Suspension of payments definition
Examples of Suspension of payments in a sentence
The payment obligations of the Issuer under the Notes will be suspended pursuant to the provisions of Master Condition 8(p) (Suspension of payments) if the Calculation Agent determines that facts exist which may amount to a Collateral Event following the expiration of any applicable grace period.
Suspension of payments may be possible under the terms of your Facility Membership Agreement.
Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center Code 424 CA, 1100 23rd Avenue Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4370 SUBPART 5223.5—DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE 5223.506 Suspension of payments, termination of contract, and debarment and suspension actions.
Suspension of payments by Medicare prescription drug plans and MA–PD plans pending investigations of credible allegations of fraud by pharmacies.
Suspension of payments by Medicare prescription drug plans and MA– PD plans pending investigations of credible allegations of fraud by phar- macies.
Suspension of payments will not cause the term of the loan to be extended beyond its original term, and such suspended payments (and accrued interest) will become due and payable at the end of the original loan term in one lump sum payment.
Suspension of payments may affect all of the federal NOAA awards that the entity has, not just the award in which the report is due.
The corrective actions PSCs, ZPICs, ACs, and MACs shall initially consider are: • Provider education and warnings • Revocation of assignment privileges• Suspension of payments (refer to PIM, chapter 3, §3.9ff)• Recovery of overpayments (refer to PIM, chapter 3, §3.8ff)• Referral of situations to state licensing boards or medical/professional societies 4.19.1 - The Unified Program Integrity Contractor’s and Medicare Administrative Contractor’s Role(Rev.
Suspension of payments may be possible under the terms of your Membership Agreement.
The corrective actions UPICs, SMRCs, and MACs shall initially consider are: • Provider education and warnings;• Revocation of assignment privileges;• Suspension of payments (refer to PIM, chapter 3, §3.9ff);• Recovery of overpayments (refer to PIM, chapter 3, §3.8ff); and• Referral of situations to state licensing boards or medical/professional societies.