Courses of Study. UTRGV’s College of Engineering and Computer Science will accept the complete set of lower division courses from a student who successfully completes courses outlined below from STC and is admitted to UTRGV. • All STC courses transferred to UTRGV shall be part of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual issued by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. • For the UTRGV Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, the following STC Associate of Electrical Engineering field of study electives will satisfy degree requirements as follows: STC ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering UTRGV ELEE 1101 Introduction to Electrical Engineering ENGR 2405 Electrical Circuits I ELEE 2305/2105 Electric Circuits I/Lab ENGR 2406 Digital Systems ELEE 2330/2130 Digital System Engineering I/Lab CHEM 1409 Chemistry for Engineering Majors CHEM 1309/1109 Chemistry for Engineers MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2420 Differential Equations MATH 3341 Differential Equations COSC 1436 Fundamentals of Programming CSCI 1380 Computer Science I 2.1 In accordance with Sec 61.822 of the Texas Education Code, a student who successfully completes courses in the STC core curriculum will receive academic credit at UTRGV for each of the core courses transferred. However, there are circumstances where additional classes are required by the major even when core is complete. 2.2 Transfer students must apply for admission and meet requirements to UTRGV and the B.S. in Electrical Engineering. Transfer students are encouraged to complete their A.S. in Engineering at STC prior to completion of their first semester of study at UTRGV. STC and UTRGV faculty will work with students to help promote the completion of the Associates degree in a timely fashion. 2.3 This Articulation Agreement will be published and provided as a transfer guide during academic advisement at STC.
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Samples: Articulation Agreement
Courses of Study. UTRGV’s College of Engineering and Computer Science Liberal Arts will accept the complete set of lower division courses from a student who successfully completes courses outlined below from STC and is admitted to UTRGV. • All STC courses transferred to UTRGV shall be part of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual issued by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. • For the UTRGV Bachelor of Electrical EngineeringArts in Social Studies Composite with Teacher Certification, the following STC Associate HIST 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx History I HIST 1301 U.S History I HIST 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx History II HIST 1302 U.S History II HIST 2321 World Civilizations I HIST 2321 World History I HIST 2322 World Civilizations II HIST 2322 World History II HIST 2327 Mexican American History I HIST 2327 Mex Am History I HIST 2328 Mexican American History II HIST 2328 Mex Am History II HIST 2381 African American History � (3) advanced HIST elective HIST 2389 Academic Cooperative ECON 2301 Principles of Electrical Engineering field Economics – Macro ECON 2301 Principles of study electives will satisfy degree requirements as follows: STC ENGR 1201 Introduction Macroeconomics ECON 2302 Principles of Economics – Micro ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics GEOG 1303 Physical Geography GEOG 1303 World Regional Geography EDUC 2301 Intro to Engineering UTRGV ELEE 1101 Introduction to Electrical Engineering ENGR 2405 Electrical Circuits I ELEE 2305/2105 Electric Circuits I/Lab ENGR 2406 Digital Systems ELEE 2330/2130 Digital System Engineering I/Lab CHEM 1409 Chemistry for Engineering Majors CHEM 1309/1109 Chemistry for Engineers MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2420 Differential Equations MATH 3341 Differential Equations COSC 1436 Fundamentals of Programming CSCI 1380 Computer Science ISpecial Populations EDFR 2301 Intercultural Context
2.1 In accordance with Sec 61.822 of the Texas Education Code, a student who successfully completes courses in the STC core curriculum will receive academic credit at UTRGV for each of the core courses transferred. However, there are circumstances where additional classes are required by the major even when core is complete.
2.2 Transfer students must apply for admission and meet requirements to UTRGV and the B.S. in Electrical EngineeringB.A. Social Studies Composite with teacher certification Degree. Transfer students are encouraged to complete their A.S. in Engineering Associate of Arts degree at STC prior to completion of their first semester of study at UTRGV. STC and UTRGV faculty will work with students to help promote the completion of the Associates degree in a timely fashion.
