Or approved equal definition

Or approved equal means that materials of different manufacturer may be substituted if proper approval has been obtained. The rates or prices will be held to be based on the materials specified.
Or approved equal means equal in type, design, quality, etc., as determined by the Engineer.
Or approved equal and "equal to" shall mean substitute products by manufacturers other than those specified in the project manual, addenda, and on the drawings and which may be incorporated in the work after review and concurrence by the designer and the Owner.

Examples of Or approved equal in a sentence

  • As stated in Response to Comment NAHC Comment 1, the Draft EIR preparation was initiated in October 2015, prior to the effective date of the changes to the State CEQA Guidelines, and was released October 2016, immediately after the effective date of changes.

  • Drawings thus marked shall not be released for any work.D. "Or approved equal" when indicated in the specifications refers to equipment, apparatus, materials, or workmanship that performs the same function or intent, meets the specified collective operating function, passes the same tests, has the same properties, equals the appearance of, and fits into the mechanics of the construction as specified, all as proved equal by the Contractor to the Engineer.

  • Approved Manufacturer- Legrand Arteor White Or approved equal 2.2 Wiring Devices 2.2.1 Boxes and Fittings Boxes shall be provided with means for securely terminating conduits.

  • Replace x with standard lengths of 1, 2, 3, 5 meters • Or approved equal of: Ortronics, Panduit, SystimaxE.

  • Or approved equal in accordance with Division 01 General Requirements for substitutions.

  • Or approved equal Bullet Resistant Fiberglass panels: 7/16” maximum thickness and 4.7 pounds per square foot maximum weight.

  • Or approved equal in accordance with B8Revise:2.2 F.6.a. to readNivusFlow 750 transmitter with Ex interface and CS2 Wedge Sensor with levelmeasurement DIVISION 43 – PROCESS GAS AND LIQUID HANDLING, PURIFICATION AND STORAGE EQUIPMENT SECTION 43 11 15.15 GEARLESS TURBO BLOWERSRevise: 2.4 C.6.e. to readPressure transmitter PIT-R2091 shall be provided by the Contractor (See P&ID Drawing number 1-0102-PPID-R201).

  • Marines affiliating to the SMCR/IMA must be endorsed by the first Commanding General in the Marine Corps Recruiting Command chain of command, or their Chief of Staff, prior to being forwarded to RA.

  • Or approved equal that is compatible with the existing system and shall enable the collection of water use data without any major modification.

  • Or approved equal End of SectionSECTION 102814 - ELECTRICAL HAND DRYERSA.

More Definitions of Or approved equal

Or approved equal means equal in type, design, quality, etc., as determined by Chesapeake Public Schools.
Or approved equal means that a contractor must submit a brand, manufacturer, or product for consideration prior to a bid for approval by the Designer and inclusion in a subsequent addendum. The Designer shall not unreasonably withhold approval if the brand, manufacturer, or product meets the stated performance outlined in the basis of design specification.
Or approved equal means a substitute brand or article which may be installed in place of the one named where such substitute has been approved in writing by the Chief Engineer prior to the actual construction of the project.
Or approved equal means that the contractor may propose alternates for certain items, with justification for such alterations, including possible reductions in cost. All cost reductions derived from these changes shall be credited to the end user of the project.
Or approved equal or "or equal" shall include the phrase "as determined by Tenant." "As selected," "as directed," or "as approved" shall include the phrase "by Tenant."
Or approved equal means that a contractor must submit a brand, manufacturer, or product for consideration prior to a bid for approval by the Designer and inclusion in a subsequent addendum. The Designer shall not

Related to Or approved equal

  • Approved program or approved State means a State administered NPDES program which has been approved or authorized by EPA under 40 CFR Part 123.

  • CAISO-Approved Meter means any revenue quality, electric energy measurement meter furnished by Seller, that (a) is designed, manufactured and installed in accordance with the CAISO’s metering requirements, or, to the extent that the CAISO’s metering requirements do not apply, Prudent Electrical Practices, and (b) includes all of the associated metering transformers and related appurtenances that are required in order to measure the net electric energy output from the Generating Facility.

  • Best available control technology (BACT means an emissions limitation (including a visible emission standard) based on the maximum degree of reduction for each pollutant subject to regulation under CAA which would be emitted from any proposed major stationary source or major modification which the Department, on a case-by-case basis, takes into account energy, environmental, and economic impacts and other costs, determines is achievable for such source or modification through application of production processes or available methods, systems, and techniques, including fuel cleaning or treatment or innovative fuel combustion techniques for control of such pollutant. In no event shall application of best available control technology result in emissions of any pollutant which would exceed the emissions allowed by any applicable standard under 7 DE Admin. Code 1120 and 1121. If the Department determines that technological or economic limitations on the application of measurement methodology to a particular emissions unit would make the imposition of an emissions standard infeasible, a design, equipment, work practice, operational standard, or combination thereof, may be prescribed instead to satisfy the requirement for the application of best available control technology. Such standard shall, to the degree possible, set forth the emissions reduction achievable by implementation of such design, equipment, work practice or operation, and shall provide for compliance by means which achieve equivalent results.

  • Adjusted Equity means the Equity funded in Indian Rupees and adjusted on the first day of the current month (the “Reference Date”), in the manner set forth below, to reflect the change in its value on account of depreciation and variations in WPI, and for any Reference Date occurring:

  • Approved/Approval means the approval in writing.

  • SPS AER Value means the Underlying Reference Value.

  • Projected actual emissions means the maximum annual rate, in tons per year, at which an existing emissions unit is projected to emit a regulated NSR pollutant in any one of the 5 years (12-month period) following the date the unit resumes regular operation after the project, or in any one of the 10 years following that date, if the project involves increasing the emissions unit’s design capacity or its potential to emit that regulated NSR pollutant, and full utilization of the unit would result in a significant emissions increase, or a significant net emissions increase at the major stationary source.