Curriculum Sample Clauses

Curriculum. U The Academy Trust must provide for the teaching of religious education and a daily act of collective worship at the Academy.
Curriculum a. The School shall administer the TSIA college placement exam to all prospective Students or refer Students interested in taking Dual Credit courses to the College’s Testing Center, if the School is not a College Board testing site, prior to submitting their name to the College Office of High School Programs for enrollment into courses requiring specific TSIA scores, abiding by the rules set forth by the College Board and the College. Students must attain TSIA scores aligned with the courses in their selected degree plan to ensure appropriate college level placement, assess college readiness, design individual instructional plans, and enable students to begin college courses based on their performance. b. The School shall implement a plan for TSIA success, including academic preparation classes for Students. The School, in partnership with the College, will provide academic interventions for Students who do not pass TSIA. Such Students will be administered the identified interventions prior to retesting any portion of the TSIA that was not mastered with required score(s). The School shall make any TEA required TSIA reports regarding the number of students who have currently passed each section of the TSIA, including a breakdown of TSIA data for subpopulations of targeted students. The School will share the report with the College Testing Center or College Designee. c. The School District will share the results from TSIA administered via School District - College Board approved test sites and electronically submit to the College in the required technical format that facilitates official delivery/receipt. The TSIA scores will be electronically uploaded into the College’s official system of records. The College agrees to adhere to the confidentiality requirements of FERPA. The College will use students’ TSIA assessment score data exclusively for official College business. d. The College Academic Chairs or Faculty Liaison, along with the School Principal or designee, will be responsible for developing and refining a clear and coherent academic program across the two institutions for curriculum alignment for Students participating in the Dual Credit program. e. The 86th Texas Legislative Session passed SB 25, which states each institution of higher education shall develop at least one recommended course sequence for each undergraduate certificate or degree program offered by the institution. Each recommended course sequence must: (1) Identify all required lowe...
Curriculum. The curriculum is the responsibility of the Academy Trust.
Curriculum. A teacher may be granted temporary leave to participate in the development of a school project within the school system (for example, working as a committee member during the school day).
Curriculum. The Academy shall have flexibility in developing, realigning, and implementing the curriculum identified in Schedule 6.
Curriculum. The School shall have exclusive control over its instructional methods, consistent with HRS §302D-12. The School shall submit to the Commission The SPCSC Request to Amend Charter Contract Form for any material changes to the Charter Contract such as the School’s mission and/or vision that may occur as a result of the School’s change in curriculum. This request to amend Charter Contract shall be submitted no later than April 1 prior to the Academic Year in which the modified curriculum will take effect. The School shall provide the Commission with any supporting information or documents requested by the Commission in connection with The SPCSC Request to Amend Charter Contract Form. A change in textbooks, formative assessments, or other instructional resources shall not be deemed a material change.
Curriculum. The School Corporation shall have exclusive control over its instructional methods, consistent with § 38-1802.04(c)(3)(a) of the Act, but the School Corporation shall provide DC PCSB a petition for charter revision pursuant to § 38-1802.04(c)(10) of the Act for any material change in the curriculum that results in a material change in the School’s mission or goals no later than April 1 prior to the Academic Year in which the modified curriculum will take effect. The School Corporation shall provide DC PCSB with any materials requested by DC PCSB in connection with the petition for charter revision. A change in textbooks, formative assessments, or other instructional resources shall not be deemed a material change.
Curriculum. The Organizer shall develop a curriculum for the Charter School as a Prior Action. The Organizer shall make a copy of the curriculum and the Accountability Plan (once developed) available for inspection at the Charter School during normal school hours and shall provide a copy in response to any telephone or mail request by any person.
Curriculum. The Organizer shall amend its Application to set forth a detailed, specific curriculum, which shall serve as the basis for educating students who attend the Charter School. Before this Prior Action shall be deemed substantially completed, the Charter Schools Director shall have the opportunity to review and approve the proposed curriculum. The Organizer shall submit its proposed curriculum to the Charter Schools Director no later than June 15.