Bumping Rights. An employee laid off from his/her present class may bump only into the next equal or lower class in which the employee has greater seniority. The employee may continue to bump into such equal or lower classes to avoid layoff.
Bumping Rights. (i) Where a regular employee has received notice that he/she is not to be retained in the classification and department designated for layoff under Article 10.02, such employee may exercise his/her right to bump an employee of lesser seniority and transfer laterally into another job classification in the same department and at the same pay grade level, or alternatively into a job classification at a lower pay grade level, in the same department. An employee's right to bump another employee of lesser seniority shall depend on his/her having the qualifications, experience, skill and ability to perform the work in question. The decision regarding an employee's suitability, as above, for transfer shall be made by the Employer and whether such determination was made by the Employer in a fair and equitable fashion shall be subject to the grievance procedure.
(ii) Where a regular employee has received notice of layoff and such employee chooses to exercise his/her bumping rights under section (i), such election shall be made within three (3) working days of the date of receipt of such notice.
(iii) Where a regular employee has received notice of layoff and where such employee occupies a job classification which is comparable to other departments, the right to bump an employee of lesser seniority shall be extended on an interdepartmental basis, as outlined in section (i) above.
(iv) Upward bumping is not permitted under this Article, except where an employee’s position has been re-evaluated to a lower pay grade and the employee did not bump another employee at that time, upward bumping shall be permitted the next time a lay-off occurs to that employee and only to a position in their former higher pay grade. Regular part-time employees may only bump other regular part-time employees.
(v) When an employee bumps a more junior employee in accordance with this Article, he/she shall be placed at the same increment step for the new wage grade as he/she occupied before so bumping.
Bumping Rights. A laid off employee may bump a junior employee, provided the laid off employee has more seniority and is willing, qualified and has the ability to do the job of the less senior employee. However, in no circumstances will an employee affect a promotion through a bump. A laid off employee who bumps a junior employee shall be paid at the rate of the classification they are bumping into, at the rate corresponding with their previous placement on the wage grid.
Bumping Rights. An employee who is laid off may displace (bump) an employee in an equal or lower job title within the bargaining unit, provided the employee has more service seniority than the employee being bumped and the employee is fully qualified to perform the duties of the job title. Following the same procedure, the employee who is bumped may displace an employee in an equal or lower job title within the bargaining unit. This process will be followed until the last employee who is eligible to bump has had the opportunity to do so.
Bumping Rights. An employee designated to be laid off may bump into a class at the same salary level, or into the next lower classification in which such employee has previously held regular status. An employee who is bumped shall be laid off in the same manner as an employee whose position is abolished.
Bumping Rights.
(a) Within five (5) working days after being notified under Article 15.02 (Layoff Order) that they occupy a position designated for layoff, those regular employees who are not to be retained in that classification and department shall be given opportunity to exercise their seniority, vis-à-vis more junior employees, by indicating their desire to bump into an appropriate position(s) designated by the Employer for such purpose on the basis of Subsections (i) and (ii) below, provided always that the bumping employee has the required qualifications, experience, skill and ability to perform the work in question. All determinations of qualifications, experience, skill and ability shall be made by the Employer in a fair and equitable fashion. Failure to accept the bump into the designated position(s), when given the opportunity under this Article, shall result in the affected employee being laid-off and placed on the recall list.
(i) firstly, the most junior employee occupying a classification in a lateral pay grade; or failing that
(ii) the most junior employee occupying a classification in the next, or each subsequent lower, pay grade.
(b) Upward bumping is not permitted under this Article, except where an employee’s position has been re-evaluated to a lower pay grade and the employee did not bump another employee at that time, upward bumping shall be permitted the next time a lay-off occurs to that employee and only to a position in their former higher pay grade. Regular part-time employees may only bump other regular part-time employees.
(c) When an employee bumps a more junior employee in accordance with this Article, the employee shall be placed at the same increment step of the new wage grade as the employee occupied before so bumping.
Bumping Rights. A worker laid off from his/her position in a class may "bump" into the next lower class in which the worker has greater seniority than another worker in that class unless there is a vacant position. If there is a vacant position in the classification the worker shall be placed in the vacant position. Should more than one person in the same classification be laid off, the affected workers in the classification (workers whose positions are being eliminated and the less senior workers who may be affected by bumping) will have the opportunity to select from a list of positions currently held by the least senior workers in the classification whose positions are not being eliminated and any vacant position in the classification. The selection process will be conducted in order of seniority with the most senior worker making the first selection. The time and location of the selection process shall be mutually agreed upon by the Union and the District. A worker who has exercised "bumping" rights shall be placed on the salary step that the worker would have attained if he/she had remained continuously in the lower class except that no worker shall be placed on a step in a salary range that is more than 3 ranges lower than his or her current salary range. A worker who has exercised “bumping” rights shall retain all service recognition and professional growth awards and all years of service towards the Service Recognition Award.
Bumping Rights. An employee laid off from his/her present classification may bump into the next lowest classification in which the employee has previously served, based upon his/her seniority date.
13.5.1 The employee may continue to bump into successive lower classes in which he/she has served to avoid layoff.
13.5.2 An employee may elect to be laid off in lieu of bumping. Accepting such a layoff does not affect the employee’s reemployment rights under this Agreement.
13.5.3 When an employee was initially employed in an identifiable entry level position within an existing specific family grouping of classifications, that employee shall retain seniority for that entry level position even though the position has been reclassified and/or the title changed. However, in order to exercise this right, the employee must meet minimum qualifications required for the entry-level position.
Bumping Rights. A unit member laid off from the unit member's present class may bump into the next equal or lower class in which the unit member has greater seniority considering the unit member's seniority in that class and any higher classes in which the unit member has served.
Bumping Rights. When it becomes necessary to reduce the work force in any classification, classification seniority shall prevail. Seniority shall also be granted by unit member status; that is, restricted status unit members shall be reduced first; then, probationary unit members; and finally, permanent unit members within the classification. In the case of layoff in any classification, the unit member so laid off, in accordance with his/her classification seniority, may bump any unit member with less classification seniority in the following order:
19.5.1 Lateral classifications with equal FTE and months of service in which the unit member has served in permanent status.
19.5.2 Positions within the current class with less contract months/FTE. or Lower classifications where the unit member so laid off has served in permanent status with equal months/FTE. or Lower classifications where the unit member so laid off has served in permanent status with less contract months/FTE. Order of bumping rights shall begin with that position in which his/her salary placement most closely equals the salary he/she presently earns and descend in order of closest salary equivalency.
19.5.3 In the event the unit member so laid off has at least five (5) years of classified service with the District and has no bumping rights under 19.4(1) or 19.4(2) above, he/she may bump any unit member with less District seniority in an equal or lower classification within the same job family, when the senior unit member has the minimum qualifications necessary for satisfactory performance in that classification. However, a unit member in a lower classification may not bump a unit member in a higher classification regardless of his/her seniority.
19.5.4 In the case of a bona fide hardship, a unit member may contact Human Resources within five (5) working days to request the circumstances be reviewed and other placement be considered.