2.3 This Articulation Agreement will be published and provided as a transfer guide during academic advisement at STC.
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Samples: Articulation Agreement
Courses of Study. UTRGV’s College of Engineering Education and Computer Science P-16 Integration will accept the complete set of lower division courses from a student who successfully completes courses outlined below receives an Associate of Arts in Teaching AAT-ELEM (EC-6) from STC and is admitted to UTRGV. • The total number of transfer hours will be capped at 60-65 (sixty to sixty-five) semester hours. All STC courses transferred to UTRGV shall be part of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual issued by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. • For the UTRGV Bachelor of Electrical EngineeringInterdisciplinary Studies, the following STC Associate of Electrical Engineering Arts in Teaching field of study electives will satisfy degree requirements transfer as follows: STC ENGR 1201 XXX XXXXX XXXX0000 Biology for Non-Science Majors I BIOL 1406 General Biology I EDUC 1301 Introduction to Engineering UTRGV ELEE 1101 the Teaching Profession EDUC 130I Introduction to Electrical Engineering ENGR 2405 Electrical Circuits Teaching EDUC 2301 Introduction to Special Populations EDFR 2301 Intercultural Context of Schooling MUSI 1306 Music Appreciation MUSI 1313 Teaching Music in Elementary School GEOL 1403 Physical Geology GEOL 1403 Physical Geology MATH 1350 Fundamentals of Mathematics I ELEE 2305/2105 Electric Circuits I/Lab ENGR 2406 Digital Systems ELEE 2330/2130 Digital System Engineering I/Lab CHEM 1409 Chemistry for Engineering Majors CHEM 1309/1109 Chemistry for Engineers MATH 2414 Calculus 1350 Fundamentals of Mathematics I MATH 1351 Fundamentals of Mathematics II MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2420 Differential Equations MATH 3341 Differential Equations COSC 1436 1351 Fundamentals of Programming CSCI 1380 Computer Science IMathematics II
2.1 In accordance with Sec 61.822 of the Texas Education Code, a student who successfully completes courses in the STC core curriculum will receive academic credit at UTRGV for each of the core courses transferred. However, there are circumstances where additional classes are required by the major even when core is complete.
2.2 Transfer students must apply for admission and meet requirements to both UTRGV and the B.S. in Electrical EngineeringTeacher Education Program. Transfer students are encouraged to complete their A.S. Associate of Arts in Engineering Teaching at STC prior to completion of their first semester of study at UTRGV. STC and UTRGV faculty will work with students to help promote the completion of the Associates degree in a timely fashion.
2.3 STC will align EDUC 1301 and EDUC 2301 to TExES Professional Pedagogy and Responsibilities (PPR) standards set forth by UTRGV’s EDUC 1301 and EDFR 2301.
2.4 This Articulation Agreement will be published and provided as a transfer guide during academic advisement at STCboth institutions.
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Samples: Articulation Agreement
Courses of Study. UTRGV’s College Department of Engineering Sociology and Computer Science Anthropology will accept the complete set of lower division courses from a student who successfully completes courses outlined below receives an Associate of Arts in Sociology (AA - SOCI) from STC and is admitted to UTRGV. • The total number of transfer hours will be capped at 60 (sixty) semester hours. The maximum number of lower division sociology courses will be capped at 18 semester hours. • All STC courses transferred to UTRGV shall be part of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual issued by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. • For the STC Associate of Arts in Sociology, students will be required to take the following four courses (12 hours), all part of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual and Texas Academic Course Guide Manual issued by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. These STC courses will transfer to the UTRGV Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, the following STC Associate of Electrical Engineering field of study electives will satisfy Arts in Sociology degree requirements as follows: STC ENGR 1201 UTRGV SOCI 1301 Introduction to Engineering UTRGV ELEE 1101 Sociology SOCI 1301 Introduction to Electrical Engineering ENGR 2405 Electrical Circuits I ELEE 2305/2105 Electric Circuits I/Lab ENGR 2406 Digital Systems ELEE 2330/2130 Digital System Engineering I/Lab CHEM 1409 Chemistry for Engineering Majors CHEM 1309/1109 