Contracts, etc To enter into, make and perform all such obligations, contracts, agreements and undertakings of every kind and description, with any Person or Persons, as the Trustees shall in their discretion deem expedient in the conduct of the business of the Trust, for such terms as they shall see fit, whether or not extending beyond the term of office of the Trustees, or beyond the possible expiration of the Trust; to amend, extend, release or cancel any such obligations, contracts, agreements or understandings; and to execute, acknowledge, deliver and record all written instruments which they may deem necessary or expedient in the exercise of their powers;
Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurement of Materials and Equipment In all solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the Local Government for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurement of materials or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier will be notified by the Local Government of the Local Government’s obligations under this Agreement and the Acts and Regulations relative to Nondiscrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin.
Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment In all solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the Engineer for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier shall be notified by the Engineer of the Engineer's obligations under this contract and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin.
Personnel Records Section 1. Each Agency shall maintain one (1) official personnel file for each employee, located at the primary Human Resources office for the Agency. For purposes of this Article, “Agency” shall include health-related licensing boards and institutions that maintain the official personnel files for their employees. Where the personnel records are maintained on microfiche/microfilm, the personnel file will include both microfiche/microfilm and any material not yet copied. Upon reasonable notice, an employee may inspect the records, excluding any confidential reports from previous employers, in his/her official Agency personnel file or supervisory working file; provided that, if the official personnel file or supervisory working file is kept at a separate facility, the employee shall, at the Agency’s discretion, either be allowed to go where the file is kept or the file will be brought to the employee for review within five (5) days of his/her request. With the employee’s written authorization, his/her Union Xxxxxxx may inspect the employee’s official personnel file, and supervisory working file, consistent with the time requirements provided herein. If the supervisory working file cannot be made available due to the absence of a supervisor, extensions of up to ten (10) days will be granted. No grievance material shall be kept in an employee’s official personnel file. Section 2. No information reflecting critically upon an employee except notices of discharge shall be placed in the employee’s official personnel file that does not bear the signature of the employee. The employee shall be required to sign material to be placed in his/her official personnel file provided the following disclaimer is attached: “Employee’s signature confirms only that the supervisor has discussed and given a copy of the material to the employee. The employee’s signature does not indicate agreement or disagreement with the contents of this material.” If an employee is not available within five (5) working days or refuses to sign the material, the Agency may place the material in the file, provided a statement has been signed by two (2) management representatives and a copy of the document was mailed certified to the employee at his/her address of record or hand delivered to the employee. Section 3. Employees shall be entitled to prepare and provide copies of any written explanation(s) or opinion(s) regarding any critical material placed in his/her official personnel file or supervisory working file. The employee’s explanation or opinion shall be attached to the critical material and shall be included as part of the employee’s official personnel record or supervisory working file so long as the critical materials remain in the file. Where the personnel records are maintained on microfiche/microfilm, the explanation or opinion will be placed next to or in closest possible proximity to the critical material. Section 4. An employee may include in his/her official personnel file a reasonable amount of relevant material such as letters of commendation, licenses, certificates, college course credits, and other material which relates creditably on the employee. This material shall be retained for a minimum of three (3) years except that licenses, certificates, or college credit information may be retained so long as they remain valid and relevant to the employee’s work. Section 5. Material reflecting caution, consultation, warning, admonishment, and reprimand shall be retained for a maximum of three (3) years. Such material will, at the employee’s request, be removed after twenty-four (24) months, provided there has been no recurrence of the problem or a related problem in that time. Earlier removal will be permitted when requested by an employee and if approved by the Appointing Authority. Material relating to disciplinary action recommended, but not taken, or disciplinary action which has been overturned and ordered removed from the official personnel file(s) on final appeal, shall be removed. Incorrect material will be removed, upon request, from an employee’s personnel file. (See Article 85--Position Descriptions and Performance Evaluation.) Section 6. Upon written request by the employee, the Agency will make a good faith effort to return material removed from the official personnel file to the employee. A copy of the request will be maintained in the official personnel file.
