Common use of BUS SAFETY RULES Clause in Contracts

BUS SAFETY RULES. So that we can guarantee your child and the other children riding the bus get the safe transportation they deserve, we expect all children to abide by the Xxxxxxx PBIS Matrix, Bus Safety Rules and the ABSS Student Code of Conduct. Please review both with your child, and stress to your child that RIDING THE BUS IS A PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT. Expectations Behaviors Be Responsible ● Follow all Bus and Safety Rules. ● Follow the bus driver’s directions. ● Be on Time. Be ready for your stop. ● Keep your book bag closed and on your lap. ● Remain seated. ● Keep your bus area clean. ● Get on and off the bus quietly and orderly. ● Find a seat quickly and remain seated until it is time to get off. Respect Others ● Obey all bus and safety rules. ● Follow the bus driver’s directions. ● Be respectful to the bus driver and all students on the bus. ● Yellow voice and Red voice when instructed by the driver. ● Use appropriate language. ● Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Have Self- Control ● Obey all bus and safety rules. ● Follow the bus driver’s directions. ● No food, drink or toys on the bus. ● No electronic devices (cell phones, iPod, etc.). ● Remain in their assigned seat at all times. ● Always face forward. Do not turn around in the seat or lean into the aisle. ● Keep your hands and feet to yourself and remain inside the seat area of the bus. (Sit properly, no feet or leaning in the aisle, do not touch windows, do not turn around in bus seats.) ● Use a Red or Yellow voice. ● Do not throw paper or items on the floor. Show Kindness ● Treat others with kindness. ● Use kind words when speaking to others. ● Obey all bus and safety rules. ● Follow the bus driver’s directions. ● Keep your hands and feet to yourself and remain inside the seat area of the bus. (Sit properly, no feet or leaning in the aisle, do not touch windows, do not turn around in bus seats.) ● Get on and off the bus quietly and orderly. Find a seat quickly and remain seated until it is time to get off. The first time a child is reported to the office for misbehavior, he/she will receive a warning and will be placed on bus probation. The second time a child is reported to the office for misbehavior, he/she will be suspended from riding the bus for a designated period of time. If a child is reported for severe misbehavior such as fighting, he/she will be suspended from riding the bus rather than placed on bus probation. In addition, continued misbehavior on the bus can result in permanent bus suspension. You will receive written notification from the office if your child is placed on bus probation or is suspended from riding the bus. If this occurs, please sign the form and have your child return it to the office the following day. If a child is suspended from riding the bus, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide transportation to and from school. According to the Alamance-Burlington School Code of Conduct, for Rule 9: Bus Misbehavior: Students, at all times while riding a school bus or other school-owned or operated vehicle, shall observe the directives of the driver and/or vehicle safety monitor. The following conduct is specifically prohibited and may result in revocation of school system provided transportation privileges: delaying the bus schedule, refusing to obey the driver’s instructions, tampering with or willfully damaging the school vehicle, getting off at an unauthorized stop, distracting the driver’s attention by participating in disruptive behavior while the vehicle is in operation, throwing objects from the bus, failing to observe and obey safety regulations, willfully trespassing on a school-owned or operated vehicle or violating any other Code of Conduct rule while on the school bus. If a violation of this code also violates other rules, consequences in addition to in-school disciplinary action, short-term or long-term removal from school transportation, and/or OSS may be implemented. **Please note that the LUNCHROOM EXPECTATIONS FOR BEHAVIOR information contained in this section applies to a typical school year. Due to COVID-19, school, state, and district policies may override the procedures and protocols as written. This policy/statement is subject to temporary modifications in order to accommodate health and public safety.** Lunch is designated as a time for students to have a nutritious meal and have time with classmates. A few rules must be observed in order to facilitate a smooth schedule and safe and orderly environment. Students are to eat at their designated table with their class. All trash must be disposed of properly and students are responsible for their lunch areas. Students are to remain seated once they have obtained their food. Wandering throughout the cafeteria during lunch will not be permitted. Our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) matrix for student behavior include specific expectations for the cafeteria. These include: Expectations Behaviors Be Responsible ● Eat a balanced diet and make healthy meal choices. ● Keep your lunch area clean. ● Place trash in the trash cans. Respect Others ● Yellow voice at your lunch table during talk time. Have Self-Control ● Eat your own food. ● Walk in a line. ● Remain seated at lunch table. Show Kindness ● Keep your hands and feet to yourself. ● Use kind words when speaking to others. We may also use different strategies throughout the year to help maintain a respectable noise level in the cafeteria during breakfast and lunch.