Chemistry for Engineers MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2420 Differential Equations MATH 3341 Differential Equations COSC 1436 Fundamentals Sociology SOCI 1306 Social Problems SOCI 1323 Social problems SOCI 2301 Marriage and the Family lower division free elective SOCI 2319 Minority Studies lower division free elective • For the STC Associate of Programming CSCI 1380 Computer Science IArts in Sociology, students will be required to take two of the following three courses (6 hours) as Field of Study electives, all part of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual and Texas Academic Course Guide Manual issued by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. These STC courses will transfer to the UTRGV Bachelor of Arts in Sociology as lower division free electives: ANTH 2351 Cultural Anthropology PSYC 2314 Lifespan Growth & Development PSYC 2301 General Psychology ANTH 2351 Cultural Anthropology lower division free elective PSYC 2301 General Psychology
2.1 In accordance with Sec 61.822 of the Texas Education Code, a student who successfully completes courses in the STC core curriculum will receive academic credit at UTRGV for each of the core courses transferred. HoweverIf the entire STC core curriculum is completed, there are circumstances where the STC core curriculum will substitute for the UTRGV core curriculum pursuant to Sec. 61.822(c) of the Texas Education Code. If the STC core curriculum is not completed, a student will receive credit for those core courses taken but may be required to take additional classes are required by courses to satisfy the major even when UTRGV core is completecurriculum pursuant to Sec. 61.822(d) of the Texas Education Code.
2.2 Transfer students must apply for admission and meet requirements to UTRGV and the B.S. Bachelor of Arts in Electrical EngineeringSociology. Transfer students are encouraged to complete their A.S. Associate of Arts in Engineering Sociology at STC prior to completion of their first semester of study at UTRGV. STC and UTRGV faculty will work with students to help promote the completion of the Associates degree in a timely fashion.
2.3 This Articulation Agreement will be published and provided as a transfer guide during academic advisement at STCboth institutions.
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Samples: Articulation Agreement
Courses of Study. UTRGV’s College Department of Engineering and Computer Science History will accept the complete set of lower division courses from a student who successfully completes courses outlined below receives an Associate of Arts Degree from STC and is admitted to UTRGV. • The total number of transfer hours will be capped at 60 (sixty) semester hours. • All STC courses transferred to UTRGV shall be part of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual issued by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. • For the UTRGV Bachelor of Electrical EngineeringB.A. History Degree, the following STC Associate of Electrical Engineering Arts Degree field of study electives will satisfy degree requirements transfer as follows: STC ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering UTRGV ELEE 1101 Introduction to Electrical Engineering ENGR 2405 Electrical Circuits I ELEE 2305/2105 Electric Circuits I/Lab ENGR 2406 Digital Systems ELEE 2330/2130 Digital System Engineering I/Lab CHEM 1409 Chemistry for Engineering Majors CHEM 1309/1109 Chemistry for Engineers MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2420 Differential Equations MATH 3341 Differential Equations COSC 1436 Fundamentals of Programming CSCI 1380 Computer Science IHIST 1301 HIST 1301 HIST 1302 HIST 1302 HIST 2321 HIST 2321 HIST 2322 HIST 2322 HIST 2327 HIST 2327 HIST 2328 HIST 2328 HIST 2381/2389 (3) Advanced HIST elective ECON 2301 ECON 2301 ECON 2302 ECON 2302 GEOG 1303 GEOG 1303 EDFR 2301 EDUC 2301
2.1 In accordance with Sec 61.822 of the Texas Education Code, a student who successfully completes courses in the STC core curriculum will receive academic credit at UTRGV for each of the core courses transferred. However, there are circumstances where additional classes are required by the major even when core is complete.
2.2 Transfer students must apply for admission and meet requirements to UTRGV and the B.S. in Electrical EngineeringB.A. Social Studies Composite with teacher certification Degree. Transfer students are encouraged to complete their A.S. in Engineering Associate of Arts degree at STC prior to completion of their first semester of study at UTRGV. STC and UTRGV faculty will work with students to help promote the completion of the Associates degree in a timely fashion.
