Card Use. To make a purchase or cash advance, you must comply with the Credit Union’s procedures for authorizing such transactions. You may present your Card to a participating Visa plan merchant, to us or to another financial institution, and sign the sales or cash advance draft which will be imprinted with your Card. You may complete the transaction by using your PIN in conjunction with the Card in an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) or other type of electronic terminal that provides access to the Visa system. You may authorize a purchase transaction with merchants by providing your Card account number and expiration date for transactions over the telephone or Internet. The monthly statement will identify the merchant, electronic terminal or financial institution at which transactions were made, but sales, cash advance, and credit or other slips cannot be returned with the statement. You will retain the copy of such slips furnished at the time of the transaction in order to verify the monthly statement. The Credit Union may make a reasonable charge for photocopies of sales slips you may request. You may not use the Card for any illegal or unlawful transaction, including Internet gambling transactions, and we may decline to authorize any transaction that we believe poses an undue risk of illegality or unlawfulness.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Credit Card Agreement, Credit Card Agreement, Credit Card Agreement