HIPAA Compliance If this Contract involves services, activities or products subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), the Contractor covenants that it will appropriately safeguard Protected Health Information (defined in 45 CFR 160.103), and agrees that it is subject to, and shall comply with, the provisions of 45 CFR 164 Subpart E regarding use and disclosure of Protected Health Information.
Child Support Compliance Act If the Contract Amount is $100,000 or more, this section is applicable. Contractor recognizes the importance of child and family support obligations and fully complies with (and will continue to comply with during the Term) all applicable state and federal laws relating to child and family support enforcement, including disclosure of information and compliance with earnings assignment orders, as provided in Family Code section 5200 et seq. Contractor provides the names of all new employees to the New Hire Registry maintained by the California Employment Development Department.
Patriot Act Compliance In order for it to comply with its duties under the U.S.A. Patriot Act, the Trustee may obtain and verify certain information from the other parties hereto, including but not limited to such parties' name, address and other identifying information.