Description of Service BellSouth shall make available to AirCover LMU information so that AirCover can make an independent judgment about whether the Loop is capable of supporting the advanced services equipment AirCover intends to install and the services AirCover wishes to provide. This section addresses LMU as a preordering transaction, distinct from AirCover ordering any other service(s). Loop Makeup Service Inquiries (LMUSI) and mechanized LMU queries for preordering LMU are likewise unique from other preordering functions with associated SIs as described in this Agreement. BellSouth will provide AirCover LMU information consisting of the composition of the Loop material (copper/fiber); the existence, location and type of equipment on the Loop, including but not limited to digital loop carrier or other remote concentration devices, feeder/distribution interfaces, bridged taps, load coils, pair- gain devices; the Loop length; the wire gauge and electrical parameters. BellSouth’s LMU information is provided to AirCover as it exists either in BellSouth's databases or in its hard copy facility records. BellSouth does not guarantee accuracy or reliability of the LMU information provided. BellSouth’s provisioning of LMU information to the requesting CLEC for facilities is contingent upon either BellSouth or the requesting CLEC controlling the Loop(s) that serve the service location for which LMU information has been requested by the CLEC. The requesting CLEC is not authorized to receive LMU information on a facility used or controlled by another CLEC unless BellSouth receives a Letter of Authorization (LOA) from the voice CLEC (owner) or its authorized agent on the LMUSI submitted by the requesting CLEC. AirCover may choose to use equipment that it deems will enable it to provide a certain type and level of service over a particular BellSouth Loop as long as that equipment does not disrupt other services on the BellSouth network. The determination shall be made solely by AirCover and BellSouth shall not be liable in any way for the performance of the advanced data services provisioned over said Loop. The specific Loop type (ADSL, HDSL, or otherwise) ordered on the LSR must match the LMU of the Loop reserved taking into consideration any requisite line conditioning. The LMU data is provided for informational purposes only and does not guarantee AirCover’s ability to provide advanced data services over the ordered Loop type. Further, if AirCover orders Loops that do not require a specific facility medium (i.e. copper only) or Loops that are not intended to support advanced services (such as UV-SL1, UV-SL2, or ISDN compatible Loops) and that are not inventoried as advanced services Loops, the LMU information for such Loops is subject to change at any time due to modifications and/or upgrades to BellSouth’s network. AirCover is fully responsible for any of its service configurations that may differ from BellSouth's technical standard for the Loop type ordered.
Description of Vendor Entity and Vendor's Goods & Services If awarded, this description of Vendor and Vendor's goods and services will appear on the TIPS website for customer/public viewing. Construction procurement agency, administrating and facilitating cooperative purchasing. Please identify the individual who will be primarily responsible for all TIPS matters and inquiries for the duration of the contract. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Primary Contact Title Partner Please enter a valid email address that will definitely reach the Primary Contact. Numbers only, no symbols or spaces (Ex. 8668398477). The system will auto-populate your entry with commas once submitted which is appropriate and expected (Ex. 8,668,398,477). Please provide the accurate and current phone number where the individual who will be primarily responsible for all TIPS matters and inquiries for the duration of the contract can be reached directly. 0000000000 Numbers only, no symbols or spaces (Ex. 8668398477). The system will auto-populate your entry with commas once submitted which is appropriate and expected (Ex. 8,668,398,477). Numbers only, no symbols or spaces (Ex. 8668398477). The system will auto-populate your entry with commas once submitted which is appropriate and expected (Ex. 8,668,398,477). 0000000000 Please identify the individual who will be secondarily responsible for all TIPS matters and inquiries for the duration of the contract.
Description of the service 10.1.1 Automatic transfer service implies a transfer by the bank of the funds from the client’s account without further consent of the client, on the basis of fixed amount determined by the client in its application form or of information provided by the client’s creditor to the bank on the client’s debt. 10.1.2 The parties agree that the payment order created (generated) by the bank for the purposes of automatic transfer services shall have the legal force equal to the document having been printed on the paper and executed by the person(s) authorized to manage of the account. 10.1.3 The bank shall carry out the automatic transfer services in accordance with requirements and conditions stipulated in this agreement, the application on registration for automatic transfer service and the sources disseminated by the bank. 10.1.4 For the purposes of obtaining automatic transfer services the client shall apply to the bank with the application as per paragraph 1.2 of this agreement.
