Contribution Level. Both the University System and the participant contribute a fixed percentage of regular budgeted salary. Member contribution options are outlined in USNH Policy USY.V.A.4.6.1 . Plan participation and contributions, including changes in contribution level, begin the month following enrollment and/or in the USNH Retirement Plan. Enrollment and other information is in the Retirement Summary Plan Provisions.
Contribution Level. A) The City shall contribute to this Plan an amount equal to a set percentage of salary per month, as determined and as may be changed from time to time by an actuarial review as such salary is established in the salary resolution for each probationary and regular employee represented by the Association.
Contribution Level. Contributions will be a minimum of ten dollars ($10.00) to a maximum of sixty dollars ($60.00) per week for each of the employees and the Company. The Company will match the actual contribution made by the employee. Additional, voluntary employee contributions may be permitted, if allowed under pension legislation; however, the Company will not match this portion of the employees’ contributions.