2.3 This Articulation Agreement will be published and provided as a transfer guide during academic advisement at STCboth institutions.
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Samples: Articulation Agreement
Courses of Study. UTRGV’s College School of Engineering and Computer Science Nursing will accept the complete set of these academic lower division courses from a student who successfully completes courses outlined below receives an Associate Degree in Nursing from STC and is admitted to UTRGV. • The total number of transfer hours will be capped at 60 (sixty) semester hours. • All STC courses transferred to UTRGV shall be part of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual issued by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. • For the UTRGV Bachelor of Electrical EngineeringScience in Nursing, the following STC Associate of Electrical Engineering Degree in Nursing field of study electives will satisfy degree requirements transfer as follows: STC ENGR 1201 Introduction UTRGV BIOL 1322 DIET 2351 BIOL 2401 + 2402 BIIOL 2401 + 2402 BIOL 2421 CLSC 2429 CHEM 1301 + 1101 CHEM 1311 + 1111 Creative Arts 3 sch Creative Arts 3 sch ENGL 1301 + 1302 ENGL 1301 + 1302 GOVT 2305 + 2306 POLS 2305 + 2306 HIST 1301 + 1302 HIST 1301 + 1302 Integrative & ExperientialComponent Area Option Integrative & Experiential KINE (ACTIVITY, 1 sch x 2) KINE (ACTIVITY, 2 sch x 1) Language, Philosophy, & Culture 3 sch Language, Philosophy, & Culture 3 sch MATH 1442 MATH 1342 PSYC 2301 PSYC 2301 PSYC 2314 PSYC 3337/2004 SOC 1301 OR ANTH 2351 SOC 1301 OR ANTH 2351 SPAN 2316 SPAN 2317 SPAN 3 sch to Engineering UTRGV ELEE 1101 Introduction to Electrical Engineering ENGR 2405 Electrical Circuits I ELEE 2305/2105 Electric Circuits I/Lab ENGR 2406 Digital Systems ELEE 2330/2130 Digital System Engineering I/Lab CHEM 1409 Chemistry for Engineering Majors CHEM 1309/1109 Chemistry for Engineers MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2420 Differential Equations MATH 3341 Differential Equations COSC 1436 Fundamentals of Programming CSCI 1380 Computer Science Icomplete 6 sch Non-English Proficiency
2.1 In accordance with Sec 61.822 of the Texas Education Code, a student who successfully completes courses in the STC core curriculum will receive academic credit at UTRGV for each of the core courses transferred. However, there are circumstances where additional classes are required by the major even when core is complete.
2.2 Transfer students must apply for admission and meet requirements to UTRGV and the B.S. Bachelor of Science in Electrical EngineeringNursing Program. Transfer students are encouraged to complete their A.S. Associate Degree in Engineering Nursing at STC prior to completion of their first semester of study at UTRGV. STC and UTRGV faculty will work with students to help promote the completion of the Associates degree in a timely fashion.
2.3 This Articulation Agreement will be published and provided as a transfer guide during academic advisement at STCboth institutions.
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Samples: Articulation Agreement
Courses of Study. UTRGV’s College of Engineering and Computer Science Sciences will accept the complete set of lower division courses from a student who successfully completes courses outlined below from STC and is admitted to UTRGV. • All STC courses transferred to UTRGV shall be part of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual issued by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. • For the UTRGV Bachelor of Electrical EngineeringScience in Chemistry, the following STC Associate of Electrical Engineering Science in Chemistry field of study electives will satisfy degree requirements as follows: STC ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering UTRGV ELEE 1101 Introduction to Electrical Engineering ENGR 2405 Electrical Circuits CHEM 1411 General Chemistry I ELEE 2305/2105 Electric Circuits I/Lab ENGR 2406 Digital Systems ELEE 2330/2130 Digital System Engineering I/CHEM 1311 & CHEM 1111 General Chemistry I & Lab CHEM 1409 1412 General Chemistry for Engineering Majors II CHEM.1312 & CHEM 1309/1109 1112 General Chemistry for Engineers II &Lab CHEM 2423 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 2323 & CHEM 2123 Organic Chemistry I & Lab CHEM 2425 Organic Chemistry II CHEM 2325 & CHEM.2125 Organic Chemistry II & Lab MATH 2413 Calculus I MATH 2413 Calculus I MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2420 Differential Equations MATH 3341 Differential Equations COSC 1436 Fundamentals of Programming CSCI 1380 Computer Science IPHYS 1401 College Physics I PHYS 1401 General Physics I PHYS 1402 College Physics II PHYS 1402 General Physics II
2.1 In accordance with Sec 61.822 of the Texas Education Code, a student who successfully completes courses in the STC core curriculum will receive academic credit at UTRGV for each of the core courses transferred. However, there are circumstances where additional classes are required by the major even when core is complete.
