CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH AN INTEREST CHARGE WILL BE IMPOSED. The total outstanding balance of purchases, balance transfers, and cash advances in the Account on the closing date of a billing period, including any Interest Charge, will be shown on the Periodic Statement for that billing period as the "New Balance."
CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH AN INTEREST CHARGE WILL BE IMPOSED. The total outstanding balance of purchases, balance transfers, and cash advances in the Account on the closing date of a billing period, including any Interest Charge, will be shown on the Periodic Statement for that billing period as the “New Balance.”
CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH AN INTEREST CHARGE WILL BE IMPOSED. The total outstanding balance of purchases and cash advances in the Account on the closing date of a billing cycle, including any interest charge will be shown on the Periodic Statement for that billing cycle as the “New Balance.”
a. Cash Advances (Interest Charge). An interest charge will be imposed on cash advances and balance transfers from the date each advance is made to the date paid. The Credit Union charges a cash advance fee (interest charge) of 3.0% of the cash advance transaction (minimum ten dollars [$10.00] from the date of the transaction until the amount is paid). There is no grace period to avoid a cash advance fee (interest charge). There is no cash advance fee on balance transfer advances or convenience checks. There is a minimum finance charge of one dollar ($1.00) on unpaid balances.
CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH AN INTEREST CHARGE WILL BE IMPOSED. The total out- standing balance of purchases and cash advances in the Account on the closing date of a Billing Cycle, including any INTEREST CHARGE will be shown on the Periodic Statement for that billing cycle as the “New Balance.”
a. Purchases. AN INTEREST CHARGE will be imposed on the unpaid portion of purchas- es included in the New Balance when your New Balance from the “Post Date” is not paid in full by the “Payment Due Date” shown on your periodic statement. This “grace period” allows you to avoid an INTEREST CHARGE on purchases for a billing cycle. However, if you do not pay the entire New Balance in full by the Payment Due Date, you cannot avoid an interest charge on purchases on the next Periodic Statement. The grace period only applies if (1) the New Balance shown on the previous Periodic Statement is paid in full by the Payment Due Date shown on that statement, and (2) the New Balance on the current statement is paid in full by the Due Date shown on the current statement.
b. Cash Advances. AN INTEREST CHARGE will be imposed on cash advances from the “Post Date” of the cash advance shown on the Periodic Statement when the cash advance is made. There is no time period within which to pay to avoid a periodic INTEREST CHARGE on cash advances. In addition, a Cash Advance Fee (INTEREST CHARGE) equal to two percent (2%) of the advance (or $5.00, whichever is greater), will be applied to each cash advance.
CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH AN INTEREST CHARGE WILL BE IMPOSED. (a) Purchases. An interest charge will be imposed on Purchases outstanding during a Billing Cycle (including current Purchases) at the Monthly Periodic Rate for Purchases when there is a Previous Balance outstanding and it is not paid in full during the first 25 days of the Billing Cycle. You may avoid paying an interest charge on current Purchases included in the New Balance by paying the entire New Balance in full within 25 days after the Closing Date of the Billing Cycle during which the current Purchases are charged to your Account.
CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH AN INTEREST CHARGE WILL BE IMPOSED. The total outstanding balance of purchases, balance transfers, and cash advances in the Account on the closing date of a billing period, including any Interest Charge, will be shown on the Periodic Statement for that billing period as the "New Balance." Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each billing period. An Interest Charge will be imposed on the portion of purchases included in the New Balance that is not paid by the due date. This “grace period” allows you to avoid an Interest Charge on purchases for a billing period. However, if you do not pay the New Balance for purchases within the grace period, your Interest Charge will accrue on any unpaid purchase transactions from the first day of the billing period in which the payment is due.
CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH AN INTEREST CHARGE WILL BE IMPOSED. The total outstanding balance of purchases and cash advances in the Account on the closing date of a billing cycle, including any Interest Charge will be shown on the Periodic Statement for that billing cycle as the “New Balance.” An Interest Charge will be imposed on VISA cash advances on the date of the cash advance until fully paid. There is no grace period to avoid a Interest Charge on cash advances. An Interest Charge will be imposed on VISA Credit Card purchases included in the new balance when the entire new balance is not paid in full within 25 days after the closing date. This “grace period” allows you to avoid an Interest Charge on purchases for a billing cycle. If you do not pay within the grace period, your Interest Charge will accrue from the date of purchase. There is a Balance Transfer Fee (INTEREST CHARGE) of 3% on all balance amounts transferred to your account The Credit Union figures the Periodic Interest Charge on your Account by applying the Periodic Rate to the “Average Daily Balance” of purchases and cash advances for your Account. To get the “Average Daily Balance” we take the beginning purchase and cash advance balance of your Account each day, add any new purchases and cash advances and subtract any payments or credits, unpaid INTEREST CHARGES and unpaid late charges. This gives us the daily balance. Then we add up all the daily balances for the billing cycle and divide by the number of days in the billing cycle. This gives us the Average Daily balance for both purchases and cash advances. However, no Interest Charge is imposed on purchases if payments and credits are made sufficient to pay the “New Balance” shown on your periodic statement within 25 days of the closing date of the previous billing cycle. In addition to the Interest Charge based on the Periodic Rate for cash advances there is a Interest Charge of $35.00 per cash advance.
CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH AN INTEREST CHARGE WILL BE IMPOSED. The total outstanding balance of purchases and cash advances on the Account on the closing date of any billing cycle, including any Interest Charge, will be shown on the Periodic Statement for that billing cycle as the "New Balance". There is a minimum Interest Charge of $1.00 each month.
CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH AN INTEREST CHARGE WILL BE IMPOSED. The total outstanding balance of purchases and cash advances in the