Construction Phase Services. 3.1.1 – Basic Construction Services
Construction Phase Services. The Construction Phase shall be deemed to commence upon the date specified in a written Notice to Proceed issued by Owner after approval of the Guaranteed Maximum Price Proposal and shall continue until Final Completion of all Work. Pre-Construction Phase Services may overlap Construction Phase Services. Contractor shall not incur any Subcontractor costs for construction of the Project prior to issuance by Owner of written authorization to commence such Work. Contractor shall perform the following Construction Phase Services:
8.1 Construct the Work in strict accordance with this Agreement and as required by the UGSC, Special Conditions and Owner’s Specifications within the time required by the Work Progress Schedule approved by Owner.
8.2 Organize and maintain a competent, full-time staff at the Project site with clearly defined lines of authority and communication as necessary to coordinate construction activities, monitor and direct progress of the Work, and further the goals of the Project Team.
8.3 Designate in writing a representative who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Construction Phase Services. The designated representative shall be Owner’s primary contact during the Construction Phase and shall be available as required for the benefit of the Project and Owner. The designated representative shall be authorized to act on behalf of and bind Contractor in all matters related to Construction Phase Services including, but not limited to, execution of Change Orders and Applications for Payment.
Construction Phase Services. The Construction Phase shall be deemed to commence upon the date specified in a Notice to Proceed issued by Owner after approval of the Guaranteed Maximum Price Proposal and shall continue until Final Completion of all Work. Pre-Construction Phase Services may overlap Construction Phase Services. Construction Manager shall not incur any Subcontractor costs for construction of the Work prior to issuance by Owner of written authorization to commence such Work. The Construction Manager shall perform the following Construction Phase Services. Construct the Work in strict accordance with the Construction Documents and as required by the Uniform General Conditions for University of Texas System Building Construction Contracts and Owner’s Specifications within the time required by the Project Schedule approved by Owner. Organize and maintain a competent, full-time staff at the Project site with clearly defined lines of authority and communication as necessary to coordinate construction activities, monitor and direct progress of the Work, and further the goals of the Project Team. Designate in writing a representative who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Construction Phase Services. The designated representative shall be the Owner’s primary contact during the Construction Phase and shall be available as required for the benefit of the Project and the Owner. The designated representative shall be authorized to act on behalf of and bind the Construction Manager in all matters related to Construction Phase Services including, but not limited to, execution of Change Orders and Applications for Payment. Attend Owner’s regularly scheduled Project progress meetings and fully advise the Project Team of the Project status including schedule, costs, quality and changes. In addition to attending Owner’s regularly scheduled Project progress meetings, Construction Manager shall schedule, direct and attend interim progress meetings with other members of the Project Team as required to maintain Project progress. Construction Manager shall record and distribute the minutes of each meeting to each Project Team member. The minutes shall identify critical activities that require action and the dates by which each activity must be completed. Coordinate delivery and installation of Owner-procured material and equipment. In accordance with Owner’s Standard Uniform General Conditions for University of Texas System Building Construction Contracts, provide and pay for a...
Construction Phase Services. Construction Phase Services shall mean all of the Work other than the Preconstruction Phase Services.
Construction Phase Services. (a) If the Consultant prepares construction documents and the Consultant is not retained to make periodic site visits, the Client assumes all responsibility for interpretation of the documents and for construction observation, and the Client waives any claims against the Consultant in any way connected thereto.
(b) The Consultant shall have no responsibility for any contractor's means, methods, techniques, equipment choice and usage, sequence, schedule, safety programs, or safety practices, nor shall Consultant have any authority or responsibility to stop or direct the work of any contractor. The Consultant's visits will be for the purpose of endeavoring to provide the Client a greater degree of confidence that the completed work of its contractors will generally conform to the construction documents prepared by the Consultant. Consultant neither guarantees the performance of contractors, nor assumes responsibility for any contractor’s failure to perform its work in accordance with the contract documents.
(c) The Consultant is not responsible for any duties assigned to it in the construction contract that are not expressly provided for in this Agreement. The Client agrees that each contract with any contractor shall state that the contractor shall be solely responsible for job site safety and its means and methods; that the contractor shall indemnify the Client and the Consultant for all claims and liability arising out of job site accidents; and that the Client and the Consultant shall be made additional insureds under the contractor’s general liability insurance policy.
