Belgian Terms Sample Clauses
Belgian Terms. In this Agreement, where it relates to an entity or Loan Party incorporated in Belgium or the context so requires, a reference to:
(a) gross negligence means zware xxxx/faute grave;
(b) a liquidator, compulsory manager, receiver, administrative receiver, administrator or similar officer includes any insolventiefunctionaris/praticien de l’insolvabilité, curator/curateur, vereffenaar/liquidateur, gedelegeerd rechter/juge délégué, gerechtsmandataris/mandataire de justice, voorlopig bewindvoerder/administrateur provisoire, gerechtelijk bewindvoerder/administrateur judiciaire, mandataris ad hoc/mandataire ad hoc and ondernemingsbemiddelaar/médiateur d’entreprise, as applicable;
(c) a person being unable to pay its debts is that person being in a state of cessation of payments (staking van betaling/cessation de paiements);
(d) insolvency includes any insolventieprocedure/procedure d’insolvabilité, gerechtelijke reorganisatie/réorganisation judiciaire, faillissement/faillite and any other concurrence between creditors (samenloop van schuldeisers/concours des créanciers);
(e) a suspension of payments, moratorium of any indebtedness or reorganisation includes any gerechtelijke reorganisatie/réorganisation judiciaire or staking van betaling/cessation de paiements;
(f) commences negotiations with one or more of its creditors with a view to rescheduling any of its indebtedness includes any negotiations conducted with a view to reaching a settlement agreement (minnelijk akkoord/accord amiable) with two or more of its creditors pursuant to Book XX of the Belgian Economic Law Code (Wetboek Economisch Recht/Code de droit économique);
(g) a composition, compromise, assignment or arrangement includes a minnelijk akkoord met schuldeisers/accord amiable avec des créanciers, collectief akkoord/accord collectif or reorganisatie door overdracht onder gerechtelijk gezag/réorganisation par transfert sous autorité de justice, as applicable;
(h) winding-up, administration or dissolution includes any vereffening/liquidation, ontbinding/dissolution, faillissement/faillite and sluiting van een onderneming/ fermeture d’une entreprise;
(i) an attachment, sequestration, execution or analogous process includes any uitvoerend beslag/saisie exécutoire, sekwester/séquestre and bewarend beslag/saisie conservatoire;
(j) an amalgamation, demerger, merger or consolidation includes a overdracht van algemeenheid/transfert d’universalité, overdracht van bedrijfstak/transfert de branche d’activité, s...
Belgian Terms. Without prejudice to the generality of any provision of the Loan Documents, in each Loan Document where it relates to a Belgian entity, a reference to:
(a) a “liquidator”, “receiver”, “administrator” or similar officer includes any insolventiefunctionaris/praticien de l’insolvabilité, curator/curateur, vereffenaar/liquidateur, voorlopig bewindvoerder/administrateur provisoire, ondernemingsbemiddelaar/médiateur d’entreprise, as applicable, and sekwester/séquestre;
(b) a “Security” includes any mortgage (hypotheek/hypothèque), pledge (pand/nantissement), any mandate to grant a mortgage, a pledge or any other real security (mandaat/mandat), privilege (voorrecht/privilège), reservation of title arrangement (eigendomsvoorbehoud/droit de rétention), any real security (zakelijke zekerheid/sûreté réelle) and any transfer by way of security (overdracht ten titel van zekerheid/transfert à titre de garantie);
(c) a person being “unable to pay its debts” is that person being in a state of cessation of payments (staking van betaling/cessation de paiements);
(d) a “moratorium”, “composition”, “assignment” or similar arrangement includes a minnelijk akkoord met schuldeisers/accord amiable avec des créanciers or gerechtelijke reorganisatie/réorganisation judiciaire, as applicable;
(e) an “insolvency” includes any insolventieprocedure/procédure d’insolvabilité, faillissement/faillite, gerechtelijke reorganisatie/réorganisation judiciaire and any other concurrence between creditors (samenloop van schuldeisers/concours des créanciers);
Belgian Terms. Without prejudice to the generality of any provision of this Agreement, in this Agreement where it relates to a Belgian Loan Party, a reference to:
(a) a winding up or liquidation includes a Belgian entity being declared bankrupt (failliet verklaard/declaree en faillite) or dissolved (ontbonden/dissoute);
(b) a moratorium includes gerechtelijke reorganisatie/reorganization judiciaire;
(c) insolvency includes a bankruptcy and moratorium;
(d) a receiver includes a curator/curateur;
(e) an administrator includes a bewindvoerder/administrateur;
Belgian Terms. 2.2.1 In this Loan Agreement, where it relates to any Belgian entity or any Security Interest governed by Belgian law, any reference to:
(i) a “liquidator”, “receiver”, “administrator”, “compulsory manager” or other similar officer includes any curator/curateur, vereffenaar/liquidateur, voorlopig bewindvoerder/administrateur provisoire, gerechtelijk deskundige/expert judiciaire, mandataris ad hoc/mandataire ad hoc, ondernemingsbemiddelaar/médiat eur d’entreprise, as applicable, and sekwester/sequester;
