DEMOTION AND LAYOFF. 10:1 In the event reduction of forces or curtailment of operation shall occur, employees shall be laid off in the reverse order of their Company seniority in the area in which they are working at the time of the reduction. The application of this Section to an employee working temporarily in an area shall apply only to the extent that it affects him/her in his/her regular area. 10:2 An employee who has six (6) months or more of continuous Company service and whose job is being eliminated, may request to displace an employee with less seniority than his/her own in the following sequence: (a) the employee in the same classification in the District who has the least seniority; (b) the employee in the lower classification in the District who has the least seniority; (c) no employee may displace another employee who has greater Company seniority than his/her own. 10:3 If Company cannot effect a displacement in accordance with Section 10:2 or if an employee requests not to take a demotion as provided in Section 10:2(b), an employee who has one (1) year or more continuous service with the Company may elect to displace an employee with less seniority than his/her own in the following sequence: (a) the employee in the same classification in the area working for the same customer who has the least seniority; (b) no employee may displace another employee who has greater seniority than his/her own, except as provided in Article 10:3(c) below; (c) Foremen and Climbers who possess a current commercial driver’s license, and airbrake endorsement when required by the Company, may displace the next *senior employee in their classification (*this senior employee shall be the least senior of those employees in the same classification by District) who has no commercial driver’s license and/or airbrake endorsement, if the vehicle of the crew being displaced requires an airbrake endorsement. In the event a Xxxxxxx is displaced subject to this Article, he/she shall be reclassified to the top climber classification. Foremen and climbers shall maintain all demotion and layoff rights to those crews consisting of vehicles they are licensed to operate. 10:4 The Company shall give employees whose jobs are eliminated as much notice as possible. Employees desiring to exercise the provisions of Section 10:2 or 10:3 shall give the Company notice of at least five (5) workdays. 10:5 If in the application of the provisions of this Article an employee in a classification which, in the normal line of progression, is higher than an Trainee classification can effect a displacement in such classification, the former shall not take such Trainee classification but shall be given the rate of classification next higher thereto.
Appears in 79 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
DEMOTION AND LAYOFF. 10:1 In the event reduction of forces or curtailment of operation shall occur, employees shall be laid off in the reverse order of their Company seniority in the area in which they are working at the time of the reduction. The application of this Section to an employee working temporarily in an area shall apply only to the extent that it affects him/her in his/her regular area.
10:2 An employee who has six (6) months or more of continuous Company service and whose job is being eliminated, may request to displace an employee with less seniority than his/her own in the following sequence:
(a) the employee in the same classification in the District who has the least seniority;
(b) the employee in the lower classification in the District who has the least seniority;
(c) no employee may displace another employee who has greater Company seniority than his/her own.
10:3 If Company cannot effect a displacement in accordance with Section 10:2 or if an employee requests not to take a demotion as provided in Section 10:2(b), an employee who has one (1) year or more continuous service with the Company may elect to displace an employee with less seniority than his/her own in the following sequence:
(a) the employee in the same classification in the area working for the same customer who has the least seniority;
(b) no employee may displace another employee who has greater seniority than his/her own, except as provided in Article 10:3(c) below;
(c) Foremen Xxxxxxx and Climbers Xxxxxxxx who possess a current commercial driver’s license, and airbrake endorsement when required by the Company, may displace the next *senior employee in their classification (*this senior employee shall be the least senior of those employees in the same classification by District) who has no commercial driver’s license and/or airbrake endorsement, if the vehicle of the crew being displaced requires an airbrake endorsement. In the event a Xxxxxxx is displaced subject to this Article, he/she shall be reclassified to the top climber classification. Foremen and climbers shall maintain all demotion and layoff rights to those crews consisting of vehicles they are licensed to operate.
10:4 The Company shall give employees whose jobs are eliminated as much notice as possible. Employees desiring to exercise the provisions of Section 10:2 or 10:3 shall give the Company notice of at least five (5) workdays.
10:5 If in the application of the provisions of this Article an employee in a classification which, in the normal line of progression, is higher than an Trainee classification can effect a displacement in such classification, the former shall not take such Trainee classification but shall be given the rate of classification next higher thereto.
Appears in 15 contracts
Samples: Line Clearance Tree Agreement, Line Clearance Tree Agreement, Line Clearance Tree Agreement
DEMOTION AND LAYOFF. 10:1 10.1 In the event reduction of forces or permanent curtailment of operation operations shall occur, employees shall be laid off in the reverse order of their Company seniority in the area in which they are working at the time of the reduction. The application of this Section the section to an employee working temporarily in an area shall apply only to the extent that it affects him/her in his/her regular area.
