Contact Person 聯 絡 人 Sample Clauses

Contact Person 聯 絡 人. If the Client wishes to request access to and/or correction of personal data concerning the Client, the Client should address the Client’s request to the Data Protection Officer at the Company. 如客戶要求查閱和/或修正與客戶有關的個人資料,客戶應向本公司的資料保護專員遞交其申請。 Account No. 帳戶編號: (For official use only) AE Code 經紀代號: (For official use only) Note 注意:Please tick  where applicable and *delete where inappropriate. 請在適當的地方加上剔號  及*將不適用者删去。 Type of Services 服 務 類 別 : □ Cash Account 現 金 戶 口 □ Margin Account 保 證 金 戶 口 □ Electronics Trading 電子交易服務 8.1 C o rp o ra t e Inf o r ma t i on 公司 資料
Contact Person 聯 絡 人. If the Client wishes to request access to and/or correction of personal data concerning the Client, the Client should address the Client’s request to the Data Protection Officer at the Company. 如客戶要求查閱和/或修正與客戶有關的個人資料,客戶應向本公司的資料保護專員遞交其申請。 Account No. 帳戶編號: (For official use only) AE Code 經紀代號: (For official use only) Note 注意:Please tick  where applicable. 請在適當的地方加上剔號 。 Type of Services 服 務 類 別 : □ Cash Account 現 金 戶 口 □ Margin Account 保 證 金 戶 口 □ Electronics Trading 電子交易服務 8.1 Pe r s on al Pa rt i cul ar s 個 人資料 ( P r i m a r y A c c o u n t H o l d e r 第 一 帳 戶 持 有 人 ) Name in Chinese 中文姓名 先生/ 女士 Name in English 英文姓名 Mr. / Ms. Sex 性別 □ Male 男 □ Female 女 HKID No./ Passport No. 香港身份證或護照號碼 Place of Issue 簽發地點 Country of Birth 出生國家 Date of Birth 出生日期 Nationality 國籍 Marital Status 婚姻狀況 □ Single 未 婚 □ Married 已 婚 Others (Please specify) 其他 (請註明) Residential Phone No. 住宅電話 Mobile Phone No. 手提電話 E-Mail Address 電郵地址 Residential Address 住宅地址 (Within the latest 3 month 最近三個月內) Correspondence Address 通訊地址 Education Level 教育程度 □ Below Secondary 中 學 以 下 □ Secondary 中 學 □ Tertiary/University or above 大專/大學以上 Pe r s on al Pa rt i cul ar s 個 人資料 ( S e c o n d a r y A c c o u n t H o l d e r 第 二 帳 戶 持 有 人 ) Name in Chinese 中文姓名 先生/ 女士 Name in English 英文姓名 Mr. / Ms. Sex 性別 □ Male 男 □ Female 女 HKID No./ Passport No. 香港身份證或護照號碼 Place of Issue 簽發地點 Country of Birth 出生國家 Date of Birth 出生日期 Nationality 國籍 Marital Status 婚姻狀況 □ Single 未 婚 □ Married 已 婚 Others (Please specify) 其他 (請註明) Residential Phone No. 住宅電話 Mobile Phone No. 手提電話 E-Mail Address 電郵地址 Residential Address 住宅地址 (Within the latest 3 month 最近三個月內) Correspondence Address 通訊地址 Education Level 教育程度 □ Below Secondary 中 學 以 下 □ Secondary 中 學 □ Tertiary/University or above 大專/大學以上

Related to Contact Person 聯 絡 人

  • Contact person person who provides a link for administrative information and who, depending on the structure of the higher education institution, may be the departmental coordinator or works at the international relations office or equivalent body within the institution.

  • Contact Persons 12.1 All matters or enquiries regarding this Agreement will be directed to each party’s Contact Person (set out in the Key Details). 12.2 Each party may from time to time change the person designated as its Contact Person on 10 Business Days’ written notice to the other Party.

  • Notice of Change of Contact Person or Key Personnel The Grantee shall notify in writing the assigned System Agency contract manager within ten business days of any change to the Grantee’s Contact Person or Key Personnel.

  • Grantee’s Notification of Change of Contact Person or Key Personnel The Grantee shall notify in writing their contract manager assigned within ten days of any change to the Grantee's Contact Person or Key Personnel.

  • Contact Us In order to resolve a complaint regarding the Services or to receive further information regarding use of the Services, please contact us at:

  • LICENSE HOLDER CONTACT INFORMATION This notice is being provided for information purposes. It does not create an obligation for you to use the broker’s services. Please acknowledge receipt of this notice below and retain a copy for your records.

