Cleaning Day Sample Clauses

Cleaning Day. Unless otherwise directed and approved by Owner, the cleaning day begins at 5:30 p.m. and ends at 1:00 a.m. The cleaning week begins Monday and ends Friday, holidays excepted.

Related to Cleaning Day

  • Boxing Day If another Federal, Provincial or Municipal holiday should be proclaimed during the term of this Agreement, such additional proclaimed holiday will replace one of the above-named holidays as agreed by the parties. The intent is that there will be no more than twelve (12) paid holidays per calendar year for the duration of this agreement.

  • Working Day Working Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday which is observed by the construction industry in the area of the Place of the Work.

  • Cleaning 8.1 CONTRACTOR shall, at his own expenses, at all times keep the premises free from accumulation of debris, waste materials, and rubbish, and at the completion of the work, he shall remove his tools and equipment and all surplus materials, debris, waste material, and rubbish and shall leave the premises in a neat and clean condition. If CONTRACTOR does not attend to such cleaning immediately upon request, OWNER shall have the right to have this work done by others and deduct the cost therefore from the payment due CONTRACTOR hereunder.

  • CLEANING UP 4.15.1 Before commencement of any on-site activities, Contractor is required to prepare and submit to the Project Manager a Construction Site Waste Reduction Plan. A sample plan is available at: xxxx:// . Failure to comply with this provision or a failure to comply with the plan itself will result in withholding of general conditions’ money from the contractor’s monthly requisition until Contractor has rectified the situation and is in full compliance with these provisions. 4.15.2 The Contractor at all times shall keep the premises free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish. At the completion of the Work he shall remove all his waste materials and rubbish from and about. the Project as well as all his tools, construction equipment, machinery and surplus materials and shall leave the premises in a clean and satisfactory condition. 4.15.3 If the Contractor fails to clean up at the completion of the Work, the State may do so as provided in Paragraph 3.4 and the cost thereof shall be charged to the Contractor.

  • Banking Day a day (except Saturday, Sunday or official holidays defined by the Legislation for commercial banks), when commercial banks in Georgia are open and conduct their activity.

  • Holiday Falling on a Scheduled Workday An Employee who works on a designated holiday which is a scheduled workday shall be compensated at the rate of double time for hours worked, plus a day off in lieu of the holiday; except for Christmas and New Year's when the compensation shall be at the rate of double time and one-half (2½) for hours worked, plus a day off subject to this Agreement.

  • Afternoon Shift (i) Afternoon Shift is any shift where the normal ceasing time is later than 6.00 p.m. but not later than midnight. (ii) The additional loading for ordinary hours only shall be twenty-five percent (25%) of the all purpose rate applying to the Employees' classification.

  • Cleaning Fee Tenant hereby agrees to accept property in its present state of cleanliness. They agree to return the property in the same condition or pay a $200.00 minimum cleaning fee if the Landlord has to have the property professionally cleaned.

  • WORKING DAY BEFORE AUCTION DATE Any intending bidder who intends to bid on behalf of another person, body corporate or firm is required to deposit with the Auctioneer prior to the auction sale an authority letter to state that he/she is acting on behalf of another person, body corporate or firm and he/she is authorised to sign all the necessary documents. All intending bidders shall be required to verify their identities by showing to the Auctioneer their identity cards prior to the commencement of the auction, failing which, they shall not be entitled to bid. In the event that the Bumiputra lot is sold to a non Bumiputra or if the successful bidder is below the age of 18 or is an undischarged bankrupt or is not legally competent to purchase the property, then such sale shall be cancelled and the deposit paid shall be refunded to the successful bidder and thereafter the Assignee shall be at liberty to put up the property for sale. A foreign citizen/foreign company may be allowed to bid for the property and if the bid is successful, the sale is subject to the foreign citizen/company applying and obtaining at his/her/its own cost to the Economic Planning Unit (if applicable) and/or relevant State Authority for the unconditional consent to the sale within the period stated in Clause 11 hereof but subject to Clause 22 hereof.

  • Cheating Cheating is prohibited, and will result in immediate action and termination without compensation.