DEPARTMENTAL WORK RULES. 13 The Association recognizes the prerogative of the County to operate and manage its affairs in all 14 respects in accordance with its responsibilities, duties and powers, pursuant to the statutes of the 15 State of Wisconsin, the ordinances and resolutions of the County and the rules of its Civil 16 Service Commission. The Association recognizes the exclusive right of the County to establish 17 reasonable work rules. The County shall meet with the Association for the purpose of discussing 18 the contemplated creation or modification of such rules prior to implementation, except in 19 emergency situations where no advance notification shall be required. In such situations, the 20 County shall meet with the Association as soon as practicable following implementation.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
DEPARTMENTAL WORK RULES. 13 21 The Association recognizes the prerogative of the County to operate and manage its 22 affairs in all 14 respects in accordance with its responsibilities, duties and powers, pursuant to the 23 statutes of the 15 State of Wisconsin, the ordinances and resolutions of the County and the rules 24 of its Civil 16 Service Commission. The Association recognizes the exclusive right of the County 25 to establish 17 reasonable work rules. The County shall meet with the Association for the purpose 26 of discussing 18 the contemplated creation or modification of such rules prior to implementation, 27 except in 19 emergency situations where no advance notification shall be required. In such 28 situations, the 20 County shall meet with the Association as soon as practicable following 29 implementation.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
DEPARTMENTAL WORK RULES. 13 7 The Association recognizes the prerogative of the County to operate and manage its 8 affairs in all 14 respects in accordance with its responsibilities, duties and powers, pursuant to the 9 statutes of the 15 State of Wisconsin, the ordinances and resolutions of the County and the rules 10 of its Civil 16 Service Commission. The Association recognizes the exclusive right of the County 11 to establish 17 reasonable work rules. The County shall meet with the Association for the purpose 12 of discussing 18 the contemplated creation or modification of such rules prior to implementation, 13 except in 19 emergency situations where no advance notification shall be required. In such 14 situations, the 20 County shall meet with the Association as soon as practicable following 15 implementation.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
DEPARTMENTAL WORK RULES. 13 29 The Association recognizes the prerogative of the County to operate and manage its 30 affairs in all 14 respects in accordance with its responsibilities, duties and powers, pursuant to the 1 statutes of the 15 State of Wisconsin, the ordinances and resolutions of the County and the rules 2 of its Civil 16 Service Commission. The Association recognizes the exclusive right of the 3 County to establish 17 reasonable work rules. The County shall meet with the Association for 4 the purpose of discussing 18 the contemplated creation or modification of such rules prior to 5 implementation, except in 19 emergency situations where no advance notification shall be 6 required. In such situations, the 20 County shall meet with the Association as soon as practicable 7 following implementation.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
DEPARTMENTAL WORK RULES. 13 15 (1) The Association recognizes the prerogative of the County to operate and manage 16 its affairs in all 14 respects in accordance with its responsibilities, duties and powers, 17 pursuant to the statutes of the 15 State of Wisconsin, the ordinances and resolutions 18 of the County and the rules of its Civil 16 Service Commission. The Association 19 recognizes the exclusive right of the County to establish 17 reasonable work rules. .
20 (2) The County shall meet with the Association for the purpose of discussing 18 the 21 contemplated creation or modification of such rules five days prior to 22 implementation, except in 19 emergency situations where no advance notification 23 shall be required. In such situations, the 20 County shall meet with the Association 24 as soon as practicable following implementation.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
DEPARTMENTAL WORK RULES. 13 25 The Association recognizes the prerogative of the County to operate and manage its 26 affairs in all 14 respects in accordance with its responsibilities, duties and powers, pursuant to the 27 statutes of the 15 State of Wisconsin, the ordinances and resolutions of the County and the rules 28 of its Civil 16 Service Commission. The Association recognizes the exclusive right of the 29 County to establish 17 reasonable work rules. The County shall meet with the Association for 30 the purpose of discussing 18 the contemplated creation or modification of such rules prior to 1 implementation, except in 19 emergency situations where no advance notification shall be 2 required. In such situations, the 20 County shall meet with the Association as soon as practicable 3 following implementation.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
DEPARTMENTAL WORK RULES. 13 The Association recognizes the prerogative of the County to operate and manage its affairs in all 14 respects in accordance with its responsibilities, duties and powers, pursuant to the statutes of the 15 State of Wisconsin, the ordinances and resolutions of the County and the rules of its Civil 16 Service Commission. The Association recognizes the exclusive right of the County to establish 17 reasonable work rules. The County shall meet with the Association for the purpose of discussing 18 the contemplated creation or modification of such rules prior to implementation, except in 19 emergency situations where no advance notification shall be required. In such situations, the 20 County shall meet with the Association as soon as practicable following implementation.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
DEPARTMENTAL WORK RULES. 13 15 The Association recognizes the prerogative of the County to operate and manage its 16 affairs in all 14 respects in accordance with its responsibilities, duties and powers, pursuant to the 17 statutes of the 15 State of Wisconsin, the ordinances and resolutions of the County and the rules 18 of its Civil 16 Service Commission. The Association recognizes the exclusive right of the 19 County to establish 17 reasonable work rules. The County shall meet with the Association for 20 the purpose of discussing 18 the contemplated creation or modification of such rules prior to 21 implementation, except in 19 emergency situations where no advance notification shall be 22 required. In such situations, the 20 County shall meet with the Association as soon as practicable 23 following implementation.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement