Child and Family Services. As affirmed by Parliament in the Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families, S.C. 2019, c. 24, the inherent right of self-government of the Manitoba Métis includes the jurisdiction of the MMF in relation to child and family services, including legislative authority in relation to those services and authority to administer and enforce laws made under that legislative authority.
Child and Family Services. Agency (CFSA) is the public child welfare agency in the District of Columbia responsible for protecting child victims and those at risk of abuse and neglect and assisting their families.
Child and Family Services. Minimum Contacts to support them in achieving their identified goals in their SSA and Case Plan. Document these contacts in MatrixNT as a Case Note and place on the hard file. • Invite the IGB(s), AAO(s) or cultural organization, by consent only, to participate in service planning with the child/youth, parent(s)/care provider(s)/caregiver(s) or expectant parent(s). Document the meetings in MatrixNT as a Case Note and ensure any updates or reviews are documented during the Case Review process.
Child and Family Services. Minimum Contacts to support them in achieving their identified goals in their SSA and Case Plan. • Ensure the Child Protection Worker/Designate has inquired and understood the youth’s views and has engaged and collaborated with the IGB(s), AAO(s) or cultural organization(s) if appropriate. • Ensure that if the IGB(s), AAO(s) or cultural organization(s) is involved in planning for the youth, the joint service planning meetings with the youth are clearly documented on MatrixNT as a Case Note.
Child and Family Services. Standard 2.1 -
Child and Family Services. (for example, support provided by the Recipient to family members, including children, of individuals receiving support from the Recipient).
Child and Family Services. As Parliament affirmed, in the CFS Act, the inherent right of self-government recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 includes jurisdiction in relation to child and family services, including legislative authority in relation to those services and authority to administer and enforce laws made under that legislative authority.
Child and Family Services. Canada recognizes that the Métis Government is an Indigenous Governing Body for the purposes of An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families having jurisdiction, including legislative authority, in relation to child and family services to administer and enforce laws made under that legislative authority.
Child and Family Services. Kitsumkalum may make laws in relation to Child and Family Services:
Child and Family Services. The Miawpukek First Nation Government has Jurisdiction with respect to social, family, youth and children’s programs, services and facilities for Members on Miawpukek First Nation Lands in relation to the following matters: