Master Agreement Where one of the Parties to the Agreement is domiciled in the United States, the Parties intend that the Agreement shall be a master agreement, as referred to in 11 U.S.C. Section 101(53B)(C) and 12 U.S.C. Section 1821(e)(8)(D)(vii).
Application to Master Agreement For the avoidance of doubt, Clause 21.5 does not apply in respect of sums due from the Borrower to the Swap Bank under or in connection with the Master Agreement as to which sums the provisions of section 8 (Contractual Currency) of the Master Agreement shall apply.
Master Services Agreement This Agreement is a master agreement governing the relationship between the Parties solely with regard to State Street’s provision of Services to each BTC Recipient under the applicable Service Modules.
Term of Master Agreement Section 10.1 is replaced in its entirety, as follows:
Indemnity for Underlying Sales and Supplemental Agreements Vendor shall be solely responsible for any customer claims or any disputes arising out of TIPS Sales or any Supplemental Agreement as if sold in the open-market. The Parties agree that TIPS shall not be liable for any claims arising out of Vendor’s TIPS Sales or Supplemental Agreements, including but not limited to: allegations of product defect or insufficiency, allegations of service defect or insufficiency, allegations regarding delivery defect or insufficiency, allegations of fraud or misrepresentation, allegations regarding pricing or amounts owed for TIPS sales, and/or allegations regarding payment, over-payment, under-payment, or non-payment for TIPS Sales. Payment/Drafting, overpayment/over-drafting, under- payment/under-drafting, or non-payment for TIPS Sales between customer and Vendor and inspections, rejections, or acceptance of such purchases shall be the exclusive respective obligations of Vendor/Customer, and disputes shall be handled in accordance with the terms of the underlying Supplemental Agreement(s) entered into between Vendor and Customer. Vendor acknowledges that TIPS is not a dealer, subcontractor, agent, or reseller of Vendor’s goods and services and shall not be responsible for any claims arising out of alleged insufficiencies or defects in Vendor’s goods and services, should any arise.
Master Agreement Training A. The Employer and the Union agree that training for managers, supervisors and union stewards responsible for the day-to-day administration of this Agreement is important. The union will provide training to current union stewards, and the Employer will provide training to managers and supervisors on this Agreement. B. The Union will present the training to current union stewards within each bargaining unit. The training will last no longer than four (4) hours. The training will be considered time worked for those union stewards who attend the training during their scheduled work shift. Union stewards who attend the training during their non-work hours will not be compensated. The parties will agree on the date, time, number and names of stewards attending each session. The training will be completed by the parties within ninety (90) days of publishing or posting of this Agreement.
Framework Agreement The Parties shall enter into a Framework Agreement within 28 days after the Contractor receives the Letter of Acceptance, unless the Particular Conditions establish otherwise. The Framework Agreement shall be based upon FORM No. 3 – FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT annexed to the Particular Conditions. The costs of stamp duties and similar charges (if any) imposed by law in connection with entry into the Framework Agreement shall be borne by the Procuring Entity. The Framework Agreement establishes the terms and conditions that will govern the contract awarded during the term of the Framework Agreement. The Framework Agreement establishes for the procurement works by package as and when required, over the specified period of time. The Framework Agreement does not commit a Procuring Entity to procure, nor a Firm to supply. The Framework Agreement allows the Procuring Entity to call the Contractor to commence the works on a particular package in a specified location within the duration of the agreement. This Framework Agreement does not guarantee the contractor of being called for a contract to start and no commitment is made with regard to possible number of packages to carry out. This Framework Agreement does exclude the Procuring Entity from the right to procure the same Works from other firms. This Framework Agreement does not stop the Procuring Entity from removing the contractor from the same Agreement. FAs shall be established for a maximum period of three (3) years. The Procuring Entity may with the Consent of the Contractor extend this Agreement if the agreement period is less than three (3) years, if the initial engagement has been satisfactory. Call-off Contracts; for work on a package to start, the Procuring Entity shall issue a notice of acceptance of a particular package requesting the contractor to furnish a Performance Security and to start the works thereafter, and providing the contractor with details of location where the works, are to be carried out. The call-off statement shall specify the objectives, tasks, deliverables, timeframes and price or price mechanism. The price for individual call-off contracts shall be based on the prices detailed in the Framework Agreement.
One Agreement This Agreement and any related security or other agreements required by this Agreement, collectively: (a) represent the sum of the understandings and agreements between the Bank and the Borrower concerning this credit; (b) replace any prior oral or written agreements between the Bank and the Borrower concerning this credit; and (c) are intended by the Bank and the Borrower as the final, complete and exclusive statement of the terms agreed to by them. In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and any other agreements required by this Agreement, this Agreement will prevail.
End User Agreement This publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act. This article entitles the maker of a short scientific work funded either wholly or partially by Dutch public funds to make that work publicly available for no consideration following a reasonable period of time after the work was first published, provided that clear reference is made to the source of the first publication of the work. Research outputs of researchers employed by Dutch Universities that comply with the legal requirements of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, are distributed online and free of cost or other barriers in institutional repositories. Research outputs are distributed six months after their first online publication in the original published version and with proper attribution to the source of the original publication. You are permitted to download and use the publication for personal purposes. All rights remain with the author(s) and/or copyrights owner(s) of this work. Any use of the publication other than authorised under this licence or copyright law is prohibited. If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the University Library know, stating your reasons. In case of a legitimate complaint, the University Library will, as a precaution, make the material inaccessible and/or remove it from the website. Please contact the University Library through email: xxxxxxxxx@xxx.xx.xx. You will be contacted as soon as possible. University Library Radboud University
Cooperation Agreement If a Cooperating Institution is appointed, the Fund shall enter into a Cooperation Agreement with the Cooperating Institution setting forth the terms and conditions of its appointment.