Belgian Terms. Insofar as it applies to a Belgian Obligor or any other member of the Group incorporated in Belgium, a reference in this Agreement to:
Belgian Terms. In this Agreement, where it relates to a Belgian Loan Party, a reference to:
(a) a “liquidator”, “receiver”, “administrative receiver”, “administrator” or similar officer includes without limitation any curator/curateur, vereffenaar/liquidateur, gedelegeerd rechter/juge délégué, gerechtsmandataris/ mandataire de justice, voorlopig bewindvoerder/administrateur judiciaire, gerechtelijk bewindvoerder/administrateur judiciaire, mandataris ad hoc/mandataire ad hoc and sekwester/séquestre;
(b) a “suspension of payments”, “moratorium of any indebtedness”, “winding-up”, “dissolution”, “administration” or “reorganisation” includes without limitation any vereffening/liquidation, ontbinding/dissolution, faillissement/faillite or sluiting van een onderneming/fermeture d’entreprise;
Belgian Terms. All references herein in the context of Belgian law or a Belgian Loan Party to: (a) a receiver, trustee, custodian, conservator, liquidator, rehabilitator or similar officer includes any curator/curateur, vereffenaar/liquidateur, voorlopig bewindvoerder/administrateur judiciaire, ondernemingsbemiddelaar/médiateur d'entreprise, as applicable; 42 CHAR1\1707916v5
(b) a security interest includes any mortgage (hypotheek/hypothèque), mortgage mandate (hypothecair mandaat/mandat hypothécair), pledge (pand/nantissement), privilege (voorrecht/privilège), retention right (eigendomsvoorbehoud/droit de retention), any real surety (zakelijke zekerheid/sûreté réelle) and any transfer by way of security (overdracht ten titel van zekerheid/transfert à titre de garantie);
Belgian Terms. In this Agreement a reference to:
(a) a LIQUIDATOR, TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY, JUDICIAL CUSTODIAN, COMPULSORY MANAGER, RECEIVER, ADMINISTRATOR RECEIVER, ADMINISTRATOR OR SIMILAR OFFICER includes any curator/curateur, vereffenaar/liquidateur, voorlopig bewindvoerder/administrateur provisoire, gerechtelijk deskundige/expert judiciaire, mandataris ad hoc/mandataire ad hoc, commissaris inzake opschorting/commissaire au sursis and sekwester/sequestre;
(b) a SECURITY INTEREST includes any mortgage (hypotheek/hypotheque), pledge (pand/ nantissement), privilege (voorrecht/privilege), retention right (eigendomsvoorbehoud/droit de retention), real surety (zakelijke zekerheid/surete reelle), mandate (mandaat/mandat) to grant a mortgage, a pledge or any other real surety, and any transfer by way of security (overdracht ten titel van zekerheid/transfert a titre de garantie);
(c) a person being UNABLE TO PAY ITS DEBTS is that person being in a state of cessation of payments (staking van betaling/cessation de paiements);
(d) a MORATORIUM, COMPOSITION, ASSIGNMENT OR SIMILAR ARRANGEMENT includes any gerechtelijk akkoord/concordat judiciaire and any minnelijk akkoord met schuldeisers/ accord amiable avec tous les creanciers; WINDING UP, ADMINISTRATION OR DISSOLUTION includes any vereffening/liquidation, ontbinding/dissolution, faillissement/faillite and any sluiting van een onderneming/fermeture d'enterprise; ATTACHMENT, SEQUESTRATION, DISTRESS, EXECUTION OR ANALOGOUS EVENTS includes any uitvoerend beslag/saisie executoire and any bewarend beslag/saisie conservatoire; an AMALGATION, DEMERGER, MERGER, CONSOLIDATION or RECONSTRUCTION includes any overdracht van algemeenheid/transfert d'universalite, overdracht van bedrijfstak/transfert de branche d'activite, splitsing/scission, fusie/fusion and any assimilated transaction in accordance with articles 676 and 677 of the Belgian Companies Code (gelijkgestelde verrichting/operation assimilee); and
Belgian Terms. In this Agreement a reference to:
(a) a liquidator, trustee in bankruptcy, judicial custodian, compulsory manager, receiver, administrator receiver, administrator or similar officer includes any curator/curateur, verefferaar, liquidateur, voorlopig bewindvoerder/adminstrateur judiciaire, commissaris inzake opschorting/commissaire au sursis and sekwester/séquestre;
(b) a Lien includes any mortgage (hypotheek/hypothèque), pledge (pand/nantissement), privilege (voorrecht/privilège), retention of title (eigendomsvoorbehoud/réserve de propriété), any real surety (zakelijke zekerheid/sûreté réelle), any transfer by way of security (overdracht ten titel van zekerheid/transfert à titre de garantie) and any promise or mandate to create any of the Liens mentioned above;
(c) a person being unable to pay its debts is that person being in a state of cessation of payments (staking van betaling/cessation de paiements);
(d) a composition includes any gerechtelijk akkoord/concordat judiciaire; winding up, administration or dissolution includes any vereffening/liquidation, ontbinding/dissolution, faillissement/faillite and sluiting van een onderneming/fermeture d’enterprise]; attachment, sequestration, distress, execution or analogous events includes any uitvoerend beslag/saisie exécutoire and bewarend beslag/saisie conservatoire.