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BUS SAFETY RULES. So that we can guarantee your child and the other children riding the bus get the safe transportation they deserve, we expect all children to abide by the Xxxxxxx PBIS Matrix, Bus Safety Rules and the ABSS Student Code of Conduct. Please review both with your child, and stress to your child that RIDING THE BUS IS A PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT. Expectations Behaviors Be Responsible ● Follow all Bus and Safety Rules. ● Follow the bus driver’s directions. ● Be on Time. Be ready for your stop. ● Keep your book bag closed and on your lap. ● Remain seated. ● Keep your bus area clean. ● Get on and off the bus quietly and orderly. ● Find a seat quickly and remain seated until it is time to get off. Respect Others ● Obey all bus and safety rules. ● Follow the bus driver’s directions. ● Be respectful to the bus driver and all students on the bus. ● Yellow voice and Red voice when instructed by the driver. ● Use appropriate language. ● Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Have Self- Control ● Obey all bus and safety rules. ● Follow the bus driver’s directions. ● No food, drink or toys on the bus. ● No electronic devices (cell phones, iPod, etc.). ● Remain in their assigned seat at all times. ● Always face forward. Do not turn around in the seat or lean into the aisle. ● Keep your hands and feet to yourself and remain inside the seat area of the bus. (Sit properly, no feet or leaning in the aisle, do not touch windows, do not turn around in bus seatsseat.) ● Use a Red or Yellow voice. ● Do not throw paper or items on the floor. Show Kindness ● Treat others with kindness. ● Use kind words when speaking to others. ● Obey all bus and safety rules. ● Follow the bus driver’s directions. ● Keep your hands and feet to yourself and remain inside the seat area of the bus. (Sit properly, no feet or leaning in the aisle, do not touch windows, do not turn around in bus seatsseat.) ● Get on and off the bus quietly and orderly. Find a seat quickly and remain seated until it is time to get off. The first time a child is reported to the office for misbehavior, he/she will receive a warning and will be placed on bus probation. The second time a child is reported to the office for misbehavior, he/she will be suspended from riding the bus for a designated period of time. If a child is reported for severe misbehavior such as fighting, he/she will be suspended from riding the bus rather than placed on bus probation. In addition, continued misbehavior on the bus can result in permanent bus suspension. You will receive written notification from the office if your child is placed on bus probation or is suspended from riding the bus. If this occurs, please sign the form and have your child return it to the office the following day. If a child is suspended from riding the bus, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide transportation to and from school. According to the Alamance-Burlington School Code of Conduct, for Rule 9: Bus Misbehavior: Students, at all times while riding a school bus or other school-owned or operated vehicle, shall observe the directives of the driver and/or vehicle safety monitor. The following conduct is specifically prohibited and may result in revocation of school system provided transportation privileges: delaying the bus schedule, refusing to obey the driver’s instructions, tampering with or willfully damaging the school vehicle, getting off at an unauthorized stop, distracting the driver’s attention by participating in disruptive behavior while the vehicle is in operation, throwing objects from the bus, failing to observe and obey safety regulations, willfully trespassing on a school-owned or operated vehicle or violating any other Code of Conduct rule while on the school bus. If a violation of this code also violates other rules, consequences in addition to in-school disciplinary action, short-term or long-term removal from school transportation, and/or OSS may be implemented. **Please note that the LUNCHROOM EXPECTATIONS FOR BEHAVIOR information contained in this section applies to a typical school year. Due to COVID-19, school, state, and district policies may override the procedures and protocols as written. This policy/statement is subject to temporary modifications in order to accommodate health and public safety.** Lunch is designated as a time for students to have a nutritious meal and have time with classmates. A few rules must be observed in order to facilitate a smooth schedule and safe and orderly environment. Students are to eat at their designated table with their class. All trash must be disposed of properly and students are responsible for their lunch areas. Students are to remain seated once they have obtained their food. Wandering throughout the cafeteria during lunch will not be permitted. Our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) matrix for student behavior include specific expectations for the cafeteria. These include: Expectations Behaviors Be Responsible ● Eat a balanced diet and make healthy meal choices. ● Keep your lunch area clean. ● Place trash in the trash cans. Respect Others ● Yellow voice at your lunch table during talk time. Have Self-Control ● Eat your own food. ● Walk in a line. ● Remain seated at lunch table. Show Kindness ● Keep your hands and feet to yourself. ● Use kind words when speaking to others. We may also use different strategies throughout the year to help maintain a respectable noise level in the cafeteria during breakfast and lunch.

