Conservation of Energy Sample Clauses

Conservation of Energy. In any request for the release of water, the downstream Project owner shall use its best efforts to minimize spill. The Reservoir Party shall not be required to release water (or to deliver energy in lieu thereof) in excess of the generating capability of its reservoir Project unless the Reservoir Party’s reasonable forecasts indicate that the reservoir would otherwise be above its ECC at the end of the Drawdown Period.
Conservation of Energy. The Company continues its efforts to conserve energy and has taken the following steps on ongoing basis: a. Replacement of conventional Fluorescent lamps with Light Emeidie Diode (LED) type lamp fittings. b. Replacing in phased manner High Power Sodium Vapour lamps by Metal Halide Lamp. c. Mounting of spinning motors outside machine frame. d. Putting variable frequency with driving looms. e. Taking care for maximum utilization of energy and to reduce the energy consumption, capacitors have been installed in every department to improve power factor and always try to maintain it to 99% to reduce losses. All motors, electrical & electronic equipments and machine parts are regularly checked and maintained to reduce losses. f. Regular checking and maintenance of Steam pipe lines, valves, steam traps to reduce the loss of steam and finally consumption of fuel in the Boiler. Continuous monitoring of system voltage and power factor to minimize losses, follow rigid routine preventive / proactive maintenance schedule of machine, use of energy efficient motors, elimination of idle / under loading of machines. Constant efforts are being made to identify new technologies to improve the working of the plants for reduction in consumption of energy and cost of production. a) i) POWER AND FUEL CONSUMPTION ELECTRICITY Current year Previous year a) Purchased Units (KWH) 16066615 21839046 Total Amount (Rs. in lacs) 1399.59 1816.12 Rate / Unit (Rs.) 8.71 8.32 b) Own Generation through Diesel Generator (Units) 7214 10203 Units per litre of Oil 3.07 3.10 Cost / Unit (Rs.) 18.32 23.76 ii) COAL (B grade used for generation of steam in boiler) Quantity (M. Ton.) 1.77 5.92 Total Cost (Rs. in lacs) 0.16 0.55 Average Rate (Rs.) 9319 9319
Conservation of Energy. Please help conserve energy during the heating season by keeping heat low when cabins are not occupied, and by keeping doors and windows closed.
Conservation of Energy i. the steps taken or impact on conservation of energy: The Company takes necessary steps for the conservation of energy at the office premises and at other commercial units. ii. the steps taken by the company for utilizing alternates source of energy: NIL iii. the Capital Investment on energy conservation equipment: NIL
Conservation of Energy technology absorption and foreign exchange earnings and outgo

Related to Conservation of Energy

  • Conservation Operations hereunder and production of unitized substances shall be conducted to provide for the most economical and efficient recovery of said substances without waste, as defined by or pursuant to State or Federal law or regulation.

  • Energy Conservation The Contractor agrees to comply with mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency which are contained in the state energy conservation plan issued in compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act.

  • Pollution Pollution means the actual, alleged or threatened discharge, seepage, migration, dispersal, release or escape of pollutants at any time.

  • Energy Policy and Conservation Act Both parties hereby agree to comply with all mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency, which are contained in the state energy conservation plan issued in compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (Pub. L. 94-163, 89 Stat. 871).

  • Pollution Control The Employer and the Union agree to limit all forms of environmental pollution.

  • AIR OR WATER POLLUTION VIOLATION Under the State laws, the Contractor shall not be: (1) in violation of any order or resolution not subject to review promulgated by the State Air Resources Board or an air pollution control district; (2) subject to cease and desist order not subject to review issued pursuant to Section 13301 of the Water Code for violation of waste discharge requirements or discharge prohibitions; or (3) finally determined to be in violation of provisions of federal law relating to air or water pollution.

  • Health and hygiene The Hirer shall, if preparing, serving or selling food, observe all relevant food health and hygiene legislation and regulations. In particular dairy products, vegetables and meat on the premises must be refrigerated and stored in compliance with the Food Temperature Regulations. The premises are provided with a refrigerator and thermometer.

  • ENERGY POLICY AND CONSERVATION ACT COMPLIANCE To the extent applicable, Supplier must comply with the mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency which are contained in the state energy conservation plan issued in compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act.

