive, but it may help the Board tailor its questions toward finding a candidate who will approach Board membership with a clear understanding of its demands and expectations along with a constructive attitude toward the challenge. The Board may also want to consider allowing an equal amount of time for each interview. Please describe your previous community or non-profit experiences. What areas in the district would you like to see the Board strengthen? See IASB's Recruiting School Board Candidates, available at: A prospective candidate to fill a vacancy may raise other specific issues that the Board will want to cover during an interview. What is your availability to meet the time, training commitments, and other responsibilities required for Board membership? Describe what legacy you would like to leave behind. In each interview, the Board President will: Introduce Board members to the candidate at the beginning of the interview. Describe the Board's interview process, selection process, and ask the candidate if he or she has questions about the Board's process for filling a vacancy by appointment. Describe the District's philosophy or mission statement. Describe the vacancy for the candidate by reviewing the: (1) qualifications, and (2) general duties and responsibilities of the Board and the Board members, including fiduciary responsibilities, conflict of interest, ethics and gift ban, and general Board member development. Begin asking the interview questions that the Board developed. Ask the candidate whether he or she has any questions for the Board. Thank the candidate and inform the candidate when the Board expects to make a decision and how the candidate will be contacted regarding the Board's decision. The Board President will lead the Board as it interviews prospective candidates. See Board policy 2:110, Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers. The president presides at all meetings. 105 ILCS 5/10-13. The Board may also want to consider allowing an equal amount of time for each interview. Fill vacancy by a vote during an open meeting of the Board before the 60th day (105 ILCS 5/10-10, amended by P.A. 101-67, eff. 1-1-20). Announcement Explanation The Board appointed [appointee's name] to fill the vacancy on the Board. The appointment will be from [date] to [date]. The Board previously established qualifications for the appointee in a careful and thoughtful manner. [Appointee's name] meets these qualifications and has demonstrated the willingness to accept the duties and responsibilities of a Board member. [Appointee's name] brings a clear understanding of the demands and expectations of being a Board member along with a constructive attitude toward the challenge. The contents of the appointment announcement and length of time it is displayed are at the Board's sole discretion. The Board may want to consider announcing the appointment during its meeting and also by posting it in the same places that it posted the vacancy announcement. See Board policy 8:10, Connection with the Community. See Board policy 2:80, Board Member Oath and Conduct. Each individual, before taking his or her seat on the Board, must take an oath in substantially the form given in 105 ILCS 5/10-16.5. See Board policy 2:120, Board Member Development, and 2:120-E, Guidelines for Serving as a Mentor to a NewSchool Board Member. Orientation assists new Board members to learn, understand, and practice effective governance principles. See the IASB Foundational Principles of Effective Governance, available at: DATED : December 16, 2019
Interview Expenses An in-service applicant for a posted position who is not on leave of absence without pay and who has been called for a panel interview shall be granted leave of absence with base pay and shall have their authorized expenses paid. An employee granted leave under this section shall notify their supervisor as soon as they are notified of their requirement to appear for an interview.
Auditor 28.2.1 The Department (in accordance with Post-16 audit code of practice - XXX.XX (, the European Commission, the European Court of Auditors and/or a Crown Body may at any time conduct audits for the following purposes:- (a) to establish that the Provider has used the Funding (and proposed or actual variations to the Funding in accordance with this Agreement) in the delivery of the Services and/or the costs of all suppliers (including Sub- Contractors) of the Services; (b) to verify the Provider’s claims for Funding; (c) to review the integrity, confidentiality and security of the Department Data as well as the Department’s access to the Department Data; (d) to review the Provider's and/or a Provider Related Party's compliance with the DPA 2018, the FOIA in accordance with Clauses 19 (Department Data) and 23 (Freedom of Information and Confidentiality) and any other Law applicable to the Services; (e) to carry out the audit and certification of the Department’s accounts; (f) to verify the accuracy and completeness of any management information delivered or required by this Agreement; (g) to ensure that the Provider and/or a Provider Related Party is complying with the Department Policies and any British or equivalent European standards and any other audit that may be required by any Relevant Authority, such audits may be based on current or preceding years or preceding Agreements. 28.2.2 The Department will use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that the conduct of each audit does not unreasonably disrupt the Provider or delay the provision of the Services. 28.2.3 Subject to the Department’s obligations of confidentiality, the Provider and/or a Provider Related Party must on demand provide the Department (and/or its agents or representatives) with all reasonable co-operation and assistance in relation to each audit, including:- (a) all information requested by the Department within the permitted scope of the audit; (b) reasonable access to any premises and any equipment used (whether exclusively or non-exclusively) in the performance of the Services; (c) access to the Provider's and/or a Provider Related Party's systems; and (d) access to Provider Personnel; and (e) provision of any accounting records as referred to in Section 386 of the Companies Act 2006 and/or financial records as the Department may require which if the Provider is not a company may include similar accounting records as are referred to in Section 386 of the Companies Act 2006. 28.2.4 The Provider will implement all measurement and monitoring tools and procedures necessary to measure and report on the Provider's (including for the avoidance of doubt a Provider Related Party's) performance of the Services. 28.2.5 The Department will endeavour to (but is not obliged to) provide at least ten (10) Working Days' notice of its intention to conduct an audit. The Department may carry out audit visits with or without prior notice at its discretion. 28.2.6 The Parties agree that they will bear their own respective costs and expenses incurred in respect of compliance with their obligations under this clause, unless the audit identifies a material breach or malpractice by the Provider and/or a Provider Related Party in which case the Provider will reimburse the Department for all the Department’s reasonable costs incurred in the course of the audit. 28.2.7 If the findings of an audit conducted pursuant to this Clause 28 results in the requirement for ILR data to be corrected and re-submitted the Provider must re-submit the data to the Department, as set out in Clause 21 (Submission of Learner Data), within two months. Failure to do so will be a Minor Breach of this Agreement. 28.2.8 If the Department identifies that:- (a) the Provider has failed to perform its obligations under this Agreement in any material manner, without prejudice to any other remedy that the Department has, the Parties will agree and implement a remedial plan. If the Provider's failure relates to a failure to provide any information to the Department about the Funding, proposed Funding or the Provider's costs, then the remedial plan will include a requirement for the provision of all such information; (b) there has been any under or over payment it will be dealt with in accordance with Clause 26.1 (Funding and Payment). 28.2.9 The Provider must permit records referred to in this Clause 28 to be examined and copied from time to time by the Department’s auditor and inspectors and their representatives and other representatives of the Department.
