Interviews definition

Interviews. Where Artists are invited to record a personal interview, it must be with the agreement of the Artist(s) involved. Expenses incurred should be reimbursed and it will be at the Artist’s discretion whether or not a fee is also agreed before recording.
Interviews has the meaning stated in Section 2.2.A(2) of this Agreement.
Interviews means the interviews with key personnel of the Potential Proponent as contemplated by Section 5.4(c).

Examples of Interviews in a sentence

  • Interviews were conducted as set forth in the Denton County policies adopted by the Commissioners Court, except as otherwise stated in the appointment orders.

  • Interviews may be conducted by the principal or designee, other staff members as determined by the principal or designee, and in consultation with the school counselor, as appropriate.

  • Interviews of the parties and witnesses may be documented by the investigator’s notes, audio recorded, video recorded, or transcribed.

  • Interviews will be conducted in a manner that protects the privacy of individuals to the extent practicable under the circumstances.

  • It has been accepted for inclusion in Mike Mansfield Speeches, Statements and Interviews by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana.

  • Following Oral Interviews, Product Demonstrations, Reference Checks (if appropriate) and/or review of written clarifications of proposals requested by the Agency, the evaluation team will determine a final score for each Technical Proposal.

  • Interviews may consist of oral presentations of offerors’ proposed activities and approaches.

  • Interviews and presentations by one, several, or all of the Proposers may be requested by evaluators if deemed necessary to fully understand and compare the Proposer’s capabilities and qualifications.

  • Interviews will be scheduled to be held in Columbus, Ohio at the vendor’s expense, if applicable.

  • Interviews and oral presentations are strictly an option of the Shelby County Government or its evaluation committee and, consequently, may or may not be conducted.

More Definitions of Interviews

Interviews means the interviews with Employee A conducted by the Authority on 14 February 2017 and 25 May 2017, in respect of the Application;
Interviews. Two members o f t h e (one r e p r e s e n t a t i v e from each p a r t y ) may, if necessary, interview employees and supervisors t o resolve any disagreement or t o gain more specific information about the j o b duties. Observation : Members of t h e (one r e p r e s e n t a t i v e from each p a r t y ) may, if n e c e s s a r y , o b s e r v e a n y job o p e r a t i o n , documentation, worksite, vehicle, machinery o r o f f i c e equipment when necessary t o gain factual information. Jo b D e s c r i p t i o n : A standard form of j o b description i s used t o compare job content. The Personnel Department s h a l l prepare t h e job description from the obtained by the description i s complete and adequate for the position. The description i s then referred t o t h e s u p e r v i s o r f o r comment confirmation, approval signature. A sampling o f the signed j o b d e s c r i p t i o n s (benchmark s e l e c t i o n ) w i l l be r a t e d t o determine whether the sub - factors differentiate effectively between jobs. The sub - factors w i l l then be revised i f necessary.
Interviews means the question and answer session that is publicized on mass media.
Interviews. The Evaluator will conduct one-on-one semi-structured interviews that will last from 60 to 90 minutes. Within CIRD, the Evaluator will conduct multiple interviews of CIRD President and Health Project Director. In addition, the Evaluator will meet with CIRD staff on two different occasions to first, review in depth their technical strategies, tools and methodologies and activities realized in the field. The second interview will focus on technical management of CIRD activities. Using the same methodology, the Evaluator will also interview many stakeholders of the CIRD Health Project. In Asuncion, the Evaluator will interview representatives from USAID, Alianza members such ad CEPEP and CIRD, and a select number of CIRD Board members. In the field, the Evaluator will interview CIRD Health project counterparts including government authorities at the Regional and municipal levels, health workers and members of the local health councils.

Related to Interviews

  • Interview means the questioning of an officer who is the subject of a complaint pursuant to the formal administrative investigation procedures of the investigating agency, if such a complaint may be the basis for seeking removal, discharge, or suspension, or other disciplinary action against the officer. “Interview” does not include questioning as part of any informal inquiry or questioning related to minor infractions of agency rules which will not result in removal, discharge, suspension, or other disciplinary action against the officer.

  • Testimony means statements given by a witness under oath or affirmation.

  • Investigations The Xxxxxxx, when requested by one or a number of employees whom he/she represents, may investigate the basis for any dispute arising under this Agreement and may, at any stage, assist the employee(s) in seeking resolution of such dispute through the grievance procedure provided herein. A staff representative of the Union may substitute in place of the Xxxxxxx at the third step (Agency Head) or sooner if the agency is represented by other than the supervisor or intermediate supervisor. The Union may substitute a Union staff person in place of the Xxxxxxx if the Xxxxxxx is not available.

  • Training means instruction or teaching designed to impart a specific skill, as opposed to general knowledge.

  • Comment means the findings and recommendations of the Council for- mally provided in writing to the head of a Federal agency under section 106.

  • Personnel means persons hired by the Service Provider or by any Subcontractor as employees and assigned to the performance of the Services or any part there of;

  • Suggestions means all suggested improvements to the Service Offerings that you provide to us.

  • Assistance means cash and any other benefits provided pursuant to this chapter.

  • On-the-job training means training that is provided by an employer during the routine performance of a job.

  • Inquiries As defined in Section 4.02(a) of this Agreement.

  • Business Hours means the hours from 9.00am to 5.00pm on a Business Day.

  • Investigators means collectively, the Lead Principal Investigator, Team Principal Investigators and Co-Investigators;

  • Cooperation shall refer to those provisions set forth below in Paragraphs 41–42 of this Agreement and Paragraphs 1–9 in Appendix A.

  • Representatives means, with respect to any Person, the officers, directors, employees, accountants, consultants, agents, legal counsel, financial advisors and other representatives of such Person.

  • Advertisements or “Advertising” means display of any advertisement material including pictures, printed material, electric / electronic media, smart posters, holographic images, visual display or any other innovative advertising media, etc which are not objectionable or prohibited under various statutes, codes, policies, etc as applicable from time to time.

  • Reasonable in these circumstances means ‘using no more force than is needed’. The use of force may involve either passive physical contact, such as standing between pupils or blocking a pupil’s path, or active physical contact such as leading a pupil by the arm out of the classroom.

  • Business Hour means a clock hour during Standard Business Hours.

  • Credentials means the cab card and plate issued in accordance with the plan.

  • Review means a financial or operational audit, investigation, inspection or other form of review requested or required by the Funder under the terms of the Enabling Legislation or this Agreement, but does not include the annual audit of the HSP’s financial statements;

  • Scheduling means the actions of Seller and/or its designated representatives pursuant to Section 4.2, of notifying, requesting and confirming to ISO- NE the quantity of Energy to be delivered on any given day or days (or in any given hour or hours) during the Services Term at the Delivery Point.

  • Login Credentials means any passwords, authentication keys, or security credentials that enable Customer’s access, management to the Service Offering, or both.

  • Dissemination means any transfer of information, whether orally, in writing, or by electronic

  • Training Package means a set of qualifications and units of competency developed to meet the training needs of an industry, or a group of industries, and endorsed at the national level. Training Plan means the plan for the training and assessment to be delivered to an individual created by the Training Provider pursuant to Clause 7 of Schedule 1. Training Provider Group means the Training Provider and any other registered training organisation that is a Related Training Provider, other than by reason of paragraph (b) of that term.

  • Access means disclosure by the provision of access;

  • Investigative information means information, records, and documents received or generated by a physical therapy licensing board pursuant to an investigation.

  • Training hour means at least 50 minutes of actual learning, including, but not limited to, time devoted to lecture, learning activities, small group activities, demonstrations, evaluations, and hands-on experience.