Personnel of the Company definition

Personnel of the Company means any employee (whether staff, temporary or leased), billable independent contractor or other personnel employed, retained or engaged by the Company at any time during the twelve months prior to the termination of Executive’s employment.
Personnel of the Company means an Access Person, Advisory Person, and/or Investment Personnel.

Examples of Personnel of the Company in a sentence

  • Investment Personnel of the Company must obtain approval from the Company before directly or indirectly acquiring beneficial ownership in any securities in an Initial Public Offering or in a Limited Offering.

  • No Investment Personnel of the Company may profit from the purchase and sale, or sale and purchase of the same (or equivalent) Securities within sixty calendar days.

  • The ability to ascertain the validity of the complaint and to appropriately resolve it without the assistance and cooperation of the person making the complaint.(5)Reporting Persons who are not Investment Adviser Personnel of the Company are required to disclose their identity in any complaints submitted under this policy.

  • Investment Personnel of the Company must obtain approval from the Company before directly or indirectly acquiring Beneficial Ownership in any securities in an Initial Public Offering or in a Limited Offering.

  • Any person or persons, natural or otherwise, or committee, to whom responsibilities for the operation and administration of the Plan are allocated by the Company, by resolution of the Board or by written instrument executed by the Chief Executive Officer or the Vice President of Personnel of the Company and filed with its permanent records, but action of such person or persons or committee shall be within the scope of said allocation.

  • Executive shall not, indirectly or indirectly, knowingly solicit the employment, retention or engagement, or hire, of any Personnel of the Company.

  • During the Restriction Period, Executive shall not, directly or indirectly, recruit, solicit or otherwise induce or influence any Personnel of the Company to discontinue, reduce the extent of, discourage the development of or otherwise harm its relationship or commitment to the Company.

  • Conduct prohibited under this Section 5.4(b) shall include, without limitation, employing, seeking to employ or causing, aiding, inducing or influencing a Competitor to employ or seek to employ any Personnel of the Company.

  • During the Executive’s employment with the Company and for a period of six (6) months following the termination of the Executive’s employment (the “Restricted Period”), the Executive shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, induce, recruit or encourage any Protected Personnel of the Company to leave their employment, or end their engagement with the Company, to provide services for the Executive or any other person, business, or organization.

  • During the Term, and for a period of twelve (12) months immediately following the end of the Term, the Executive shall not, directly, or indirectly, solicit, induce, recruit, or encourage any Protected Personnel of the Company to leave their employment, or end their engagement with the Company, to provide services for the Executive or any other person, business, or organization.

Related to Personnel of the Company

  • Medical personnel means those persons assigned, by a Party to the conflict, exclusively to the medical purposes enumerated under subparagraph (e) or to the administration of medical units or to the operation or administration of medical transports. Such assignments may be either permanent or temporary. The term includes:

  • Personnel means persons hired by the Consultant or by any Subconsultant as employees and assigned to the performance of the Services or any part thereof;

  • Key Management Personnel means persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Company, directly or indirectly, including any Director (whether executive or otherwise) of the Company;

  • FIS means free into store delivery, which requires the Supplier to pay all costs and be responsible for all requirements associated with the supply and delivery of Goods to the Company at the delivery site described in the Order, including all costs associated with transport, insurances, licences, authorisations, duties and taxes.

  • Specified Personnel means the personnel specified in the Contract to provide the Services.

  • Personnel Costs means the costs of researchers, technicians and other supporting staff to the extent employed on the relevant project or activity;

  • Outpatient services means those services rendered in a practitioner’s office or in the department of an approved facility where services are rendered to persons who have not had an overnight stay and are not charged for room and board.

  • Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) means

  • Qualified personnel means personnel who meet the statutory or regulatory qualifications for each respective profession currently applicable in this state.

  • ProviderOne or “P1” means the system commonly referred to as the Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS), and is the federally approved system used by the Washington Medicaid program to pay provider claims for goods and services authorized under the State Plan. The MMIS is certified by CMS and is the primary information system used by HCA to pay for health care.

  • ACS means “asset-controlling supplier” as that term is defined in the Cap and Trade Regulations.

  • Inpatient services means services provided to you as an admitted inpatient in a recognised private or public hospital for treatment that is in an included clinical category, has a Medicare item number allocated and a Medicare benefit is payable.

  • Mental health services provider means an individual, licensed or unlicensed, who performs or purports to perform mental health services, including a:

  • Provider Personnel means all persons employed or engaged by the Provider together with the Provider’s servants, agents, consultants and Sub-Contractors (and all persons employed by any Sub-Contractor together with the Sub-Contractor’s servants, consultants, agents, Provider’s and Sub-Contractors) used in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement;