BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Non-Collusion and Acceptance In Witness Whereof, the Grantee and the State have, through their duly authorized representatives, entered into this Agreement. The parties, having read and understood the foregoing terms of this Agreement do, by their respective signatures dated below, hereby agree to the terms hereof. Grantee: Board of School Trustees of the Center Grove Community School Corporation Indiana Department of Homeland Security: Approved by: Approved by: Indiana Office of Technology Department of Administration Approved by: Approved as to Form & Legality: State Budget Agency Office of the Attorney General
BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. If You are not satisfied with Our response or decision, You may submit Your complaint to the avenue below. Kindly check with Our Company’s Complaints Unit on the proper avenue for dealing with Your Complaint.
BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Scenario 2 – On the assumption that the Acquisition of Property Asset 3 has not been completed No. Items Unit Measurements Audited as at 31 December 2018 (1) Adjusted for subsequent event as at theLPD Pro Forma I Pro Forma II Pro Forma III After implementation of the Proposed Repayment After Pro Forma I and after effects of the revaluation surplus of theProperty Assets (4) After Pro Forma II and the Share Transfer 1 Share Capital RM 176,665,808 38,746,828 38,746,828 38,746,828 38,746,828 2 Revaluation Reserve RM 38,217,084 4,537,084 4,537,084 (3) 17,157,689 17,157,689 3 Share Option Reserve RM 75,428 75,428 75,428 75,428 75,428 4 (Accumulated Losses)/ Retained Earnings RM (170,439,027) 1,159,953 (2) 1,159,953 1,159,953 (5) 1,159,953 5 NA RM 44,519,293 44,519,293 44,519,293 57,139,898 57,139,898 6 Number of shares Unit 350,684,180 350,684,180 350,684,180 350,684,180 350,684,180 7 NA per share RM 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.16 0.16 8 Total Borrowings RM 126,621,181 60,451,562 60,451,562 60,451,562 60,451,562 9 Gearing Times 2.84 1.36 1.36 1.06 1.06
BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. If this Agreement accurately reflects the terms of the transaction which we are to enter into and if such terms are agreed to by the Corporation, please communicate your acceptance by executing where indicated below. Yours very truly,
BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Repayment Schedule pursuant to the Repayment Agreement Total 8,004,234 32,741,318
BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Rev. 9/21 Signed: Date: By: (with delegated authority) Title: SWIFT Contract/PO No(s). Date:
BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. For illustration purpose only, based on the unaudited consolidated NA of ARSB as at 30 September 2019 and the market value of Property Asset 1 as at 13 January 2020, market value of Property Asset 2 as at 14 January 2020 and market value of Property Asset 3 as at 15 January 2020 as appraised by the Property Valuer, the ARSB Appraised Value is as summarised in the table below. 1 Unaudited consolidated NA of ARSB based on its unaudited consolidated statement of financial position for the nine-month FPE 30 September 2019 RM A 30,571,772 30,571,772 2 Revaluation surplus of the Property Assets RM B (1) 21,218,572 (2) 17,298,572 3 Deferred taxation for Item No. 2 RM C (3) 5,092,457 (3) 4,151,657 4 ARSB Appraised Value (4) RM D = A + B - C 46,697,887 43,718,687
BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. THUS DONE AND PASSED by Tenant, in multiple originals, on the day of , 2017, in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses, after due reading of the whole.
BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Dates and original costs of investment