2.2 Transfer students must apply for admission and meet requirements to UTRGV and the B.S. in Electrical EngineeringDepartment of Chemistry. Transfer students are encouraged to complete their A.S. in Engineering Associate of Science degrees at STC prior to completion of their first semester of study at UTRGV. STC and UTRGV faculty will work with students to help promote the completion of the Associates Associate degree in a timely fashion.
2.3 This Articulation Agreement will be published and provided as a transfer guide during academic advisement at STC.
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Samples: Articulation Agreement
Courses of Study. UTRGV’s College of Engineering and Computer Science Liberal Arts will accept the complete set of lower division courses from a student who successfully completes courses outlined below from STC and is admitted to UTRGV. • All STC courses transferred to UTRGV shall be part of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual issued by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. • For the UTRGV Bachelor of Electrical EngineeringArts in History with Teacher Certification, the following STC Associate of Electrical Engineering Arts in History field of study electives will satisfy degree requirements as follows: STC ENGR 1201 Introduction follows HIST 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx History I HIST 1301 U.S History I HIST 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx History II HIST 1302 U.S History II HIST 2321 World Civilizations I HIST 2321 World History I HIST 2322 World Civilizations II HIST 2322 World History II HIST 2327 Mexican American History I HIST 2327 Mex Am History I HIST 2328 Mexican American History II HIST 2328 Mex Am History II EDUC 2301 Intro to Engineering UTRGV ELEE 1101 Introduction to Electrical Engineering ENGR 2405 Electrical Circuits I ELEE 2305/2105 Electric Circuits I/Lab ENGR 2406 Digital Systems ELEE 2330/2130 Digital System Engineering I/Lab CHEM 1409 Chemistry for Engineering Majors CHEM 1309/1109 Chemistry for Engineers MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2420 Differential Equations MATH 3341 Differential Equations COSC 1436 Fundamentals of Programming CSCI 1380 Computer Science ISpecial Populations EDFR 2301 Intercultural Context
2.1 In accordance with Sec 61.822 of the Texas Education Code, a student who successfully completes courses in the STC core curriculum will receive academic credit at UTRGV for each of the core courses transferred. However, there are circumstances where additional classes are required by the major even when core is complete.
2.2 Transfer students must apply for admission and meet requirements to UTRGV and the B.S. in Electrical EngineeringB.A. History with teacher certification Degree. Transfer students are encouraged to complete their A.S. in Engineering Associate of Arts degree at STC prior to completion of their first semester of study at UTRGV. STC and UTRGV faculty will work with students to help promote the completion of the Associates degree in a timely fashion.