10:2 10.2 An employee who has six (6) months or more of continuous Company service and whose job is being eliminated, eliminated may request to displace an employee with less seniority than his/her own in the following sequence:
(a) the That employee in the same classification in the District who has the least seniority;
(b) the That employee in the lower classification in the District who has the least seniority;
(c) no No employee may displace another employee who has greater Company seniority than his/her own.
10:3 (d) If two (2) or more employees have the same Company seniority date, the following process will be used for breaking the tie:
1. The employee who has their current first aid card.
2. If the employees have a current first aid card, the employee who has a current first aid and CPR card they would be the employee retained.
3. If the employees have a current first aid and CPR card, the employee with a current first aid and CPR card and a CDL driver’s license, they would be the employee retained.
10.3 If Company cannot effect a displacement in accordance with Section 10:2 10.2, or if an employee requests not to take a demotion as provided in Section 10:2(b10.2(b), an employee who has one (1) year or more continuous service with the Company may elect to displace an employee with less seniority than his/her own in the following sequence:
(a) the That employee in the same classification in the area working for the same customer who has the least seniority;
(b) no No employee may displace another employee who has greater seniority than his/her own, except as provided in Article 10:3(c) below;
(c) Foremen and Climbers who possess a current commercial driver’s license, and airbrake endorsement when required by the Company, may displace the next *senior employee in their classification (*this senior employee shall be the least senior of those employees in the same classification by District) who has no commercial driver’s license and/or airbrake endorsement, if the vehicle of the crew being displaced requires an airbrake endorsement. In the event a Xxxxxxx is displaced subject to this Article, he/she shall be reclassified to the top climber classification. Foremen and climbers shall maintain all demotion and layoff rights to those crews consisting of vehicles they are licensed to operate.
10:4 The 10.4 Company shall give employees whose jobs are to be eliminated as much notice as possible. Employees desiring to exercise the provisions of Section 10:2 10.2 or 10:3 10.3 shall give the Company notice of at least five (5) workdays.
10:5 10.5 If in the application of the provisions of this Article an employee in a classification which, in the normal line of progression, is higher than an Trainee Apprentice classification can effect a displacement in such classification, the former shall not take such Trainee Apprentice classification but shall be given the rate of the classification next higher thereto.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
DEMOTION AND LAYOFF. 10:1 10.1 In the event reduction of forces or permanent curtailment of operation operations shall occur, employees shall be laid off in the reverse order of their Company seniority in the area in which they are working at the time of the reduction. The application of this the Section to an employee working temporarily in an area shall apply only to the extent that it affects him/her in his/her regular area.
10:2 10.2 An employee who has six (6) months or more of continuous Company service and whose job is being eliminated, eliminated may request to displace an employee with less seniority than his/her own in the following sequence:
(a) the employee in the same classification in the District who has the least seniority;
(b) the employee in the lower classification in the District who has the least seniority;
(c) no employee may displace another employee who has greater Company seniority than his/her own.
10:3 10.3 If Company cannot effect a displacement in accordance with Section 10:2 10.2 or if an employee requests not to take a demotion as provided in Section 10:2(b10.2(b), an employee who has one (1) year or more continuous service with the Company may elect to displace an employee with less seniority than his/her own in the following sequence:
(a) the employee in the same classification in the area working for the same customer who has the least seniority;
(b) no employee may displace another employee who has greater seniority than his/her own, except as provided in Article 10:3(c) below;
(c) Foremen and Climbers who possess a current commercial driver’s license, and airbrake endorsement when required by the Company, may displace the next *senior employee in their classification (*this senior employee shall be the least senior of those employees in the same classification by District) who has no commercial driver’s license and/or airbrake endorsement, if the vehicle of the crew being displaced requires an airbrake endorsement. In the event a Xxxxxxx is displaced subject to this Article, he/she shall be reclassified to the top climber classification. Foremen and climbers shall maintain all demotion and layoff rights to those crews consisting of vehicles they are licensed to operate.
10:4 The 10.4 Company shall give employees whose jobs are to be eliminated as much notice as possible. Employees desiring to exercise the provisions of Section 10:2 10.2 or 10:3 10.3 shall give the Company notice of at least five (5) workdays.
10:5 10.5 If in the application of the provisions of this Article an employee in a classification which, in the normal line of progression, is higher than an Trainee Apprentice classification can effect a displacement in such classification, the former shall not take such Trainee Apprentice classification but shall be given the rate of the classification next higher thereto.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement