Coordination and Exchange of Information Regarding System Operations and Planning. Each Party shall have operating procedures, processes or plans in place for activities that require notification, exchange of information or coordination of actions with the other Party to support Interconnection reliability. Each Party shall have communications capabilities with the other Party, for both voice and data exchange as required to meet reliability needs of the Interconnection. The Parties shall exchange information and coordinate regarding system operations and planning and inter-regional planning activities in a manner consistent with NERC and NPCC requirements, and consistent with the requirements of Section 6 of this Coordination Agreement.
Coordination and Exchange of Information Regarding System Operations and Planning. Each Party shall have operating procedures, processes or plans in place for activities that require notification, exchange of information or coordination of actions with the other Party to support Issued by: Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxxx, President Effective: November 15, 2008 Issued on: November 13, 2008 Interconnection reliability. Each Party shall have communications capabilities with the other Party, for both voice and data exchange as required to meet reliability needs of the Interconnection. The Parties shall exchange information and coordinate regarding system operations and planning and inter-regional planning activities in a manner consistent with NERC and NPCC requirements, and consistent with the requirements of confidentiality agreements or rules binding upon either of the Parties, including the ISO New England Information Policy set forth in Attachment D to the ISO-NE Tariff, as it may be amended from time to time, and the NYISO Code of Conduct as set forth in Attachment F to the NYISO OATTSection 6 of this Coordination Agreement.