Examples of Storage Tanks in a sentence
Step 3: DEQ databases were queried to identify Underground Storage Tanks (UST), hazardous waste contaminated sites, landfills, and abandoned mines.
Land uses and activities that are potential sources of contamination are listed in Table 2, with further detail provided in the Table of Regulated Facilities and Table of Underground Storage Tanks in Appendix B.
The tank removal shall be conducted in accordance with the Australian Institute of Petroleum’s Code of Practice, The Removal and Disposal of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks (AIP CP22-1994) and AS4976-2008 The removal and disposal of underground petroleum storage tanks.
The practices described in the Na- tional Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) standard, ‘‘Recommended Practice (RP–02–85)—Control of External Corrosion on Metallic Buried, Partially Buried, or Sub- merged Liquid Storage Systems,’’ and the American Petroleum Institute (API) Publi- cation 1632, ‘‘Cathodic Protection of Under- ground Petroleum Storage Tanks and Piping Systems,’’ may be used, where applicable, as guidelines in providing corrosion protection for tank systems.
It may also include developing better coordination and understanding of other state response programs, e.g., RCRA or Underground Storage Tanks (USTs).