  • HEALTH AND SAFETY 7A01 The parties to this Collective Agreement endorse the importance of a safe and secure environment, in which nurses must work. The parties will work together in recognizing and resolving Occupational Health and Safety issues. 7A02 In accordance with the Workplace Safety and Health Act, the Employer agrees to make reasonable and proper provisions for the maintenance of a high standard of health and safety in the workplace and will provide safety and personal protective equipment where required and install safety devices where necessary. 7A03 The Workplace Safety and Health Committee shall cooperate with Union representation for the purpose of ensuring health and safety in the workplace and the identification of health and safety hazards. On an annual basis the Workplace Safety and Health Committee will be provided with and will review the Critical Incident Stress Response policy, security/response plans and all other applicable policies and regulations. The Employer will make available where it exists, support through the Critical Incident Stress Response (CISR) team, or where there is no CISR team, appropriate Critical Incident support, to a nurse affected by a Critical Incident, an incident or circumstances that are deemed by the nurse to be outside the normal experience of their duties/workplace, and/or upon request of the nurse, or the manager on behalf of the nurse. Where the Employer, does not currently maintain a CISR team, they shall provide the Union with the specifics of how nurses are provided support similar to that provided by CISR teams, and through what programs and/or services. Where maintenance of CISR teams is no longer reasonably possible the Employer shall provide the Union as much notice as possible and the parties shall meet to discuss what options are to be implemented to continue provision of similar support to nurses. The Employer will communicate to members the option to activate CISR as well as provide information as to the nature of the support provided by the CISR teams. The parties agree that there shall be a dedicated mental health support unit (over and above EAP), funded by PCOC, and established exclusively for nurses in the bargaining unit. The parties agree to establish a committee within sixty (60) days of ratification of this agreement to establish the scope, duties and terms of reference of the mental health support unit. 7A04 The Employer and the Union agree that no form of abuse, harassment or bullying of nurses will be condoned in the workplace. Both parties will work together in recognizing, facilitating the reporting of alleged abuse and resolving such problems as they arise. There shall be zero tolerance of abuse, harassment or bullying. Any nurse who believes a situation may become or has become abusive, harassing or bullying shall report this to the immediate supervisor. The Employer shall notify the Union ninety-six (96) hours after the receipt of the report. Every reasonable effort will be made to rectify the abusive situation to the mutual satisfaction of the parties. Any workplace injury or harmful exposure suffered by a nurse shall be reported to the Union no later than ninety-six (96) hours after the report/notification is made to the Employer. Such report to the Union will include the name of the affected nurse, if the nurse agrees, and a brief description as to the mechanism of injury/exposure. In regards to respectful workplace; there shall be a policy supporting a Respectful Workplace which shall be provided to the Union, and shall be reviewed annually by the Workplace Health and Safety Committee. Such policy shall address the issue of communication strategies, which will include signage. The Employer’s Respectful Workplace policy shall include a commitment to conclude the investigation as quickly as is reasonably possible. Where a respectful workplace complaint is filed by a nurse, the Employer shall notify the Union of such complaint no later than ten (10) business days following receipt of the complaint. Where the Union has concerns regarding the impartiality of an Employer conducted Respectful Workplace Investigation, the Union shall have the right to request the investigation be conducted by an individual from outside the work site. The Employer shall give all due reasonable consideration to such request. If a Respectful Workplace Investigation is conducted, a report of findings, or a summary of the report will be shared by the Employer with the complainant and respondent nurse(s). Where a summary is provided, rather than the full report the Union may request and the Employer shall provide the rationale for the provision of a summary rather than the full report. The complainant and respondent may share the report/summary with the Union if they wish. 7A05 At the request of a nurse, the Employer shall provide, at no cost to the nurse, vaccination(s) and/or immunization(s) for occupational illness(es) in accordance with the Canadian Immunization Guide from the Laboratory Centre for Disease for Health Canada. All reasonable efforts should be made to provide immunization(s) to the nurse during their regularly scheduled work hours. 7A06 Rehabilitation and Return to Work Program - The Employer agrees to actively participate and facilitate the rehabilitation and return to work of ill, injured or disabled nurses even when they are not covered under the D & R, WCB or MPI programs. For clarity, where a nurse is waiting for a decision from D & R, WCB, or MPI and has been medically cleared to return to work, the Employer will pay for all return to work hours. It is understood that the nurse will reimburse the Employer once their claim is accepted. Any such nurse will be supernumerary in nature when reasonably possible. The Union shall be notified by the Employer if there is a request for a Rehabilitation and Return to Work Program for a nurse. The Employer shall include the Union in the initial meeting with the nurse to review the provisions of the program to ensure that the work designated is within their restrictions and limitations. If required, the Employer shall schedule subsequent (progress) review(s) with the Union and the nurse and may proceed without the Union’s involvement subject to the Union’s concurrence. Where appropriate, by agreement between the Employer and the Union, job postings may be waived.

  • Cardiac Rehabilitation This plan covers services provided in a cardiac rehabilitation program up to the benefit limit shown in the Summary of Medical Benefits.