Shareholders’ Representative (a) The Selling Parties, by adopting this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby, hereby irrevocably appoint and constitute K Laser as the Shareholders’ Representative for and on behalf of the Selling Parties, with the authority (i) to perform the obligations of the Shareholders’ Representative set forth in this Agreement and the Option Agreement, (ii) to give and receive notices and communications, (iii) to agree to, negotiate, enter into and provide amendments and supplements to and waivers in respect of this Agreement and the Option Agreement, (iv) to retain legal counsel, accountants, consultants and other experts, and incur any other reasonable expenses, in connection with, and to take all actions necessary or appropriate in the judgment of the Shareholders’ Representative for the accomplishment of, any or all of the foregoing. K Laser hereby accepts its appointment as the Shareholders’ Representative. Such agency may be changed by the holders of a majority in interest of the shares of Everest of the Selling Parties from time to time upon not less than ten (10) days’ prior written notice to all of the Selling Parties and to Parent and Purchaser. No bond shall be required of the Shareholders’ Representative. Notices or communications to or from the Shareholders’ Representative to Parent shall constitute notice to or from each of the Selling Parties, except for notices related to any action for which the Selling Parties’ consent is required under the terms of this Agreement or applicable law. Each Selling Party agrees to receive correspondence from the Shareholders’ Representative, including in electronic form. (b) The Shareholders’ Representative shall not be liable for any act done or omitted hereunder as the Shareholders’ Representative while acting in good faith and without negligence and any act done or omitted pursuant to the advice of counsel shall be conclusive evidence of such good faith and absence of negligence. The Selling Parties shall severally (and not jointly), according to each Selling Parties’ pro-rata interest in the shares of Everest, indemnify the Shareholders’ Representative and hold it harmless against any loss, liability or expense incurred without gross negligence or bad faith on the part of the Shareholders’ Representative and arising out of or in connection with the acceptance or administration of his duties hereunder. No provision of this Agreement shall require the Shareholders’ Representative to expend or risk its own funds or otherwise incur any financial liability in the exercise or performance of any of its powers, rights, duties or privileges under this Agreement on behalf of any Selling Parties. The Shareholders’ Representative may in good faith rely conclusively upon the information, reports, statements and opinions prepared or presented by counsel or other professionals retained by it, and any action taken by the Shareholders’ Representative based on such reliance shall be deemed conclusively to have been taken in good faith. (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions in this ARTICLE VIII, or any provision to the contrary set forth in this Agreement or the Option Agreement, the Shareholders’ Representative shall only have the power or authority to act with respect to matters pertaining to the Selling Parties as a group and not matters pertaining to an individual Selling Party (for example but not by way of limitation, an action against an individual Selling Party for his, her or its individual breach of a covenant in this Agreement), and the powers conferred on the Shareholders’ Representative herein and in the Option Agreement shall not authorize or empower the Shareholders’ Representative to do or cause to be done any action (including by amending, modifying or waiving any provision of this Agreement or the Option Agreement) that (i) results in the amounts payable hereunder to any Selling Party being distributed in any manner other than as permitted pursuant to this Agreement and the Option Agreement, (ii) alters the consideration payable to any Selling Party pursuant to this Agreement or the Option Agreement, or (iii) adds to or results in an increase of any Selling Party’s indemnity or other obligations or liabilities under this Agreement (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any change to the nature of the indemnity obligations), in each case with respect to clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) of this Section 8.1(c), without first obtaining the prior written approval of the Selling Parties.
Transition Review Period In accordance with Article 35, Layoff and Recall, the Employer may require an employee to complete a transition review period.