Reporting Model 1 FFI The term Reporting Model 1 FFI means a Financial Institution with respect to which a non-U.S. government or agency thereof agrees to obtain and exchange information pursuant to a Model 1 IGA, other than a Financial Institution treated as a Nonparticipating Financial Institution under the Model 1 IGA. For purposes of this definition, the term Model 1 IGA means an arrangement between the United States or the Treasury Department and a non-U.S. government or one or more agencies thereof to implement FATCA through reporting by Financial Institutions to such non-U.S. government or agency thereof, followed by automatic exchange of such reported information with the IRS.
Unlisted/Non-Published Subscribers <<customer_name>> will be required to provide to BellSouth the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all <<customer_name>> customers that wish to be omitted from directories.
H5 Disruption H5.1 The Contractor shall take reasonable care to ensure that in the performance of its obligations under the Contract it does not disrupt the operations of the Authority, its employees or any other contractor employed by the Authority.
Open Market Purchases Failure of the Contractor to Perform within the time specified in the Contract, or failure to replace rejected or substandard Goods or fulfill unperformed Services when so requested and as the Contract provides or allows, constitutes a breach of the Contract and as a remedy for such breach, such failure shall constitute authority for DAS, if it deems it to be necessary or appropriate in its sole discretion, to Terminate the Contract and/or to purchase on the open market, Goods or Services to replace those which have been rejected, not delivered, or not Performed. The Client Agency shall invoice the Contractor for all such purchases to the extent that they exceed the costs and expenses in Exhibit B and the Contractor shall pay the Client Agency’s invoice immediately after receiving the invoice. If DAS does not Terminate the Contract, the Client Agency will deduct such open market purchases from the Contract quantities. However, if the Client Agency deems it to be in the best interest of the State, the Client Agency may accept and use the Goods or Services delivered which are substandard in quality, subject to an adjustment in price to be determined by the Client Agency.
Margin Trading 6.1. CFDs are margin products and the transactions related to them will be done on Margin. This means that the Client must supply a specified initial Margin, on agreement, of the overall Contract value.
Risk of Margin Trading The risk of loss in financing a transaction by deposit of collateral is significant. You may sustain losses in excess of your cash and any other assets deposited as collateral with the licensed or registered person. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute contingent orders, such as "stop-loss" or "stop-limit" orders. You may be called upon at short notice to make additional margin deposits or interest payments. If the required margin deposits or interest payments are not made within the prescribed time, your collateral may be liquidated without your consent. Moreover, you will remain liable for any resulting deficit in your account and interest charged on your account. You should therefore carefully consider whether such a financing arrangement is suitable in light of your own financial position and investment objectives.
Market Adjustment The parties to this Agreement recognize the appropriateness of market pay adjustments in rare instances for compelling reasons. To effectuate judgments in such cases, the President and AAUP Chapter President, in consultation, shall each name three (3) individuals to a university Market Evaluation Committee. Deans may submit recommendations for market pay adjustments with supporting written reasons to the committee. Said Committee shall consult with the President concerning proposed market pay adjustments reporting its advice not later than May 15 in each year. Upon the favorable recommendation of the President and the Chancellor, market pay adjustments may be approved effective at the beginning of that pay period including September 1 of the following year. Not more than one (1) market pay adjustment per one hundred (100) full-time members, or fraction thereof, may be recommended in any contract year. A member’s salary may not be increased beyond the maximum for the rank. Funding for this program shall be governed by Article 12.10.2.
Variable Registry-‐Level Fee If the ICANN accredited registrars (accounting, in the aggregate, for payment of two-thirds of all registrar-level fees (or such portion of ICANN accredited registrars necessary to approve variable accreditation fees under the then-current registrar accreditation agreement), do not approve, pursuant to the terms of their registrar accreditation agreements with ICANN, the variable accreditation fees established by the ICANN Board of Directors for any ICANN fiscal year, upon delivery of notice from ICANN, Registry Operator shall pay to ICANN a variable registry-level fee, which shall be paid on a fiscal quarter basis, and shall accrue as of the beginning of the first fiscal quarter of such ICANN fiscal year (the “Variable Registry-Level Fee”). The fee will be calculated and invoiced by ICANN on a quarterly basis, and shall be paid by Registry Operator within sixty (60) calendar days with respect to the first quarter of such ICANN fiscal year and within twenty (20) calendar days with respect to each remaining quarter of such ICANN fiscal year, of receipt of the invoiced amount by ICANN. The Registry Operator may invoice and collect the Variable Registry-Level Fees from the registrars that are party to a registry-registrar agreement with Registry Operator (which agreement may specifically provide for the reimbursement of Variable Registry-Level Fees paid by Registry Operator pursuant to this Section 6.3); provided, that the fees shall be invoiced to all ICANN accredited registrars if invoiced to any. The Variable Registry-Level Fee, if collectible by ICANN, shall be an obligation of Registry Operator and shall be due and payable as provided in this Section 6.3 irrespective of Registry Operator’s ability to seek and obtain reimbursement of such fee from registrars. In the event ICANN later collects variable accreditation fees for which Registry Operator has paid ICANN a Variable Registry-Level Fee, ICANN shall reimburse the Registry Operator an appropriate amount of the Variable Registry-Level Fee, as reasonably determined by ICANN. If the ICANN accredited registrars (as a group) do approve, pursuant to the terms of their registrar accreditation agreements with ICANN, the variable accreditation fees established by the ICANN Board of Directors for a fiscal year, ICANN shall not be entitled to a Variable-Level Fee hereunder for such fiscal year, irrespective of whether the ICANN accredited registrars comply with their payment obligations to ICANN during such fiscal year. The amount of the Variable Registry-Level Fee will be specified for each registrar, and may include both a per-registrar component and a transactional component. The per‑registrar component of the Variable Registry-Level Fee shall be specified by ICANN in accordance with the budget adopted by the ICANN Board of Directors for each ICANN fiscal year. The transactional component of the Variable Registry-Level Fee shall be specified by ICANN in accordance with the budget adopted by the ICANN Board of Directors for each ICANN fiscal year but shall not exceed US$0.25 per domain name registration (including renewals associated with transfers from one ICANN accredited registrar to another) per year.
Market Abuse 13.1 The Client acknowledges that he will not enter into any transaction which falls within the definition of market abuses of Seychelles Securities Xxx 0000 as amended. This rule applies to all forms of market abuse such as xxxxxxx xxxxxxx (an abusive exploitation of privileged confidential information), the misuse of information and directors trading in shares of their own companies;
Market Adjustments 22. Neither this Article nor any other in this Collective Agreement prevents the Employer from using other funds to increase a Member’s salary in response to offers received from other employers or to accommodate other market forces.