Site Lands or areas indicated in the Contract Documents as being furnished by the Owner upon which the Work is to be performed, including rights-of-way and easements for access thereto, and such other lands furnished by the Owner that are designated for the use of the Contractor. Also referred to as Project Site, Job Site and Premises.
Material Contracts and Transactions Other than as expressly contemplated by this Agreement, there are no material contracts, agreements, licenses, permits, arrangements, commitments, instruments, understandings or contracts, whether written or oral, express or implied, contingent, fixed or otherwise, to which Pubco is a party except as disclosed in writing to Priveco or as disclosed in the Pubco SEC Documents.
PUBLIC CONTRACTS AND PROCUREMENT FRAUD Contractor represents and warrants that, within the three (3) year period prior to this Contract, neither Contractor nor its principals or affiliates: (a) have been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offence in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, local, or tribal) contract or purchase order under a public contract; (b) have been in violation of federal or state antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements or receiving stolen property; (c) have been indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity (federal, state, local, or tribal) with commission of any of the offense enumerated in subsection (b) of this provision; or (d) had one or more public contracts (federal, state, local, or tribal) terminated for cause or default.
Authority of Contractor The Contractor shall have no right or authority, express or implied, to commit or otherwise obligate the Company in any manner whatsoever except to the extent specifically provided herein or specifically authorized in writing by the Company.
Violence Policies and Procedures The Employer agrees to have in place explicit policies and procedures to deal with violence. The policy will address the prevention of violence, the management of violent situations, provision of legal counsel and support to employees who have faced violence. The policies and procedures shall be part of the employee's health and safety policy and written copies shall be provided to each employee. Prior to implementing any changes to these policies, the employer agrees to consult with the Association.
Personnel Files An employee, or his/her certified representative with the written consent of the employee, may inspect that employee's personnel file with the exception of all material obtained from other employers and agencies at the time that employee was hired. An employee shall be advised of, and entitled to read, any written statement by the employee's supervisor or departmental Management regarding his/her work performance or conduct if such statement is to be placed in his/her personnel file. The employee shall acknowledge that he/she has read such material by affixing his/her signature on the copy to be filed, with the understanding that such signature merely signifies that he/she has read the material to be filed but does not necessarily indicate agreement with its content. If the employee refuses to sign, the supervisor shall note his/her refusal on the copy to be filed along with the supervisor's signature and the signature of a witness to the employee's refusal to sign. The employee may file a grievance regarding any such document within the prescribed time limits of the grievance procedure. If the employee fails to file a grievance within the designated time limits, the document becomes part of the official file. If the employee does file a grievance within the designated time limits, said document shall not be placed in the official file nor referenced in any Performance Evaluation or Appraisal of Promotability until the grievance procedure or civil service appeal rights have been exhausted. Grievances filed under this provision shall not be subject to the Arbitration provisions of the Grievance Procedure unless they involve violation of a specific provision of this agreement. Management agrees that no properly used full paid sick leave used in the twelve months immediately prior to an Appraisal of Promotability or a Performance Evaluation will be referenced on such forms. The employee may attach his/her statement to any document within twenty (20) business days if he/she chooses not to file a grievance regarding such document or within ten (10) business days following final determination if he/she has filed a grievance regarding such document. On reviewing his/her personnel file, an employee may request and have any written warnings issued more than one year prior placed in an envelope and sealed in his/her personnel file except as such may be a part of an official permanent record. On the face of the sealed envelope it shall read "The contents herein shall be disclosed only upon written consent of the subject employee or by subpoena or other legal process from a public body of competent jurisdiction." The date the contents of the sealed envelope will be destroyed shall also appear on the face of envelope. That date shall be two (2) years from the date of issue of the documents in the sealed envelope. An employee on reviewing his/her personnel file, may request and have any written warnings or reprimand(s) issued more than two (2) years prior removed from his/her personnel file except as such may be a part of an official permanent record. All departments employing peace officers covered by the Peace Officers Bill of Rights shall comply with its provisions.