DEPUTY DIRECTOR APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF COST-SHARE. After Grant Agreement issuance, Districts may choose to work with the Department to determine if cost-share allocations should be transferred from one District to another District to maximize water quality improvements. Cost-share shall not be transferred between CB and OCB drainage allocations. Prior to a District Board taking formal action to either transfer cost-share allocation or to accept additional cost-share allocation, the Conservation District Coordinator(s) assigned to each District must authorize the transfer or acceptance of cost- share allocation. Recommended adjustments Adjustments in the cost-share allocations that are approved by the Conservation District Coordinator(s) and the District Boards shall be advanced by Department field personnel through the Division’s Central Office to the Deputy Director for consideration as District contract adjustments. A completed Transfer of Virginia Agricultural Best Management Practices Cost-Share Program (VACS) Allocated Cost-Share Funds Form 199-225 (Form) from the affected Districts will be required to document their approval of the recommended transaction. The completed Form regarding reallocations/transfers shall be routed to the Comptroller to update the Department’s records. For amounts already distributed to Districts, funds shall be returned back to the Department, or deducted from the next quarterly FY23 FY24 disbursement(s), for redistribution to the approved receiving District (accordingly such funds shall not be directly sent between Districts). A proportional amount of Technical Assistance shall be transferred with the cost-share funds; however, cost-share funds may be voluntarily transferred between two Districts without a proportional amount of technical assistance funds if both the donor and recipient District Boards agree, by formally adopted motions, to such transfer. Such motions and all documentation required to execute the voluntary transfer of cost-share must be submitted to the Department prior to June 30, 2023 June 15, 2024. All transferred cost-share funds will be subject to the recipient District's ninety percent (90%) obligation requirement for their total VACS allocation as set out in Section 14Reallocation of cost-share funds. Aside from transfers of funds approved under this Section, no other movements of cost-share or technical assistance funding may occur between Districts.
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  • Certification Regarding Prohibition of Boycotting Israel (Tex Gov. Code 2271) If (a) Vendor is not a sole proprietorship; (b) Vendor has ten (10) or more full-time employees; and (c) this Agreement or any agreement with a TIPS Member under this procurement has value of $100,000 or more, the following certification shall apply; otherwise, this certification is not required. Vendor certifies, where applicable, that neither the Vendor, nor any affiliate, subsidiary, or parent company of Vendor, if any, boycotts Israel, and Vendor agrees that Vendor and Vendor Companies will not boycott Israel during the term of this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the term “boycott” shall mean and include refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action that is intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations with Israel, or with a person or entity doing business in Israel or in an Israeli-controlled territory but does not include an action made for ordinary business purposes. When applicable, does Vendor certify? Yes

  • State Approval of Replacement Personnel The Engineer may not replace the project manager or key personnel without prior consent of the State. The State must be satisfied that the new project manager or other key personnel is qualified to provide the authorized services. If the State determines that the new project manager or key personnel is not acceptable, the Engineer may not use that person in that capacity and shall replace him or her with one satisfactory to the State within forty-five (45) days.

  • THE COURT’S FINAL APPROVAL HEARING The Court will hold a hearing to decide whether to approve the settlement. You may attend and you may ask to speak, but you don’t have to.

  • Certification of claims by Statutory Auditors Any claim or document provided by the Concessionaire to the Authority in connection with or relating to receipts, income, payments, costs, expenses, accounts or audit, and any matter incidental thereto shall be valid and effective only if certified by its Statutory Auditors. For the avoidance of doubt, such certification shall not be required for exchange of information in the normal course of business including the submission of Monthly Fee Statements under Clause 19.5.

  • Certification of Meeting or Exceeding Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy Minimum Standards A. Grantee certifies that it has adopted and enforces a Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy that meets or exceeds all of the following minimum standards of:

  • Venue Limitation for TIPS Sales Vendor agrees that if any "Venue" provision is included in any TIPS Sale Agreement/contract between Vendor and a TIPS Member, that clause must provide that the "Venue" for any litigation or alternative dispute resolution shall be in the state and county where the TIPS Member operates unless the TIPS Member expressly agrees otherwise. Any TIPS Sale Supplemental Agreement containing a “Venue” clause that conflicts with these terms is rendered void and unenforceable.

  • Waiver of Appellate and Post-Conviction Rights a. The defendant acknowledges, understands and agrees that by pleading guilty pursuant to this plea agreement he waives his right to appeal or collaterally attack a finding of guilt following the acceptance of this plea agreement, except on grounds of (1) ineffective assistance of counsel; or (2) prosecutorial misconduct.

  • PROCEDURE FOR APPROVAL OF SETTLEMENT 28. Acceptance of this Settlement Agreement shall be sought at a hearing of the Central Regional Council of the MFDA on a date agreed to by counsel for Staff and the Respondent.

  • Voter Registration: When designated by the Secretary of State Party agrees to become a voter registration agency as defined by 17 V.S.A. §2103 (41), and to comply with the requirements of state and federal law pertaining to such agencies.

  • PURPOSE/JUSTIFICATION OF RECOMMENDED ACTION The purpose of the Agreement is to provide the City with the services for one full-time equivalent senior criminalist from the Department to perform DNA testing, analysis, and forensic-related consulting as requested by the City, effective July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2021. The City’s current agreement with the County for this position expires on June 30, 2016. This Agreement will not result in the creation of an additional senior criminalist position, as the position was created during the previous agreement.

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