Delinquency Notices. In accordance with State law, COMPANY will generate and mail (presorted, first-class postage) no sooner than allowable by law, a delinquency notice to all identified registered owners of vehicles who fail to pay their parking citation fines or to post bail in the required manner. The mailed notice will include all information required by the State Vehicle Code, including, but not limited to the following:
Delinquency Notices. CROSSROADS will send delinquency notices to DISTRICT customers in accordance with the DISTRICT's current rate order. Postage for delinquency letters shall be billed to the District at the then current USPS available first class postage rate.
Delinquency Notices. SE will send delinquency notices to City customers in accordance with the City's current Rate Order. Each notice will be mailed at a U.S. post office and shall be receipted with a postmaster's certificate of mailing.