2.3 This Articulation Agreement will be published and provided as a transfer guide during academic advisement at STC.
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Samples: Articulation Agreement
Courses of Study. UTRGV’s College of Engineering and Computer Science will accept the complete set of lower division courses from a student who successfully completes courses outlined below from STC and is admitted to UTRGV. • All STC courses transferred to UTRGV shall be part of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual issued by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. • For the UTRGV Bachelor of Electrical Manufacturing Engineering, the following STC Associate of Electrical in Manufacturing Engineering field of study electives will satisfy degree requirements as follows: STC UTRGV ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering UTRGV ELEE MANE 1101 Introduction Intro. to Electrical Manufacturing Engineering ENGR 1304 Engineering Graphics MANE 1204 Engineering Graphics ENGR 2301 Statics and ENGR 2302 Dynamics or ENGR 2303 Statics & Dynamics MANE 2403 Engineering Mechanics ENGR 2405 Electrical Circuits I ELEE 2305/2105 Electric Circuits I2317 Electrical/Lab ENGR 2406 Digital Electronic Systems ELEE 2330/2130 Digital System Engineering I/Lab CHEM 1409 Chemistry for Engineering Majors CHEM 1309/1109 Chemistry for Engineers MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2420 Differential Equations MATH 3341 Differential Equations COSC 1436 Fundamentals of Programming CSCI 1380 Computer Science IEquations
2.1 In accordance with Sec 61.822 of the Texas Education Code, a student who successfully completes courses in the STC core curriculum will receive academic credit at UTRGV for each of the core courses transferred. However, there are circumstances where additional classes are required by the major even when core is complete.
2.2 Transfer students must apply for admission and meet requirements to UTRGV and the B.S. in Electrical EngineeringEngineering College. Transfer students are encouraged to complete their A.S. in Engineering at STC prior to completion of their first semester of study at UTRGV. STC and UTRGV faculty will work with students to help promote the completion of the Associates degree in a timely fashion.
2.3 This Articulation Agreement will be published and provided as a transfer guide during academic advisement at STC.
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Samples: Articulation Agreement
Courses of Study. UTRGV’s Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx College of Engineering and Computer Science Business & Entrepreneurship (VCOBE) will accept the complete set of lower division courses from a student who successfully completes courses outlined below from STC and is admitted to UTRGV. • All STC courses transferred to UTRGV shall be part of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual issued by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. • For the UTRGV Bachelor of Electrical EngineeringBusiness Administration, the following STC Associate of Electrical Engineering Business Administration field of study electives will satisfy degree requirements as follows: STC ENGR 1201 ACCT 2401 Financial Accounting ACCT 2301 Intro to Financial Accounting ACCT 2402 Managerial Accounting ACCT 2302 Intro to Managerial Accounting ECON 2302 Micro Economics ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics BUSI 1301 Business Principles MGMT 1301 Introduction to Engineering UTRGV ELEE 1101 Introduction to Electrical Engineering ENGR 2405 Electrical Circuits I ELEE 2305/2105 Electric Circuits I/Lab ENGR 2406 Digital Systems ELEE 2330/2130 Digital System Engineering I/Lab CHEM 1409 Chemistry for Engineering Majors CHEM 1309/1109 Chemistry for Engineers MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2420 Differential Equations MATH 3341 Differential Equations COSC 1436 Fundamentals of Programming CSCI 1380 Computer Science Business BUSI 2305 Business Statistics QUMT 2341 Business Statistics I
2.1 2.1. In accordance with Sec 61.822 of the Texas Education Code, a student who successfully completes courses in the STC core curriculum will receive academic credit at UTRGV for each of the core courses transferred. However, there are circumstances where additional classes are required by the major even when core is complete. Students who have completed the STC core curriculum will not be required to take QUMT 2398 at UTRGV. Students will be required to complete ECON.2301 (Macro Economics) if not taken as part of the STC core curriculum.
2.2 2.2. Transfer students must apply for admission and meet requirements to UTRGV and the B.S. VCOBE. UTRGV requires a GPA of 2.6 as well as earned grade of C or better in Electrical EngineeringECON 2301, ECON 2302, ACCT 2301, ACCT 2302, MGMT 1301, and QUMT 2341 or their STC equivalents to be admitted into VCOBE. Transfer students are encouraged to complete their A.S. Associate of Arts in Engineering Business Administration at STC prior to completion of their first semester of study at UTRGV. STC and UTRGV faculty will work with students to help promote the completion of the Associates degree in a timely fashion.
2.3 2.3. This Articulation Agreement will be published and provided as a transfer guide during academic advisement at STC.