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BUS SAFETY RULES. So that we can guarantee your child and the other children riding the bus get the safe transportation they deserve, we expect all children to abide by the Xxxxxxx PBIS Matrix, Bus Safety Rules and the ABSS Student Code of Conduct. Please review both with your child, and stress to your child that RIDING THE BUS IS A PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT. Expectations Behaviors Be Responsible ● Follow all Bus and Safety Rules. ● Follow the bus driver’s directions. ● Be on Time. Be ready for your stop. ● Keep your book bag closed and on your lap. ● Remain seated. ● Keep your bus area clean. ● Get on and off the bus quietly and orderly. ● Find a seat quickly and remain seated until it is time to get off. Respect Others ● Obey all bus and safety rules. ● Follow the bus driver’s directions. ● Be respectful to the bus driver and all students on the bus. ● Yellow voice and Red voice when instructed by the driver. ● Use appropriate language. ● Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Have Self- Control ● Obey all bus and safety rules. ● Follow the bus driver’s directions. ● No food, drink or toys on the bus. ● No electronic devices (cell phones, iPod, etc.). ● Remain in their assigned seat at all times. ● Always face forward. Do not turn around in the seat or lean into the aisle. ● Keep your hands and feet to yourself and remain inside the seat area of the bus. (Sit properly, no feet or leaning in the aisle, do not touch windows, do not turn around in bus seatsseat.) ● Use a Red or Yellow voice. ● Do not throw paper or items on the floor. Show Kindness ● Treat others with kindness. ● Use kind words when speaking to others. ● Obey all bus and safety rules. ● Follow the bus driver’s directions. ● Keep your hands and feet to yourself and remain inside the seat area of the bus. (Sit properly, no feet or leaning in the aisle, do not touch windows, do not turn around in bus seatsseat.) ● Get on and off the bus quietly and orderly. Find a seat quickly and remain seated until it is time to get off. The first time a child is reported to the office for misbehavior, he/she will receive a warning and will be placed on bus probation. The second time a child is reported to the office for misbehavior, he/she will be suspended from riding the bus for a designated period of time. If a child is reported for severe misbehavior such as fighting, he/she will be suspended from riding the bus rather than placed on bus probation. In addition, continued misbehavior on the bus can result in permanent bus suspension. You will receive written notification from suspension for the office if your child is placed on bus probation or is suspended from riding the bus. If this occurs, please sign the form and have your child return it to the office the following day. If a child is suspended from riding the bus, it is the responsibility remainder of the parent/guardian to provide transportation to and from school. According to the Alamance-Burlington School Code of Conduct, for Rule 9: Bus Misbehavior: Students, at all times while riding a school bus or other school-owned or operated vehicle, shall observe the directives of the driver and/or vehicle safety monitor. The following conduct is specifically prohibited and may result in revocation of school system provided transportation privileges: delaying the bus schedule, refusing to obey the driver’s instructions, tampering with or willfully damaging the school vehicle, getting off at an unauthorized stop, distracting the driver’s attention by participating in disruptive behavior while the vehicle is in operation, throwing objects from the bus, failing to observe and obey safety regulations, willfully trespassing on a school-owned or operated vehicle or violating any other Code of Conduct rule while on the school bus. If a violation of this code also violates other rules, consequences in addition to in-school disciplinary action, short-term or long-term removal from school transportation, and/or OSS may be implemented. **Please note that the LUNCHROOM EXPECTATIONS FOR BEHAVIOR information contained in this section applies to a typical school year. Due to COVID-19, school, state, and district policies may override the procedures and protocols as written. This policy/statement is subject to temporary modifications in order to accommodate health and public safety.** Lunch is designated as a time for students to have a nutritious meal and have time with classmates. A few rules must be observed in order to facilitate a smooth schedule and safe and orderly environment. Students are to eat at their designated table with their class. All trash must be disposed of properly and students are responsible for their lunch areas. Students are to remain seated once they have obtained their food. Wandering throughout the cafeteria during lunch will not be permitted. Our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) matrix for student behavior include specific expectations for the cafeteria. These include: Expectations Behaviors Be Responsible ● Eat a balanced diet and make healthy meal choices. ● Keep your lunch area clean. ● Place trash in the trash cans. Respect Others ● Yellow voice at your lunch table during talk time. Have Self-Control ● Eat your own food. ● Walk in a line. ● Remain seated at lunch table. Show Kindness ● Keep your hands and feet to yourself. ● Use kind words when speaking to others. We may also use different strategies throughout the year to help maintain a respectable noise level in the cafeteria during breakfast and lunch.

