Item No Sample Clauses

Item No. Reference Event Date or Deadline
Item No. 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Item of non compliance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of logged Alarms -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Description of non compliance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please refer to note 1.
Item No. Programme Reference Activity description Price Deliver and obtain acceptance by the Service Manager for This section can be used when the people rates and expenses are considerable in number and more conveniently located here than in the Contract Data. Entries in the Contract Data should refer to this section of Part 2. State whether the people rates and expenses exclude or include VAT. The people rates are:
Item No. Indicate a line item number for your RES. Use 1 number for each supply item or service required. Numbers should be sequential and can conform to authorized user agency standards (0001, 0002, 0003, etc.; 1, 2, 3, etc.) Block 20. Schedule of Supplies/Services: Enter the following information in this block: Description of Supplies/Services: Enter a description of what you are requesting participating vendors to provide. If additional information is required--product specifications, work statements, other pertinent product or service description information--provide it as an attachment to the SF 1449 and indicate its presence in this block. Delivery Information: The SF 1449 does not include a block for delivery date or multiple delivery locations. For each line item, Block 20 must include a delivery date and, for multiple delivery locations, a delivery address. Emergency Delivery: Each line item must also indicate whether or not the item delivery is emergency in nature. Ordering activities must indicate one of the following for each line item: Add the term “EMERGENCY” if the BOA emergency delivery terms will apply to a line item, which are: at least 30% of the total quantity of items delivered within 24 hours of order placement, and at least 60% of the total quantity of items delivered within 48 hours of order placements, and complete fulfilment of the total quantity of items no longer than 72 hours Add the term “SUSTAINMENT” if non-emergency delivery terms will apply. Indicate the applicable delivery terms for sustainment purchases--generally expressed as a number of days After Receipt of Order (ARO).
Item No. 0002 of Section B (Reports and Data) shall be delivered within the time periods stated in Exhibit A, F.O.B.
Item No. 1,2,7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Item of non compliance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transmission Configuration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Description of non compliance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please refer to note 1.
Item No. DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED ANNUAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL BID 1. Mowing, as specified 2,700 $ /acre= $
Item No. Description Rate Per User 1 Initial Software Year One year of security operations platform software Solution as described in the RFQ per user. To include: • implementation • initial training • initial Integration • integration maintenance • support services $ 2 Subsequent Software Year One year of security operations platform software Solution as described in the RFQ per user. To include: • ongoing training • integration maintenance • support services $