COMMENCEMENT OF DECOMMISSIONING. 5.1 By agreement of the Operating Committee, Decommissioning may be commenced upon or at any time after the signature of the present Agreement.
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COMMENCEMENT OF DECOMMISSIONING. 5.1 By agreement of the Operating Committee, Decommissioning may be commenced upon or at any time after the termination of the Gas Sales Agreements.
COMMENCEMENT OF DECOMMISSIONING. (A) Within six (6) months of the Decommissioning Date, Electrabel shall re-determine for each Type of Spare Part the quantity of New LTO Spare Parts used in connection with or installed in the LTO Units as follows:


  • Commencement of Work Engineer shall not commence any field work under this Contract until he/she/it has obtained all required insurance and such insurance has been approved by County. As further set out below, Engineer shall not allow any subcontractor/subconsultant(s) to commence work to be performed in connection with this Contract until all required insurance has been obtained and approved and such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Approval of the insurance by County shall not relieve or decrease the liability of Engineer hereunder.

  • Decommissioning The expenditure for Decommissioning will be estimated on the basis of technical studies undertaken by the Contractor, to be agreed by the National Petroleum Agency, as part of each Field Development Program and revised as necessary.

  • Project Commencement The Grantee shall begin the grant-funded project <<on or before insert date>> <<within 90 days of the original start date of the grant term or grant execution date, whichever is later,>>, unless otherwise approved by System Agency. If project commencement is delayed, the Grantee must submit in writing to the assigned contract manager, the steps taken to initiate the project, the reasons for the delay, and the expected start date. System Agency may require Grantee to take immediate remedial or corrective action in response to any delay.

  • Commissioning Commissioning tests of the Interconnection Customer's installed equipment shall be performed pursuant to applicable codes and standards. If the Interconnection Customer is not proceeding under Section 2.3.2, the Utility must be given at least ten (10) Business Days written notice, or as otherwise mutually agreed to by the Parties, of the tests and may be present to witness the commissioning tests.

  • Commencement and Completion The Work shall commence on _______________, 20__ and shall be complete in accordance with this Agreement without delay on ______________, 20__. The term “day”, used throughout this Agreement, refers to calendar days. Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for any Permitted Delays. If this Agreement is not signed and returned to the Owner before any work commences, this Agreement will be considered as accepted as presented to the Contractor.

  • Commencement of Development 7.3.1 In the event that development on the Lands has not commenced within four (4) years from the date of registration of this Agreement at the Registry of Deeds or Land Registry Office, as indicated herein, the Agreement shall have no further force or effect and henceforth the development of the Lands shall conform with the provisions of the Land Use By-law.

  • Commencement of Interconnection Activities If the Developer executes the final LGIA, the ISO, Connecting Transmission Owner and the Developer shall perform their respective obligations in accordance with the terms of the LGIA, subject to modification by FERC. Upon submission of an unexecuted LGIA in accordance with Section 30.11.3, the Parties shall promptly comply with the unexecuted LGIA, subject to modification by FERC.

  • Construction Phase Services 3.1.1 – Basic Construction Services

  • Commencement, Prosecution, and Completion of Work The Contractor will be required (a) to commence the Work under this Contract on the applicable Proceed Order Date, (b) to prosecute the Work with faithfulness and energy (c) to install the various parts of the work with equal steps shown on the Overall Project Schedule and at the same rate (or better) shown on the Overall Project Schedule and (d) to complete the Work within the Contract Time, as adjusted. Commencement of the Work shall mean actual physical work on the Site. Unless otherwise agreed, and subject to Change Orders, Material Completion of the Project must be achieved on or before the date established as the Material Completion and Occupancy Date under the Schedule.


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