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Samples: Articulation Agreement
Courses of Study. UTRGV’s College Department of Engineering and Computer Science Communication will accept the complete set of lower division courses from a student who successfully completes courses outlined below receives an Associate of Arts-Communication-Communication Studies Degree from STC and is admitted to UTRGV. • The total number of transfer hours will be capped at 60 (sixty) semester hours. • All STC courses transferred to UTRGV shall be part of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual issued by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. • For the UTRGV Bachelor of Electrical EngineeringArts-Communication Studies Degree, the following STC Associate of Electrical Engineering Arts-Communication-Communication Studies Degree field of study electives will satisfy degree requirements transfer as follows: STC ENGR 1201 UTRGV SPCH 1311 Introduction to Engineering UTRGV ELEE 1101 Speech Communication COMM 1311 Introduction to Electrical Engineering ENGR 2405 Electrical Circuits I ELEE 2305/2105 Electric Circuits I/Lab ENGR 2406 Digital Systems ELEE 2330/2130 Digital System Engineering I/Lab CHEM 1409 Chemistry for Engineering Majors CHEM 1309/1109 Chemistry for Engineers MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2420 Differential Equations MATH 3341 Differential Equations COSC 1436 Fundamentals of Programming CSCI 1380 Computer Science ICommunication SPCH 1315 Public Speaking COMM 1315 Public Speaking SPCH 1318 Interpersonal Communication COMM 1318 Interpersonal Communication SPCH 1321 Business & Professional Communication COMM 3313 Business and Technical Comm. SPCH 2333 Discussion & Small Group Comm. COMM 2333 Small Group Communication SPCH 2335 Argument and Debate COMM 2335 Argumentation and Debate SPCH 2389 Academic Cooperative COMM Free Elective
2.1 In accordance with Sec 61.822 of the Texas Education Code, a student who successfully completes courses in the STC core curriculum will receive academic credit at UTRGV for each of the core courses transferred. However, there are circumstances where additional classes are required by the major even when core is complete.
2.2 Transfer students must apply for admission and meet requirements to UTRGV and the B.S. in Electrical EngineeringBachelor of Arts- Communication Studies Program. Transfer students are encouraged to complete their A.S. in Engineering Associate of Arts- Communication-Communication Studies degree at STC prior to completion of their first semester of study at UTRGV. STC and UTRGV faculty will work with students to help promote the completion of the Associates degree in a timely fashion.
2.3 This Articulation Agreement will be published and provided as a transfer guide during academic advisement at STCboth institutions.
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Samples: Articulation Agreement
Courses of Study. UTRGV’s College Department of Engineering and Computer Science Social Work will accept the complete set of lower division courses from a student who successfully completes courses outlined below receives an Associate of Arts in Social Work (AA - SOCW) from STC and is admitted to UTRGV. • The total number of transfer hours will be capped at 60 (sixty) semester hours. The maximum number of lower division sociology courses will be capped at 18 semester hours. • All STC courses transferred to UTRGV shall be part of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual issued by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. • For the STC Associate of Arts in Social Work, students will be required to take the following six courses (18 hours), all part of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual and Texas Academic Course Guide Manual issued by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. These STC courses will transfer to the UTRGV Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, the following STC Associate of Electrical Engineering field of study electives will satisfy Social Work degree requirements as follows: STC ENGR 1201 UTRGV SOCW 2361 Introduction to Engineering UTRGV ELEE 1101 Social Work SOCW 2361 Introduction to Electrical Engineering ENGR 2405 Electrical Circuits I ELEE 2305/2105 Electric Circuits I/Lab ENGR 2406 Digital Systems ELEE 2330/2130 Digital System Engineering I/Lab CHEM 1409 Chemistry for Engineering Majors CHEM 1309/1109 Chemistry for Engineers MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2420 Differential Equations MATH 3341 Differential Equations COSC 1436 Fundamentals the Social Work Profession SOCW 2362 Social Welfare as a Social Institution SOCW 2362 The Social Welfare Institution SOCI 1301 Introduction to Sociology SOCI 1301 Introduction to Sociology PSYC 2301 General Psychology PSYC 2301 General Psychology SOCI 1306 Social Problems SOCI 1323 Social problems (free elective) • For the STC Associate of Programming CSCI 1380 Computer Science IArts in Social Work, students are required to take the following course (3 hours) as their Social and Behavioral Sciences elective of the Core Curriculum. This course is part of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual and Texas Academic Course Guide Manual issued by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. This STC courses will transfer to the UTRGV Bachelor of Social Work as below: STC UTRGV SOCI 2301 Marriage and the Family lower division free elective
2.1 In accordance with Sec 61.822 of the Texas Education Code, a student who successfully completes courses in the STC core curriculum will receive academic credit at UTRGV for each of the core courses transferred. HoweverIf the entire STC core curriculum is completed, there are circumstances where the STC core curriculum will substitute for the UTRGV core curriculum pursuant to Sec. 61.822(c) of the Texas Education Code. If the STC core curriculum is not completed, a student will receive credit for those core courses taken but may be required to take additional classes are required by courses to satisfy the major even when UTRGV core is completecurriculum pursuant to Sec. 61.822(d) of the Texas Education Code.
