Safety Rules Sample Clauses

Safety Rules. 5.01 The safety rules of the State having jurisdiction shall be observed by the parties hereto. It is recognized that the Employer has the exclusive responsibility for providing a safe and healthful workplace. To assist the Employer in maintaining an effective and continuing safety program, a permanent Joint Safety Committee shall be established, consisting of two (2) members from the Union and two (2) members from the Employers, who shall meet at regular times to administer educational instructions, investigate serious accidents, and to draft appropriate safety rules. Such rules as adopted by this committee, shall become a part of this Agreement.
Safety RulesThe Employer retains the right to establish work safety and health rules. When such rules are established, the OSTA will be notified pursuant to Article 21.01.
Safety RulesThe Employer retains the right to establish work safety and health rules. When such rules are established, the Association will be notified. The parties recognize the responsibility of bargaining unit members to carry out directives. An employee shall not be disciplined for a good faith refusal to engage in an alleged unsafe or dangerous practice which is in violation of applicable Federal, State, Departmental and Local safety laws, rules and regulations. In the event that a disagreement arises between an employee and his/her supervisor concerning the question of whether or not a particular directive is in violation of applicable laws, rules and regulations, the matter shall be referred to the appropriate management designee for resolution. The directive shall not be resumed until the management designee deems this directive in compliance with appropriate laws, rules and regulations. Nothing in this section shall be construed as preventing an employee from grieving the management designee’s decision.
Safety Rules. Tenderer shall strictly follow the safety guidelines as per safety guide AERB/SG/IS-1. Some other salient points to be taken care of during executions of works are given below. i. The Tenderer shall follow the safety regulations as prescribed in the tender and Indian Standards. He shall provide necessary safety appliances to his employees as instructed by the UCIL depending upon the nature of work. ii. In case of an accident resulting into any rest or disability to the xxxxxxx the same should be immediately reported to the Safety Officer. iii. Any person felt under the influence of alcohol or any intoxicating drugs on duty will be declared unfit for duty and should not be allowed to work. His entry pass would be confiscated and he should be sent out of the premises of the work / plant. iv. Drums or other make shift arrangements must not be used in place of ladders or workbenches or supports on any job. v. First Aid kits or boxes and stretchers should be readily accessible at all time with the Tenderer. vi. For all work that cannot be done from the ground level or from part of any permanent structure or from other available means of supports, soundly constructed scaffoldings of adequate strength shall be used as a safe means of access to place of work. vii. All scaffoldings shall be securely supported or suspended and whenever necessary be properly braced to ensure suitability. viii. Chains, ropes or other lifting materials used for the suspension of scaffolding must be of adequate strength and suitable quality and shall be tested quality. ix. The platforms of suspended scaffoldings shall be sufficiently wide. Suspended scaffoldings shall have handrail of about 1 meter height from the floor of the platform. Such scaffoldings or staging shall be fastened to prevent it from swaying away from the structure. x. All sides of the platform from which a person is liable to fall shall be provided with guard rails to a height of at least 1 meter with the toe boards of at least 15 cm high so placed as to prevent the fall of materials and tools from the platforms. xi. Every ladder shall be securely fixed at top and bottom. A ladder more than 5 meters shall have a probe. xii. Spacing between the side rails of the ladder shall not be less than 45cms uniform step spacing shall not exceed 30 cms. xiii. Whenever it is necessary to work at elevated places not adequately protected by railing, safety belts with lifelines securely tied to some firm structure or other support, w...
Safety Rules. The Company reserves the right to establish reasonable accident prevention and safety rules for employees, and to enforce the observance of such rules.
Safety Rules. 1. The Employees shall be obligated to observe the instructions of the Employer in matters of safety. 2. The Employer shall conduct safety meetings, on the Employer’s time, for Employees covered by this Agreement at least once a week. Employees shall take an active role in participating in such meetings. The safety meeting will be utilized for the purpose of advancing the knowledge and experience of the workmen in matters affecting safe working procedures, as well as emergency rescue and treatment. 3. When workmen are required to work on high voltage equipment that is de-energized, the line shall be tested with short-circuiting devices and "shorted and grounded" by means of adequate grounding devices before workmen shall be permitted on such de-energized lines or equipment. All safety precautions possible shall be observed while such shorting and grounding is being done. 4. All workmen working on or near conductors or equipment carrying a voltage of 440 volts or over shall be furnished with approved rubber goods (gloves, blankets, snakes, hoods, etc.). 5. All voltage of 4,800 volts or over shall be worked only with approved "hotsticks" and adequate help. 6. When Linemen are required to work on or near voltages of 440 volts or over, there shall be at least two (2) Journeymen Linemen or one (1) Journeyman Lineman, and one (1) hot Journeyman Lineman apprentice, and each shall be supplied with approved rubber goods. One (1) Journeyman Lineman, or one (1) hot Journeyman Lineman apprentice shall stand by within reaching distance, not working, but wearing rubber gloves while this work is being done. No two (2) Linemen on the same pole shall work on different phases or such conductors at the same time where such primaries are energized. 7. All grounded wires, metal conduits or cables on poles or other structures carrying energized primaries shall be properly covered before workmen are required to work in close proximity thereto. 8. The foregoing protective provisions of this Article shall apply to equipment to be worked while energized and includes trackless trolleys of all voltages. 9. Linemen shall not carry tools, except for hand tools of the trade, when climbing up and down poles The Employer shall furnish "nose bags." 10. The Employer shall be responsible for periodic inspection of hotsticks and the testing of all rubber goods, at intervals not to exceed those required by provisions of the American Society for Testing Material (ASTM). The date of each such te...
Safety RulesBoth parties agree that every reasonable effort shall be made to maintain safe working conditions. All faculty shall follow safety rules and procedures as they shall be from time to time promulgated. The College shall make a reasonable attempt to expedite faculty requests to repair College equipment so that it is usable and meets necessary safety inspections.
Safety Rules. In the interest of maintaining high standards of safety, and to minimize industrial accidents and illness, the following is agreed: A. The Employer will comply with all State and Federal safety and sanitary laws. Suitable washrooms with soap and towels shall be maintained and kept in clean and sanitary condition. B. Adequate safety devices shall be provided by the Employer and when such devices are furnished, it shall be mandatory for employees to use them. C. No employee shall be permitted to work alone in any shop or in any isolated spots in any shop which are beyond the call or observation of other persons such as tool and die, sheet metal or management personnel. D. Where an Employer has a safety program and requires an employee to wear safety glasses, the Employer shall provide standard safety frames and non-prescription lenses and it is mandatory that the employee wear them provided that the condition of his eyes is such that he does not require prescription glasses. Where an employee requires prescription glasses, he shall provide the prescription and the Employer will pay the cost of the standard safety frames and the safety lenses ground to his prescription using the optical provider contracted by the company. The full cost of replacement of frames and lenses due to work accidents shall be borne by the Employer. E. Adequate heat and ventilation shall be provided where practical. F. Any Employer requiring employees to perform welding shall furnish colored glasses for welder’s hoods and goggles. G. No employee shall be discharged or disciplined for refusing to work on a job if his refusal is based upon the claim that said job is not safe or might unduly endanger his health until it has been determined that the job is or has been made safe and will not unduly endanger his health. H. There shall be at least one employee representative on the Plant Safety Committee appointed by the Union.