Construction Phase Services. 2.2.1 Upon execution of an Early Work Amendment or GMP Amendment, the XXXX shall provide Construction Phase Services as provided in the Contract Documents, including without limitation providing and paying for all materials, tools, equipment, labor and professional and non- professional services, and performing all other acts and supplying all other things necessary to fully and properly perform and complete the Work, as required by the Contract Documents.
2.2.2 Notwithstanding any other references to Construction Phase Services in this Contract, this Contract shall include Construction Phase Services only unless (i) the parties execute a GMP Amendment or (ii) the parties execute an Early Work Amendment, defined below.
2.2.3 The parties may execute one or more Early Work Amendments identifying specific Construction Phase Services that must be performed in advance of the GMP Amendment. XXXX shall be obligated to perform the Early Work only to the extent that the Cost of Work therefore, together with the XXXX Fee, does not exceed the Early Work Price; however if XXXX performs Early Work with a cost in excess of the Early Work Price, the XXXX shall pay such excess cost without reimbursement. If one or more Early Work Amendments are executed, the XXXX shall diligently continue to work toward development of a GMP Amendment acceptable to Owner, which shall incorporate the Early Work Amendments.
2.2.4 Prior to commencement of any Construction, and in any event not later than mutual execution of the GMP Amendment, XXXX shall provide to Owner a performance bond and a payment security bond as required by the General Conditions in amounts equal to the value of the Amendment(s). If an Early Work Amendment is executed, XXXX shall provide such bond in the amount of the Early Work Price under the Early Work Amendment. XXXX shall provide to Owner additional or replacement bonds at the time of execution of any subsequent Early Work Amendment or GMP Amendment, in each case prior to execution of the Amendment and the supplying of any labor or materials tor the prosecution of the Work covered by the Amendment, and in each case in a sufficient amount so that the total bonded sums equals or exceeds the total Early Work Price or the GMP, as the case may be. In the event of a Scope Change that increases the GMP, XXXX shall provide to Owner an additional or supplemental bond in the amount of such increase prior to performance of the additional Work.
Construction Phase Services. Services provided throughout the construction phase during which the Design-Builder shall carry out the bulk of the construction and manage the completion of the design for the Project.
Construction Phase Services. Limitations on the Cost of the Work.
Construction Phase Services. Construction Contractor shall provide the following services in addition to any other Construction Phase Services required by the terms of the Contract:
9.1 Construction Contractor shall arrange for all job-site facilities as required by Owner and necessary to enable Construction Contractor and Design Professional to perform their respective duties and to accommodate any representatives of Owner which Owner may choose to have present on the job, the description of such facilities to be finalized prior to the establishment of the GMP.
9.1.1 Tangible personal property, otherwise referred to as job-site facilities, include, such things as trailers, toilets, computers and any other equipment necessary to carry on the Work. The method of acquiring such job-site facilities, which are planned to become the property of Owner at the conclusion of the Work, shall be evaluated based on their cost over the life of the Project. Owning versus leasing shall be considered by Construction Contractor, obtaining at least three (3) proposals for leasing and at least three (3) proposals for purchasing and then analyzing which is least expensive over the usable life of the item. Construction Contractor shall present its evaluation with recommendation to Owner for approval.
9.1.2 When Construction Contractor wishes to supply job-site facilities from its own equipment pool, it shall first evaluate buy versus lease as discussed in Subsection 9.1.1 above. If leasing is found to be the least expensive approach, then it may lease such job-site facilities from its own equipment pool at a price not greater than the lowest of the three (3) lease proposals obtained.
9.1.3 For all such job-site facilities purchased, which may become the property of Owner at the conclusion of the Work, Construction Contractor shall maintain ownership, maintenance and repair responsibilities of such facilities until final acceptance of the Work. Reimbursement for cost of such equipment will be made at the conclusion of the Work at the documented purchase price. At that time, Construction Contractor shall provide Owner with a complete inventory for each unit of equipment. The inventory shall describe the equipment and identify the purchase price, serial number, model number and condition. Where said equipment has a title, said title shall be properly transferred to Owner or to its designee.
9.1.4 Construction Contractor is responsible for proper care and maintenance of all equipment while in its control. At ...
Construction Phase Services. Upon completion of the bid phase services, the Professional shall proceed with construction phase administration services described in this Section. The Professional shall provide general construction contract administration services described in this Section.