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  • Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number Requirement Grantee will provide their valid DUNS number contemporaneous with execution of this Agreement.

  • Project Number The project number has been assigned by the Commission as the unique identifier for your project, and it cannot be changed. The project number should appear on each page of the grant agreement preparation documents to prevent errors during its handling.

  • Price Adjustments for OGS Centralized Contracts Periodic price adjustments will occur no more than twice per year on a schedule to be established solely by OGS. Pricing offered shall be fixed for the first twelve (12) months of the Contract term. Such price increases will only apply to the OGS Centralized Contracts and shall not be applied retroactively to Authorized User Agreements or any Mini-bids already submitted to an Authorized User. Price Decreases Price decreases may be made at any time. Additionally, some price decreases shall be calculated in accordance with Appendix B, section 17, Pricing.

  • Requesting Price Increase/Required Documentation Contractor must submit a written notification at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the requested effective date of the change, setting the amount of the increase, along with an itemized list of any increased prices, showing the Contractor’s current price, revised price, the actual dollar difference and the percentage of the price increase by line item. Price change requests must include H-GAC Forms D Offered Item Pricing and E Options Pricing, or the documentation used to submit pricing in the original Response and be supported with substantive documentation (e.g. manufacturer's price increase notices, copies of invoices from suppliers, etc.) clearly showing that Contractor's actual costs have increased per the applicable line item bid. The Producer Price Index (PPI) may be used as partial justification, subject to approval by H-GAC, but no price increase based solely on an increase in the PPI will be allowed. This documentation should be submitted in Excel format to facilitate analysis and updating of the website. The letter and documentation must be sent to the Bids and Specifications manager, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, at Review/Approval of Requests If H-GAC approves the price increase, Contractor will be notified in writing; no price increase will be effective until Contractor receives this notice. If H-GAC does not approve Contractor’s price increase, Contractor may terminate its performance upon sixty (60) days advance written notice to H-GAC, however Contractor must fulfill any outstanding Purchase Orders. Termination of performance is Contractor’s only remedy if H-GAC does not approve the price increase. H-GAC reserves the right to accept or reject any price change request.

  • ECR Number Environmental Commitment Record Requirements Description of ADOT Responsibilities TMP-3 The following measures will be implemented for the Selected Alternative: • All equipment exhaust systems will be in good working order. Properly designed engine enclosures and intake silencers will be used. • Equipment will be maintained on a regular basis. New equipment will be subject to new product emission standards. • Stationary equipment will be located as far away from sensitive receivers as possible. • Construction-related noise generators will be shielded from noise receivers (e.g., use temporary enclosures to shield generators or crushers, take advantage of site conditions to provide topographic separation). • Construction alerts will be distributed to keep the public informed of construction activities, and a toll-free number for construction-related complaints will be provided. • During the design phase, hours of operation will be evaluated to minimize disruptions during construction. ADOT to oversee for compliance TMP-4 Congestion from construction-related traffic will create temporary impacts in the project vicinity. The magnitude of these impacts will vary depending on the location of the sources of the fill material and of the disposition sites for surplus material, the land uses along the routes, the duration of hauling operations, staging locations, and the construction phasing. To identify acceptable routes and times of operation, ADOT, or its representative, will prepare an agreement with local agencies regarding hauling of construction materials on public streets. ADOT to oversee for compliance TP Attachment 000-0 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Project Record of Decision (ROD) Developer’s Environmental Commitment Requirements The following table includes the Project-specific environmental commitments as written in the ROD, with minor modifications for clarification purposes. As it relates to these Technical Provisions, references to freeway, project, South Mountain Freeway, proposed action, proposed freeway, and Selected Alternative mean the Project, and references to contractor mean Developer. Developer shall comply with and perform all of the contractor and ADOT requirements, including the ADOT obligations, commitments, and responsibilities, identified in the following table, except to the extent of those requirements that are specifically identified in the third column, entitled “Description of ADOT Responsibilities,” which are not delegated to Developer.

  • Using Student feedback in Educator Evaluation ESE will provide model contract language, direction and guidance on using student feedback in Educator Evaluation by June 30, 2013. Upon receiving this model contract language, direction and guidance, the parties agree to bargain with respect to this matter.

  • Project Location & Description The Project, for which the provision of financial assistance is the subject of this Agreement, is hereby described as follows:

  • Task Order Clauses) All costs associated with the preparation, presentation, and discussion of the Contractor’s proposal in response to a task order solicitation will be at the Contractor’s sole and exclusive expense and each task order will be funded by the ordering agency at the task order level.

  • Purchase Order Flip via Ariba Network (AN) The online process allows suppliers to submit invoices via the AN for catalog and non- catalog goods and services. Contractors have the ability to create an invoice directly from their Inbox in their AN account by simply “flipping” the purchase order into an invoice. This option does not require any special software or technical capabilities. For the purposes of this section, the Contractor warrants and represents that it is authorized and empowered to and hereby grants the State and the third-party provider of MFMP the right and license to use, reproduce, transmit, distribute, and publicly display within the system the information outlined above. In addition, the Contractor warrants and represents that it is authorized and empowered to and hereby grants the State and the third-party provider the right and license to reproduce and display within the system the Contractor’s trademarks, system marks, logos, trade dress, or other branding designation that identifies the products made available by the Contractor under the Contract.

  • Loop Provisioning Involving Integrated Digital Loop Carriers 2.6.1 Where InterGlobe has requested an Unbundled Loop and BellSouth uses IDLC systems to provide the local service to the End User and BellSouth has a suitable alternate facility available, BellSouth will make such alternative facilities available to InterGlobe. If a suitable alternative facility is not available, then to the extent it is technically feasible, BellSouth will implement one of the following alternative arrangements for InterGlobe (e.g. hairpinning):

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