Health & Safety Sample Clauses
Health & Safety. (a) The Employer and the Union agree that they mutually desire to maintain standards of safety and health in the Home, in order to prevent injury and illness and abide by the Occupational Health and Safety Act as amended from time to time.
(b) A Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) shall be constituted in accordance with the Act, which shall identify potential dangers, recommend means of improving the health and safety programs and obtaining information from the Employer or other persons respecting the identification of hazards and standards. The committee shall meet at least every three months or more frequently if the committee decides. The Employer agrees to accept as a member of its Joint Health and Safety Committee at least one (1) ONA representative selected or appointed by the Union from the Employer. Scheduled time spent in such meetings is to be considered time worked for which representative(s) shall be paid by the Employer at his or her regular or overtime rate. Minutes shall be taken of all meetings and copies shall be sent to the Committee members within two (2) weeks following the meeting, if possible. Minutes of the meetings shall be posted on the workplace health and safety bulletin board.
(c) The Employer shall provide the time from work with pay and all related tuition costs and expenses necessary to certify the worker representative. Where an inspector makes an inspection of a workplace under the powers conferred upon him or her under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Employer shall afford a committee member representing workers the opportunity to accompany the inspector during his or her physical inspection of a workplace, or any part or parts thereof. Where a committee member is not available, the Employer shall afford a worker selected by a Union, because of knowledge, experience and training, to represent it, the opportunity to accompany the inspector during his or her physical inspection of a workplace, or any part or parts thereof.
(d) Two (2) representatives of the Joint Health and Safety Committee, one
(1) from management and one (1) from the employees, shall make monthly inspections of the work place and shall report to the health and safety committee the results of their inspection. The members of the Committee who represent the workers shall designate a member representing workers to inspect the workplace. Where possible that member shall be a certified member. The Employer shall provide the member with such info...
Health & Safety. 7.1 The Provider must comply with all health and safety legislation and Health and Safety Executive working regulations, adopt and maintain safe operating systems of work and appropriate safety policies in order to protect the health and safety of Provider Personnel, Learners and all other persons including members of the public.
7.2 Where part of the Services are provided in an environment outside the direct control of the Provider, the Provider must take all reasonable steps to ensure that adequate arrangements are in place to ensure the health and safety of Learners. This will include but not be limited to, co-ordinating and co-operating with other organisations/bodies with responsibilities being clearly identified and documented as appropriate, to ensure understanding.
7.3 The Provider must report all incidents that are reportable under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (“RIDDOR”) in accordance with those regulations and must investigate or assess the circumstances of all Learner incidents within the scope of RIDDOR and follow HSE guidance ‘Investigating accidents and incidents: A workbook for employers, unions, safety representatives and safety professionals’ (HSG245) ISBN 0717628272. The Provider must only use persons competent to investigate/assess Learner incidents with a view to identifying the causes of any incident and lessons to be learned.
7.4 The Provider must inform the Department of the death of any Learner during the provision of the Services. This will be done by informing the Department’s representative by telephone or email immediately upon the Provider becoming aware of the death.
7.5 The Provider will, in circumstances where it Sub-Contracts the management and/or delivery of the Services under this Agreement, ensure that all the provisions in respect of health and safety in this Clause 7 are included in the Sub- Contract with each Sub-Contractor.
Health & Safety. (a) The Hospital and the Union agree that they mutually desire to maintain standards of safety and health in the Hospital in order to prevent accidents, injury or illness in compliance with the Occupation Health and Safety Act.
(b) Recognizing its responsibilities under the applicable legislation, the Hospital agrees to accept as a member of its Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee at least one representative selected or appointed by the Union. The number shall be determined locally.
(c) Such Committee shall identify potential dangers and hazards, institute means of improving health and safety programs and recommend actions to be taken to improve conditions related to safety and health.
(d) Meetings shall be held in accordance with the Terms of Reference of the Occupational Health and Safety Committee or more frequently at the call of the chairs if required. The Committee shall maintain minutes of all meetings and make the same available for review.
(e) The union agrees to endeavour to obtain the full cooperation of its membership in the observation of all safety rules and practices.
(f) Any representatives appointed or selected in accordance with this Article shall serve for a term of at least one calendar year. A member of the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee shall be compensated for their time while attending meetings including preparation time in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
(g) The Hospital agrees to co-operate reasonably in providing necessary information to enable the Committee to fulfill its functions. In addition, the Hospital will provide the Committee with access to all accident reports, health and safety records and any other pertinent information in its possession.
(h) If incidents involving aggressive patient action occur, such action will be recorded and reviewed at the Occupational Health Committee.
(i) Where the Hospital identifies high risk areas where employees are exposed to infectious or communicable diseases for which there are available protective medications, such medications shall be provided at no cost to the employees.
Health & Safety. 27.01 The Employer and Union agree that they mutually desire to maintain high standards of safety and health in the workplace in order to prevent injury and illness.
27.02 The Parties recognize the importance of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Ontario and its regulations thereunder in effect as of May 31, 2001 shall form a part of this Collective Agreement.
27.03 Further the Employer and the Union agree that they will jointly develop agreed to Terms of Reference governing the Employer's Joint Health and Safety Committee, no later than sixty (60) days following the date of ratification. These Terms of Reference shall be reviewed annually and address items such as, but not limited to, inspections, investigations, meetings, records, accident prevention, procedures and recommendations. The Terms of Reference will form part of this Collective Agreement.
