Transportation Services i) In the event that transportation services for a student served by CONTRACTOR pursuant to an Individual Services Agreement are to be provided by a party other than CONTRACTOR or the LEA or its transportation providers, such services shall be reflected in a separate agreement signed by the parties hereto, and provided to the LEA and SELPA Director by the CONTRACTOR. Except as provided below, CONTRACTOR shall compensate the transportation provider directly for such services, and shall charge the LEA for such services at the actual and reasonable rates billed by the transportation provider, plus a ten percent (.
TRANSPORT SERVICES Upon the conclusion of such multilateral negotiations, the Parties shall conduct a review for the purpose of discussing appropriate amendments to this Agreement so as to incorporate the results of such multilateral negotiations.
Gross Beta Flags A = Result acceptable, Bias <= +/- 50% with a statistically positive result at two standard deviations (Result/Uncertainty > 2, i.e., the range encompassing the result, plus or minus the total uncertainty at two standard deviations, does not include zero). N = Result not acceptable, Bias > +/- 50% or the reported result is not statistically positive at two standard deviations (Result/Uncertainty <= 2, i.e., the range encompassing the result, plus or minus the total uncertainty at two standard deviations, includes zero).
Drop Shipped Off loaded by carrier to an Agency loading dock or designated area. There will be no charge to the ordering Agency for this delivery method.
Mastectomy Services Inpatient
Technical Services Party B will provide technical services and training to Party A, taking advantage of Party B’s advanced network, website and multimedia technologies to improve Party A’s system integration. Such technical services shall include: (a) administering, managing and maintaining Party A’s information application system and website system infrastructure; (b) providing system optimization plans and implementing optimization features; (c) assuring the security and reliability of the website application systems; (d) procuring, installing and supporting the relevant products produced by Party B, and providing training in the use of those products; (e) managing and maintaining all network and providing technologies to assure the reliability and efficiency thereof; (f) providing information technology services and assuring the reliable operation of the information infrastructure.
Packaging Materials and Containers for Retail Sale 1. When packaging materials and containers in which a good is packaged for retail sales are classified in the Harmonized System with the good, they shall not be taken into account in determining whether all non-originating materials used in the production of the good undergo the applicable change in tariff classification set out in Annex 4.03. 2. When the good is subject to a requirement of regional value content, the value of these packaging materials and containers shall be taken into account as originating or non-originating materials, as the case may be, in calculating the regional value content of the good.
DELIVERY: FOB DESTINATION, INSIDE DELIVERY, FREIGHT PAID Whenever possible, contractors should give the ordering entities 3 working days prior notice of any deliveries and/or installations. Furniture contractors will not be responsible for the removal/moving of existing furnishings unless requested by the ordering entity. Contractors should verify site readiness prior to delivery. All deliveries will be made during normal working hours unless otherwise arranged with the ordering entity. Contractor will communicate any scheduling delays and/or changes immediately. Agencies will not be responsible for any freight damage, concealed or otherwise.
SHIPPING AND SHIPPING COSTS All delivered Equipment and Products must be properly packaged. Damaged Equipment and Products may be rejected. If the damage is not readily apparent at the time of delivery, Supplier must permit the Equipment and Products to be returned within a reasonable time at no cost to Sourcewell or its Participating Entities. Participating Entities reserve the right to inspect the Equipment and Products at a reasonable time after delivery where circumstances or conditions prevent effective inspection of the Equipment and Products at the time of delivery. In the event of the delivery of nonconforming Equipment and Products, the Participating Entity will notify the Supplier as soon as possible and the Supplier will replace nonconforming Equipment and Products with conforming Equipment and Products that are acceptable to the Participating Entity. Supplier must arrange for and pay for the return shipment on Equipment and Products that arrive in a defective or inoperable condition. Sourcewell may declare the Supplier in breach of this Contract if the Supplier intentionally delivers substandard or inferior Equipment or Products.
All new supplies equipment and services shall include manufacturer's minimum standard warranty unless otherwise agreed to in writing. Vendor shall be legally permitted to sell all products offered for sale to TIPS Members. All goods proposed and sold shall be new unless clearly stated in writing. The Vendor shall provide timely and accurate customer support for orders to TIPS Members as agreed by the Parties. Vendors shall respond to such requests within a commercially reasonable time after receipt of the request. If support andƒor training is a line item sold or packaged with a sale, support shall be as agreed with the TIPS Member. Most TIPS Members are tax exempt and the related laws andƒor regulations of the controlling jurisdiction(s) of the TIPS Member shall apply. No assignment of Agreement may be made without the prior notification of TIPS. Written approval of TIPS shall not be unreasonably withheld. Payment for delivered goods and services can only be made to the awarded Vendor, Vendor designated reseller or vendor assigned company.