Chapter II definition

Chapter II. Subject Matter of Protection Subject Matter of Protection: General .......................... 4 Subject Matter of Protection: Works............................ Subject Matter of Protection: Derivative Works and Collections .................................................................... 5 6 Subject Matter Not Protected ........................................ 7
Chapter II. THE DEFENCE AND SECURITY FORCES Article 10: Principles relating to the defence and security forces 59 Article 11: Principles of organization of the defence and security forces ………………………………………..……. 60 Article 12: Missions of the defence and security forces ……… 61 Article 13: Structures of the defence and security forces …….. 63 Article 14: Composition of the defence and security forces ….. 64

Examples of Chapter II in a sentence

  • The Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) must electronically sign the proposal Cover Sheet to submit the required proposal certifications (see Chapter II, Section C of the Grant Proposal Guide for a listing of the certifications).

  • More comprehensive information on NSF Award Conditions and other important information on the administration of NSF awards is contained in the NSF Award & Administration Guide (AAG) Chapter II, available electronically on the NSF Website at ?ods_key=aag.

  • More comprehensive information on NSF Reporting Requirements and other important information on the administration of NSF awards is contained in the NSF Award & Administration Guide (AAG) Chapter II, available electronically on the NSF Website at ?ods_key=aag.

  • For fiscal years ending on or after December 25, 2015, a Single Audit is required if the subrecipient expends $750,000 or more in federal assistance during its fiscal year and must be conducted in accordance with 2 CFR Chapter I, Chapter II, Part 200, Subpart F.

  • Chapter II, Section D.4 of the Grant Proposal Guide provides additional information on collaborative proposals.

More Definitions of Chapter II

Chapter II. Means of transport and declarations
Chapter II. GC-Skew Defines Distinct RNA Polymerase Pause Sites in CpG Island Promoters Chapter III: Factors Affects the Persistence of Drug-Induced Reprogramming of the Cancer Methylome Chapter IV: Orphan CpG Islands Define a Class of Highly Active Enhancers Chapter V: Therapeutic Inhibition of DNA Methylation Resets the Cancer Transcriptome Chapter VI: Discussion Chapter I: Introduction
Chapter II. Manuscript
Chapter II. Creation of an orthogonal tRNATrp/UCA/ tryptophanyl tRNA synthetase pair for incorporation of amino acid analogues in S. cevevisiae 32 Introduction 33 Experimental Procedures 40 Results and Discussion 49 An orthogonal MgentRNATrp/UCA for S. cerevisiae 49 In vivo aminoacylation assay confirms the MgentRNATrp/UCA / MgenTrpRS pair is orthogonal in S. cerevisiae 50 The MgenTrpRS specifically recognize the MgentRNATrp/UCA for the incorporation of Tryptophan to the UGA mutation on the Trp66 of ECFP 51 Optimizing the suppression efficiency of the MgentRNATrp /MgenTrpRS pair 53 Conclusion 58 Reference 76 Introduction 82 Experimental Procedures 85 Result and Discussion 99 Analysis of the screening effect of ura3-14 reporter gene 99 Site-saturation mutagenesis of MgenTrpRS 101 Library screening of MgenTrpRS mutants with activity toward 5-OH-Trp 103 Library screening of MgenTrpRS mutants with activity toward 5-MeO-Trp 106 Spectral analysis of ECFP and UAA incorporated ECFP variants 107 Confocal microscopy image analysis of cells expressing ECFP and UAA incorporated ECFP variants 108 Conclusion 108 Reference 127 Introduction 132 Experimental Procedures 135 Results 150 Cells containing the SYN1-G-Sup35 and NAC-G-Sup35 fusion proteins both showed two phenotypes 150 Aggregation state of NACp and SYN1p are different 152 [NAC+] was reversibly curable 154 Overproduction of the NAC-NR-M-GFP induced [NAC+] phenotype 156 [NAC+] was induced by cytoduction. 156 [NAC+] represents an extra-chromosomal genetic element that can be confirmed with mating and sporulation experiment 159 Discussion 160 Reference 182