  • Recipient’s Representative; Addresses 6.01. The Recipient’s Representative referred to in Section 7.02 of the Standard Conditions is its Recipient’s Minister responsible for finance. 6.02. The Recipient’s Address referred to in Section 7.01 of the Standard Conditions is: Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs The Quadrangle Banjul Republic of The Gambia Facsimile: (000) 0000-000 6.03. The World Bank’s Address referred to in Section 7.01 of the Standard Conditions is: International Development Association 0000 X Xxxxxx, X.X. Washington, D.C. 20433 United States of America Cable: Telex: Facsimile: INDEVAS Washington, D.C. 248423 (MCI) or 64145 (MCI) 0-000-000-0000 AGREED at the District of Columbia, United States of America, as of the day and year first above written. REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA By INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT AND INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (acting as administrators of the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Food Price Crisis Response Core) By The objective of the Project is to generate and accelerate adoption of improved technologies in the Participating Countries’ top agricultural commodity priority areas that are aligned with the sub-region’s top agricultural commodity priorities as outlined in the ECOWAP. The Project constitutes part of the first phase of the Program, and consists of the following parts: Part 1: Enabling Conditions for Sub-Regional Cooperation in Generation, Dissemination and Adoption of Agricultural Technologies Carrying out of a program to strengthen the mechanisms and procedures for generation, dissemination and adoption of improved agricultural technologies and tools by the Recipient so as to allow the Recipient and the ECOWAS member countries to benefit from the said technologies within the framework of a sub-regional technical and scientific cooperation, encompassing the provision of goods, consultants’ services, training, and the financing of operational costs required for: 1. the development of a sustainable financing mechanism for the existing Competitive Agricultural Research Grant (CARG) systems and an appropriate institutional arrangement for the generation, dissemination and adoption of improved and resilient agricultural technologies, through: (i) the development of suitable legislation harmonized with legislation of the other Participating Countries; (ii) the preparation of similarly harmonized manuals of procedures for such financing mechanism’s effective, transparent, and participatory management; and (iii) the setting up of suitable monitoring and evaluation systems adequate to supervise and, thereby, ensure the profitable performance of the financing mechanism and its accompanying institutional arrangements; 2. the strengthening of CORAF’s knowledge management, information and communication systems through: (i) the establishment of an efficient communication and information network system linking the Participating Countries; (ii) the upgrading of skills in information and communications technology and knowledge management, the consolidation of information available in various other data bases both at the national and sub-regional levels, and the provision to end-users of easy access to appropriate responses in real time; (iii) the development of a data base on agricultural research skills; and (iv) the carrying out of studies and the delivery of workshops to establish a food security hub for the Mano River Union; 3. the establishment of sub-regional regulations on genetic materials and agrochemicals through: (i) the development and adoption of regulations on fertilizer use and handling under preparation by ECOWAS which are harmonized with regulations of the other Participating Countries and the dissemination of the existing regulations on pesticide and genetic materials management; (ii) the evaluation of existing policies, rules and procedures on the exchange of technologies; and (iii) the delivery of workshops and seminars designed to ensure the participation of producers and agro-industrials in the formulation of regulations; 4. the establishment and/or strengthening of the national regulatory bodies to ensure the effective release of genetic materials, pesticides, and fertilizers and the management of intellectual property rights (IPR), through: (i) the revision, as necessary, of the Recipient’s procedures thereon in order to align them with sub- regional directives; (ii) the implementation of these procedures for the release, dissemination and adoption of new technologies, including the preparation and carrying out of a dissemination action plan; (iii) the documentation and the recording of the characteristics of technologies and the constitution of catalogues for proven and released technologies; (iv) the promotion of these technologies through various media; (v) the strengthening of the harmonization of procedures and analysis of IPR issues; and (vi) the promotion and the facilitation of access by non Participating Countries to improved technologies developed in the Participating Countries; and 5. the development by CORAF of a strategy to mainstream climate change considerations in research and development programs carried out by the Participating Countries, including: (i) the organization of a training program for researchers on climate change; (ii) the adoption of a screening tool for the CARG schemes to ensure research proposals take into account climate change issues;

  • CHANGES IN EMERGENCY AND SERVICE CONTACT PERSONS In the event that the name or telephone number of any emergency or service contact for the Competitive Supplier changes, Competitive Supplier shall give prompt notice to the Town in the manner set forth in Article 18.3. In the event that the name or telephone number of any such contact person for the Town changes, prompt notice shall be given to the Competitive Supplier in the manner set forth in Article 18.3.

  • Project Personnel It is understood and agreed that the Project Director identified at Item 3, Page One of this Agreement shall be responsible for the overall supervision and conduct of the Work on behalf of the Contractor and that the persons described in the Statement of Work shall serve in the capacities described therein. Any change of Project Director by the Contractor shall be subject to the prior written approval of NYSERDA. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and, in the event that notice of approval or disapproval is not received by the Contractor within thirty (30) days after receipt of request for approval by NYSERDA, the requested change in Project Director shall be considered approved. In the event that NYSERDA requires additional time for considering approval, NYSERDA shall notify the Contractor within thirty (30) days of receipt of the request for approval that additional time is required and shall specify the additional amount of time necessary up to thirty (30) days.

  • Name, Office and Registered Agent The name of the Partnership is XXXXX Operating Partnership L.P. The specified office and principal place of business of the Partnership shall be 000 Xxxx Xxxxxx, Xxx Xxxx, Xxx Xxxx 00000. The General Partner may at any time change the location of such office, provided the General Partner gives notice to the Partners of any such change. The name and address of the Partnership’s registered agent is Intertrust Corporate Services Delaware Ltd., 000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx 000, Xxxxxxxx Park Corporate Center, Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, 00000. The sole duty of the registered agent as such is to forward to the Partnership any notice that is served on him as registered agent.