2.2 Transfer students must apply for admission and meet requirements to UTRGV and the B.S. in Electrical EngineeringBachelor of Social Work. Transfer students are encouraged to complete their A.S. Associate of Arts in Engineering Social Work at STC prior to completion of their first semester of study at UTRGV. STC and UTRGV faculty will work with students to help promote the completion of the Associates degree in a timely fashion.
2.3 This Articulation Agreement will be published and provided as a transfer guide during academic advisement at STCboth institutions.
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Samples: Articulation Agreement
Courses of Study. UTRGV’s College of Engineering Education and Computer Science P-16 Integration will accept the complete set of lower division courses from a student who successfully completes courses outlined below from STC and is admitted to UTRGV. • All STC courses transferred to UTRGV shall be part of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual issued by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. • For the UTRGV Bachelor of Electrical EngineeringInterdisciplinary Studies in Bilingual Education, ESL, or Special Education, the following STC Associate of Electrical Engineering Arts in Teaching field of study electives will satisfy degree requirements as follows: STC ENGR 1201 BIOL 1408 Biology for Non-Science Majors I BIOL 1406 General Biology I EDUC 1301 Introduction to Engineering UTRGV ELEE 1101 the Teaching Profession EDUC 1301 Introduction to Electrical Engineering ENGR 2405 Electrical Circuits Teaching EDUC 2301 Introduction to Special Populations EDFR 2301 Intercultural Context of Schooling MUSI 1306 Music Appreciation MUSI 1313 Teaching Music in Elementary School GEOL 1403 Physical Geology GEOL 1403 Physical Geology MATH 1350 Mathematics for Teachers I ELEE 2305/2105 Electric Circuits I/Lab ENGR 2406 Digital Systems ELEE 2330/2130 Digital System Engineering I/Lab CHEM 1409 Chemistry MATH 1350 Fundamentals of Mathematics I MATH 1351 Mathematics for Engineering Majors CHEM 1309/1109 Chemistry for Engineers MATH 2414 Calculus Teachers II MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2415 Calculus III MATH 2420 Differential Equations MATH 3341 Differential Equations COSC 1436 1351 Fundamentals of Programming CSCI 1380 Computer Science IMathematics II
2.1 In accordance with Sec 61.822 of the Texas Education Code, a student who successfully completes courses in the STC core curriculum will receive academic credit at UTRGV for each of the core courses transferred. However, there are circumstances where additional classes are required by the major even when core is complete.
2.2 Transfer students must apply for admission and meet requirements to both UTRGV and the B.S. in Electrical EngineeringTeacher Education Program. Transfer students are encouraged to complete their A.S. Associate of Arts in Engineering Teaching at STC prior to completion of their first semester of study at UTRGV. STC and UTRGV faculty will work with students to help promote the completion of the Associates degree in a timely fashion.
2.3 STC will align EDUC 1301 and EDUC 2301 to TExES Professional Pedagogy and Responsibilities (PPR) standards set forth by UTRGV’s EDUC 1301 and EDFR 2301.
2.4 This Articulation Agreement will be published and provided as a transfer guide during academic advisement at STC.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Articulation Agreement