Capacity fee, Frequency Sample Clauses

Capacity fee, Frequency. Containment Reserve for Disturbances Downwards The capacity fee is 10.00 euros/MW,h, which shall be paid by Fingrid in accordance with the principles stated in Appendix 1.

Related to Capacity fee, Frequency

  • Payment Frequency As of the Cutoff Date and as shown on the books of CNHICA: (A) Receivables having an aggregate Statistical Contract Value of approximately 63.45% of the Aggregate Statistical Contract Value had annual scheduled payments, (B) Receivables having an aggregate Statistical Contract Value of approximately 2.81% of the Aggregate Statistical Contract Value had semi-annual scheduled payments, (C) Receivables having an aggregate Statistical Contract Value of approximately 0.48% of the Aggregate Statistical Contract Value had quarterly scheduled payments, (D) Receivables having an aggregate Statistical Contract Value of approximately 23.78% of the Aggregate Statistical Contract Value had monthly scheduled payments, and (E) the remainder of the Receivables had irregularly scheduled payments.

  • Under-Frequency and Over Frequency Conditions The New York State Transmission System is designed to automatically activate a load- shed program as required by the NPCC in the event of an under-frequency system disturbance. Developer shall implement under-frequency and over-frequency relay set points for the Large Generating Facility as required by the NPCC to ensure “ride through” capability of the New York State Transmission System. Large Generating Facility response to frequency deviations of predetermined magnitudes, both under-frequency and over-frequency deviations, shall be studied and coordinated with the NYISO and Connecting Transmission Owner in accordance with Good Utility Practice. The term “ride through” as used herein shall mean the ability of a Generating Facility to stay connected to and synchronized with the New York State Transmission System during system disturbances within a range of under-frequency and over-frequency conditions, in accordance with Good Utility Practice and with NPCC Regional Reliability Reference Directory # 12, or its successor.

  • FREQUENCY AND CAPACITY LEVELS 7 frequencies per week, with no restrictions to capacity and aircraft type

  • PRICING OF After Hours Coefficient What is your after hours coefficient for the RS Means Price Book for work performed after normal working hours?

  • JOC - PRICING OF After Hours Coefficient What is your after hours coefficient for the RS Means Price Book for work performed after normal working hours? (FAILURE TO RESPOND PROHIBITS PART 2 JOC EVALUATION)

  • Reporting Frequency During any period of time when you are subject to the requirement in paragraph 1 of this award term and condition, you must report proceedings information through XXX for the most recent five year period, either to report new information about any proceeding(s) that you have not reported previously or affirm that there is no new information to report. Recipients that have Federal contract, grant, and cooperative agreement awards with a cumulative total value greater than $10,000,000 must disclose semiannually any information about the criminal, civil, and administrative proceedings.

  • Number Resources, Rate Center Areas and Routing Points 8.1 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to limit or otherwise adversely affect in any manner either Party’s right to employ or to request and be assigned any Central Office Codes (“NXX”) pursuant to the Central Office Code Assignment Guidelines and any relevant FCC or Commission orders, as may be amended from time to time, or to establish, by Tariff or otherwise, Rate Center Areas and Routing Points corresponding to such NXX codes. 8.2 It shall be the responsibility of each Party to program and update its own switches and network systems pursuant to information provided in the LERG in order to recognize and route traffic to the other Party’s assigned NXX codes. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, neither Party shall impose any fees or charges whatsoever on the other Party for such activities. 8.3 Unless otherwise required by Commission order, the Rate Center Areas will be the same for each Party. During the term of this Agreement, Onvoy shall adopt the Rate Center Area and Rate Center Points that the Commission has approved for Frontier within the LATA and Tandem serving area. Onvoy shall assign whole NPA-NXX codes to each Rate Center Area unless otherwise ordered by the FCC, the Commission or another governmental entity of appropriate jurisdiction, or the LEC industry adopts alternative methods of utilizing NXXs. 8.4 Onvoy will also designate a Routing Point for each assigned NXX code. Onvoy shall designate one location for each Rate Center Area in which the Onvoy has established NXX code(s) as the Routing Point for the NPA-NXXs associated with that Rate Center Area, and such Routing Point shall be within the same LATA as the Rate Center Area but not necessarily within the Rate Center Area itself. Unless specified otherwise, calls to subsequent NXXs of Onvoy will be routed in the same manner as calls to Xxxxx’s initial NXXs. 8.5 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, nothing in this Agreement is intended, and nothing in this Agreement shall be construed, to in any way constrain Onvoy’s choices regarding the size of the local calling area(s) that Onvoy may establish for its Customers, which local calling areas may be larger than, smaller than, or identical to Frontier’s local calling areas.

  • INTERIM MAINTENANCE PERIOD During the interim maintenance period between obtaining of the completion certificate of such Project and formation and operationalization of the Association the Promoter shall through itself or through a facility management company to run, operate, manage and maintain the Common Areas. The Promoter shall endeavour that the committee responsible for the maintenance and operation of the Common Areas will be required to provide manpower for maintaining the Common Areas, wherever required, and to collect maintenance charges and also guest charges and the user charges for the utilities being provided on “pay by use” basis, if any. The maintenance and management of Common Areas by the committee will primarily include but not limited to maintenance of water works, common electrical installations, DG Sets, landscaping, driveways, parking areas, lobbies, lifts and staircases, AMC’s etc. It will also include safety and security of the Project such as fire detection and protection and management of general security control of the Project. The Rules/ Bye Laws to regulate the use and maintenance of the Common Areas shall during the interim maintenance period shall be framed by the Promoter with such restrictions as may be necessary for proper maintenance and all the Allottees are bound to follow the same. After the Common Areas of the Project are handed over to the Association, the Association may adopt the Rules and the Bye laws framed by the Promoter, with or without amendments, as may be deemed necessary by the Association.

  • Points The points to be assigned to the classification levels under this Agreement shall be: C14 - C13 - C12 32 C11 64 C10 96 C9 12 additional points above C10 C8 24 additional points above C10 C7 36 additional points above C10 C6 48 additional points above C10 C5 60 additional points above C10 C4 Standards and points to be finalised C3 Standards and points to be finalised C2a Standards and points to be finalised C2b Standards and points to be finalised C1a Standards and points to be finalised C1b Standards and points to be finalised and in accordance with Table 2 in the National Metal and Engineering Competency Standards Implementation Guide.

  • Power Factor The Power Producer shall maintain the Power Factor as per the prevailing GERC regulations and as may be stipulated / specified by GETCO from time to time. The Power Producer shall provide suitable protection devices, so that the Electric Generators could be isolated automatically when grid supply fails. Connectivity criteria like short circuit level (for switchgear), neutral Grounding, fault clearance time, current unbalance (including negative and zero sequence currents), limit of harmonics etc. shall be as per Grid Code.