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BUS SAFETY RULES. So that we can guarantee your child and the other children riding the bus get the safe transportation they deserve, we expect all children to abide by the Xxxxxxx PBIS Matrix, Bus Safety Rules and the ABSS Student Code of Conduct. Please review both with your child, and stress to your child that RIDING THE BUS IS A PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT. Expectations Behaviors Be Responsible ● Follow all Bus and Safety Rules. ● Follow the bus driver’s directions. ● Be on Time. Be ready for your stop. ● Keep your book bag closed and on your lap. ● Remain seated. ● Keep your bus area clean. ● Get on and off the bus quietly and orderly. ● Find a seat quickly and remain seated until it is time to get off. Respect Others ● Obey all bus and safety rules. ● Follow the bus driver’s directions. ● Be respectful to the bus driver and all students on the bus. ● Yellow voice and Red voice when instructed by the driver. ● Use appropriate language. ● Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Have Self- Self-Control ● Obey all bus and safety rules. ● Follow the bus driver’s directions. ● No food, drink or toys on the bus. ● No electronic devices (cell phones, iPod, etc.). ● Remain in their assigned seat at all times. ● Always face forward. Do not turn around in the seat or lean into the aisle. ● Keep your hands and feet to yourself and remain inside the seat area of the bus. (Sit properly, no feet or leaning in the aisle, do not touch windows, do not turn around in bus seatsseat.) ● Use a Red or Yellow voice. ● Do not throw paper or items on the floor. Show Kindness ● Treat others with kindness. ● Use kind words when speaking to others. ● Obey all bus and safety rules. ● Follow the bus driver’s directions. ● Keep your hands and feet to yourself and remain inside the seat area of the bus. (Sit properly, no feet or leaning in the aisle, do not touch windows, do not turn around in bus seatsseat.) ● Get on and off the bus quietly and orderly. Find a seat quickly and remain seated until it is time to get off. The first time a child is reported to the office for misbehavior, he/she will receive a warning and will be placed on bus probation. The second time a child is reported to the office for misbehavior, he/she will be suspended from riding the bus for a designated period of time. If a child is reported for severe misbehavior such as fighting, he/she will be suspended from riding the bus rather than placed on bus probation. In addition, continued misbehavior on the bus can result in permanent bus suspension. You will receive written notification from suspension for the office if your child is placed on bus probation or is suspended from riding the bus. If this occurs, please sign the form and have your child return it to the office the following day. If a child is suspended from riding the bus, it is the responsibility remainder of the parent/guardian to provide transportation to and from school. According to the Alamance-Burlington School Code of Conduct, for Rule 9: Bus Misbehavior: Students, at all times while riding a school bus or other school-owned or operated vehicle, shall observe the directives of the driver and/or vehicle safety monitor. The following conduct is specifically prohibited and may result in revocation of school system provided transportation privileges: delaying the bus schedule, refusing to obey the driver’s instructions, tampering with or willfully damaging the school vehicle, getting off at an unauthorized stop, distracting the driver’s attention by participating in disruptive behavior while the vehicle is in operation, throwing objects from the bus, failing to observe and obey safety regulations, willfully trespassing on a school-owned or operated vehicle or violating any other Code of Conduct rule while on the school bus. If a violation of this code also violates other rules, consequences in addition to in-school disciplinary action, short-term or long-term removal from school transportation, and/or OSS may be implemented. **Please note that the LUNCHROOM EXPECTATIONS FOR BEHAVIOR information contained in this section applies to a typical school year. Due to COVID-19, school, state, and district policies may override the procedures and protocols as written. This policy/statement is subject to temporary modifications in order to accommodate health and public safety.** Lunch is designated as a time for students to have a nutritious meal and have time with classmates. A few rules must be observed in order to facilitate a smooth schedule and safe and orderly environment. Students are to eat at their designated table with their class. All trash must be disposed of properly and students are responsible for their lunch areas. Students are to remain seated once they have obtained their food. Wandering throughout the cafeteria during lunch will not be permitted. Our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) matrix for student behavior include specific expectations for the cafeteria. These include: Expectations Behaviors Be Responsible ● Eat a balanced diet and make healthy meal choices. ● Keep your lunch area clean. ● Place trash in the trash cans. Respect Others ● Yellow voice at your lunch table during talk time. Have Self-Control ● Eat your own food. ● Walk in a line. ● Remain seated at lunch table. Show Kindness ● Keep your hands and feet to yourself. ● Use kind words when speaking to others. We may also use different strategies throughout the year to help maintain a respectable noise level in the cafeteria during breakfast and lunch.

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Samples: Parent Partnership Agreement

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