COOPERATIVE WORKThe Consultant will be responsible to Work in cooperation with the Office of Transportation, City administration, officials of the City, client departments and agencies, community and other stakeholders, with consultants, and contractors to administer the Transportation Program’s Projects.
COOPERATIVE WORK. Although not required to accommodate the use herein permitted, it is desirable to the Forest Service and the permittee to have certain construction or reconstruction work accomplished coincident to use of the road. The permittee shall perform the work described below in accordance with plans and specifications attached hereto. Upon satisfactory performance, credit will be allowed in the total of $ to the share to be borne by the permittee. 2-3.
COOPERATIVE WORKThe Consultant will be responsible to Work in cooperation with OCI, City administration, officials of the City, client departments and agencies, community and other stakeholders, with consulting engineers and/or architects, and contractors to administer the planning, design and construction of OCI Projects, and as well as overall Program Management.
COOPERATIVE WORK. Although not required to accommodate the use herein permitted, it is desirable to the Forest Service and the permittee to have certain construction or reconstruction work accomplished coincident to use of the road.


  • Creative Work The Executive agrees that all creative work and work product, including but not limited to all technology, business management tools, processes, software, patents, trademarks, and copyrights developed by the Executive during the term of this Agreement, regardless of when or where such work or work product was produced, constitutes work made for hire, all rights of which are owned by the Employer. The Executive hereby assigns to the Employer all rights, title, and interest, whether by way of copyrights, trade secret, trademark, patent, or otherwise, in all such work or work product, regardless of whether the same is subject to protection by patent, trademark, or copyright laws.

  • Outside Work All work necessary to the assembling, installation, erection, operation, maintenance, repair, control, in- spection and supervision of all electrical apparatus, devices, wires, cables, supports, insulators, conduc- tors, ducts and raceways when part of distributing systems outside of buildings, railroads and outside the directly related railroad property and yards. In- stalling and maintaining the catenary and trolley work on railroad property, and bonding of rails. All underground ducts and cables when they are in- stalled by and are part of the system of a distrib- uting company, except in power stations during new construction, including ducts and cables to adjacent switch racks or substations. All outdoor substations and electrical connections up to and including the setting of transformers and the connecting of the secondary buses thereto. Outside work to include renewable electrical energy sources such as solar photovoltaic, geothermal, wind, biomass, wave, etc., and other distributed en- ergy installations such as fuel cells, microturbines, etc.

  • WORK PRODUCT/PRE-EXISTING WORK PRODUCT OF CONTRACTOR Any and all work product resulting from this Contract is commissioned by the County of Marin as a work for hire. The County of Marin shall be considered, for all purposes, the author of the work product and shall have all rights of authorship to the work, including, but not limited to, the exclusive right to use, publish, reproduce, copy and make derivative use of, the work product or otherwise grant others limited rights to use the work product. To the extent Contractor incorporates into the work product any pre-existing work product owned by Contractor, Contractor hereby acknowledges and agrees that ownership of such work product shall be transferred to the County of Marin.

  • Project Work PURCHASER shall complete the following projects in accordance with the specifications provided in Exhibits B, C, D, E, and F and written instructions from STATE. Project locations are shown on Exhibit A unless otherwise described. PURCHASER shall furnish all material unless otherwise specified.

  • Defective Work Work that, for any reason, is not in compliance with the Contract Documents. Defective Work is usually identified in a Notice of Non-Compliant Work.

  • Joint Work Product This Agreement is the joint work product of H-GAC and the Contractor. This Agreement has been negotiated by H-GAC and the Contractor and their respective counsel and shall be fairly interpreted in accordance with its terms and, in the event of any ambiguities, no inferences shall be drawn against any party.

  • Project Work Plan The Statement of Work is the formal document incorporated into the Grant. The Project Work Plan documents how the Grantee will achieve the performance measures outlined in the Grant. Changes to the Statement of Work require an amendment. Project Work Plans may be changed with written approval from PEI and the Grantee.

  • Alternative Work Schedule An alternate forty (40) hour work schedule (other than five (5) uniform and consecutive eight (8) hour days in a seven (7) day period), or for hospital personnel an eighty (80) hour workweek in a fourteen (14) day period and other mutually agreed upon schedules that comply with applicable federal and state law. Employee work schedules normally include two (2) consecutive days off.

  • Existing Improvements All improvements located on the Site as of the date of execution of the Construction Contract, whether above or below the surface of the ground, including but not limited to existing buildings, utilities, infrastructure improvements and other facilities.

  • Construction materials (1) The restrictions of section 1605 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Pub. L. 111-5) (Recovery Act) do not apply to Recovery Act designated country manufactured construction material. The restrictions of the Buy American statute do not apply to designated country unmanufactured construction material. Consistent with U.S. obligations under international agreements, this clause implements--