Description of Services A description of Google Workspace for Education Service provided by Google is set forth in the Services Summary located at xxxxx://
General Description of Services The A-E will be contacted by County Project Management staff on an “as-needed” basis as projects arise to provide A-E for professional services. Requirements will be discussed by both Parties and A-E shall prepare a written Scope Statement that will include the specific work to be performed, including the costs and time required to complete the project/task. Orange County Project Management staff will then review the A-E’s Scope Statement, proceed with negotiation of task costs and when satisfied, issue a Contract Task Order (“CTO”) against this Contract. The A-E shall serve as lead of a design team that may include other construction design professionals working together to ensure that the original design is carried through to the finished product, with no alterations in materials or design that would lead to safety issues or compromise the quality of the building or building component. Other team members who may be retained by the lead to support a project as a consultant may include but are not limited to landscape architects, lighting designers, data consultants, security consultants, controls engineers, commissioning consultants, traffic engineers, surveyors, estimators, special inspection, etc. The A-E shall be responsible for the preparation of comprehensive building assessments, designs, drawings, specifications, cost estimates, and reports within the scope of the CTO. In the preparation of construction drawings and specification, the A-E shall also responsible for: A. Obtaining data by reviewing record drawings, visiting the site of the construction and by conferences with the User/Client and facility maintenance staff or by other actions as necessary to develop the design; B. Checking of shop drawings, submittals, materials and other data submitted by the Construction Contractor for approval; C. Furnishing consultation and advice to County to clarify the intent of the drawings and specifications and on questions that may arise during the construction of the project; D. Space planning, programming and code compliance review and upgrades; E. The meeting of submittal dates included in the Scope Statement of the Contract Task Order, including the work of consultants; F. Coordination with various agencies having authority of jurisdiction for planning services, entitlement, fire life safety, CEQA, ADA, etc.; G. Construction administration services, testing and commissioning; H. Close out services, as-built plans, material lists, project acceptance, etc. I. The coordination of the various elements of the design to assure compatibility of architectural, structural, electrical, mechanical/plumbing, and other design features; J. Other services as specifically included in the Contract Task Order related to project Initiation, Planning/Design, Bid/Award, Construction and Closeout. The A-E shall restrict themselves to the Scope Statement of the Contract Task Order. Any changes in the Scope Statement shall require prior written authorization by County.
USE OF NASA NAME AND NASA EMBLEMS A. NASA Name and Initials Partner shall not use "National Aeronautics and Space Administration" or "NASA" in a way that creates the impression that a product or service has the authorization, support, sponsorship, or endorsement of NASA, which does not, in fact, exist. Except for releases under the "Release of General Information to the Public and Media" Article, Partner must submit any proposed public use of the NASA name or initials (including press releases and all promotional and advertising use) to the NASA Associate Administrator for the Office of Communications or designee ("NASA Communications") for review and approval. Approval by NASA Office of Communications shall be based on applicable law and policy governing the use of the NASA name and initials. B. NASA Emblems Use of NASA emblems (i.e., NASA Seal, NASA Insignia, NASA logotype, NASA Program Identifiers, and the NASA Flag) is governed by 14 C.F.R. Part 1221. Partner must submit any proposed use of the emblems to NASA Communications for review and approval.
Description of Goods or Services and Additional Terms and Conditions The Contractor shall perform as set forth in Exhibit A. For purposes of this Contract, to perform and the performance in Exhibit A is referred to as “Perform” and the “Performance.”
GENERAL SERVICE DESCRIPTION Service Provider currently provides active medical, pharmacy(Rx) and dental administration for coverages provided through Empire and Anthem (medical), Medco(Rx), MetLife(dental) and SHPS (FSA) (Empire, Anthem, Medco, MetLife and SHPS collectively, the “Vendors”) for its U.S. Active, Salaried, Eligible Employees (“Covered Employees”). Service Provider shall keep the current contracts with the Vendors and the ITT CORPORATION SALARIED MEDICAL AND DENTAL PLAN (PLAN NUMBER 502 EIN 00-0000000) and the ITT Salaried Medical Plan and Salaried Dental Plan General Plan Terms (collectively, the “Plans”) and all coverage thereunder in full force through December 31, 2011 for Service Recipient’s Covered Employees. All claims of Service Recipient’s Covered Employees made under the Plans and incurred on or prior to December 31, 2011 the (“2011 Plan Year”) will be adjudicated in accordance with the current contract and Service Provider will continue to take such actions on behalf of Service Recipient’s Covered Employees as if such employees are employees of Service Provider. All medical, dental, pharmacy and FSA claims of Service Recipient’s Covered Employees made under the Plans (the “Claims”) will be paid by the Vendors on behalf of the Service Provider. Service Recipient will pay Service Provider for coverage based on 2011 budget premium rates previously set for the calendar year 2011 and described in the “Pricing” section below. Service Recipient will pay Service Provider monthly premium payments for this service, for any full or partial months, based on actual enrollment for the months covered post-spin using enrollments as of the first (1st) calendar day of the month, commencing on the day after the Distribution Date. Service Recipient will prepare and deliver to Service Provider a monthly self xxxx containing cost breakdown by business unit and plan tier as set forth on Attachment A, within five (5) Business Days after the beginning of each calendar month. The Service Recipient will be required to pay the Service Provider the monthly premium payments within ten (10) Business Days after the beginning of each calendar month. A detailed listing of Service Recipient’s employees covered, including the Plans and enrollment tier in which they are enrolled, will be made available to Service Provider upon its reasonable request. Service Provider will retain responsibility for executing funding of Claim payments and eligibility management with Vendors through December 31, 2013. Service Provider will conduct a Headcount True-Up (as defined below) of the monthly premiums and establish an Incurred But Not Reported (“IBNR”) claims reserve for Claims incurred prior to December 31, 2011 date, but paid after that date, and conduct a reconciliation of such reserve. See “Headcount True-Up” and “IBNR Reconciliation” sections under Additional Pricing for details.
Description of Work that has been omitted or
Your Billing Rights: Keep this Document for Future Use This notice tells you about your rights and our responsibilities under the Fair Credit Billing Act.