27.04 The Employer agrees to continue to provide training for the required certified worker representatives.
27.05 The Employer shall ensure that equipment, materials and protective devices as prescribed are provided to its employees.
27.06 Each employee shall use or wear the equipment, materials and protective devices or clothing that the Employer requires to be worn or used.
27.07 From among its worker members on the Joint Health and Safety Committees, the Union may designate one as the worker Health and Safety Chair of its side of the Joint Health and Safety Committee. This member must be a worker member of a Joint Health and Safety Committee. Such Chair shall be granted not more than one (1) day per month (not including monthly meetings) for the purposes of their duties as Chair. The Parties agree that the Joint Health and Safety Committee will promote safety and industrial hygiene at the workplace.
27.08 The powers of a Health and Safety Committee shall be to:
(a) identify situations that may be a source of danger or hazard to employees;
(b) make recommendations to the Employer and the employees for the improvement of the health and safety of employees;
(c) recommend to the Employer and the employees the establishment, maintenance and monitoring of programs, measures and procedures respecting the health and safety of employees;
(d) obtain information from the Employer respecting:
(i) the identification of potential or existing hazards, materials, processes or equipment, and
(ii) health and safety, experience and work practices and standards in similar or other industries of which the Employer has ...
Health & Safety. The Service Provider shall comply with the requirements of any other acts, orders, regulations and codes of practice relating to health and safety in the performance of the agreement.
Health & Safety. 15.01 The Employer agrees that when circumstances are within his jurisdiction, he will provide a place of employment which shall be safe for the employees and shall use necessary or required safety devices, and shall adopt and use methods and processes to mitigate against occupational hazards and shall do whatever is necessary to protect the life, health and safety of the employees. It is understood that employees will wear protective equipment and clothing when required.
Health & Safety. 20.01 Employees are required to report any unsafe conditions or unsafe equipment which they observe to the employer.
20.02 Adequate toilet facilities, heated when necessary, shall be provided on all jobs. Same to be kept clean and sanitary at all times. Flush toilets shall be made available where available and if practicable.
20.03 The employer shall provide cool, sanitary drinking water facilities on all jobs, as well as hand cleaner, paper towels and toilet tissue.
20.04 Adequate enclosed quarters, heated when necessary, shall be provided on all jobs for employees to change clothes and eat their lunch. An area of the quarters will be used for no other purpose.
20.05 The employer shall supply approved safety helmets and such other safety equipment as the employee is not required to provide and, when necessary, shall supply rain suits and rubber boots at no charge to the employee. Tools, safety equipment and other attire furnished by the employer shall be the responsibility of the employee, subject to normal wear and tear, and shall be returned on termination of employment or as the employer may require. The cost of any such equipment not returned may be deducted from the employee's wages.
20.06 The employer shall supply, when necessary, acid protective clothing, safety glasses, welding gloves and hat liner at no cost to the employee. The employer shall supply coveralls on repair work.
20.07 On abnormally corrosive maintenance, revamp and repair work in which employee's clothing may be abnormally or permanently damaged the employer shall supply the necessary protective clothing or a set of coveralls at no cost to the employee.
20.08 Employees and employers shall comply with all applicable provisions of Provincial Health, Sanitation, Safety Laws and Regulations in addition to those rules established by the employer.
20.09 The construction, maintenance and operation of camp facilities, if provided at the projects, shall be in compliance with all applicable regulations of the Department of Labour and the Department of Health.
20.10 If an employee sustains an accidental injury during working hours and has to receive off- site medical attention, such employee, if entitled to board allowance, shall receive board allowance for the day on which he sustains such accidental injury.
Health & Safety. 15.1 The employer and employees shall comply with the provisions of the Health and Safety in Employment Xxx 0000 and subsequent amendments. The parties to this agreement agree that employees should be adequately protected from any safety and health hazard arising in the workplace. All reasonable precautions for the health and safety of employees shall be taken, including the provision of protective clothing/ equipment (as per clause 17 of this MECA).
15.2 It shall be the responsibility of the employer to ensure that the workplace meets required standards and that adequate and sufficient safety equipment is provided.
15.3 It shall be the responsibility of every employee covered by this agreement to work safely and to report any hazards, accidents or injuries as soon as practicable to the appropriate person. It is a condition of employment that safety equipment and clothing required by the employer is to be worn or used and that safe working practices must be observed at all times.
15.4 Attention is also drawn to the employer’s policies and procedures on health and safety.
15.5 The employer recognises that to fulfil their function health and safety delegates require adequate training, time and facilities.
15.6 The parties to the Agreement recognise that effective Health and Safety Committees are the appropriate means for providing consultative mechanisms on Health and Safety issues in the work place.
Health & Safety. Both Parties shall co-operate with the other to ensure the health, safety and welfare of their employee, customers and visitors. In particular, they shall take all reasonable steps to: o Inform each other of any risks arising out of each others businesses o Co-ordinate the emergency procedures, including evacuation arrangements and first aid provision o Co-ordinate the exchange and management of information in respect of serious offenders, potentially violent persons, staff protection lists and dangerous areas. o Co-ordinate the collection and management of health and safety management information o Co-operate with the consultation arrangements, including provision and recognition of Trade Union appointed safety representatives and the remit of safety committees that cover co-location premises.
Health & Safety. The Company and the Union understand that it is imperative to resolve issues regarding Health and Safety so that all relevant factors may be considered with as little time delay as possible. The parties therefore agree that during the term of this Agreement they will jointly develop a procedure to achieve this goal and that the agreed to procedure will form part of the collective agreement and will be included in future renewals.