Layoff. A layoff of an employee shall be deemed to occur when an employee is removed from the work schedule for one (1) week or more due to lack of work.
Layoff. (a) An employee(s) may be laid off because of technological change, shortage of work or funds, discontinuance of a function or the reorganization of a function, or due to contracting out.
Layoff. Section 1. A layoff is defined as a separation from the service for involuntary reasons other than resignation, not reflecting discredit on an employee. An employee shall be given written notice of layoff at least fifteen (15) calendar days before the effective date, stating the reasons for the layoff. (See Sections 9 and 10 on statewide recall rights and intergovernmental transfers, and see Section 11 regarding Secondary Recall Rights.)
Layoff. Both Parties recognize that job security shall increase in proportion to length of service. Therefore in the event of a layoff, employees shall be laid off by classification, in reverse order of seniority subject to the following.
Layoff. 3. Reduction of hours to an ineligible status;
Layoff. An Appointing Authority may lay off an employee by reason of abolition of the position, shortage of work or funds, or other reasons outside the employee's control which do not reflect discredit on the service of the employee. Any reduction in hours of a less than full-time employee, except for intermittents, which would place the employee outside the bargaining unit shall constitute a layoff and shall be implemented in accord with the provisions of this Article.
Layoff. The involuntary termination from a class of a permanent or probationary employee without fault on the part of the employee, because of lack of work, lack of funds, or in the interest of economy.
Layoff a. When it becomes necessary due to lack of work, lack of funds, or in the interest of economy, to reduce the number of employees in a department, the order in which employees will be laid off within each class which is affected by the layoff shall be based on seniority as provided in Section 16.5.
Layoff. The City shall notify the Union and the affected employees in writing at least two (2) weeks in advance whenever possible, when a layoff is imminent within the bargaining unit.