Compartment lights. Two (2) 48" long OnScene Solutions Access LED lights, or approved equal, must be installed, one on each side of the door opening. The lights must contain 30 LEDs per light producing approximately 150 lumens (six LEDs and 30 lumens every 9"). The light stick must be rated at 100,000 hours of service and must be provided with a 5-year free replacement warranty. The light must have a 5/8" LEXANTM, or approved equal, polycarbonate tube enclosure for severe duty applications. The light stick must be waterproof and be connectible via a jumper wire to add additional lights in series if required. The compartment light will be controlled by a magnetic "On-Off" switch located on each compartment door.
Compartment lights. White lighting sufficient to provide an average minimum illumination of 1.0 footcandle will be provided in each compartment greater than 4.0 cubic feet and having an opening greater than 144 square inches. Where a shelf is provided, this illumination will be provided both above and below the shelf. All compartments will be provided with weatherproof lights that are switched to automatically illuminate when compartment doors are opened and the vehicle master switch is in the ‘on’ position. Light switches will be of the magnetic (non- mechanical) type.